Super Anti-war System

Chapter 2088: got used to

This Guizi Heavy Artillery Team has many years of history, so the Guizi still know each other better.

Although they may not be particularly familiar with each other, at the very least, they can be familiar with each other.

Soon, under the coordination and deployment of several old devils, two devils communicators, who were still alive, were found out.

Upon seeing this, several old devils immediately ordered two high devils communicators to report to the higher authorities.

I have to say that because of all the devils, the hearing system has serious problems.

Therefore, between them, no one can hear anyone's voice.

Even playing with a hoarse roar has no effect.

There was no alternative, several old devils had to hold branches, rocks, etc., and splash ink on the ground.

At this time, in this apocalyptic world, there are blazing fires everywhere.

Therefore, although it is midnight, the sight line is pretty good.

In this way, breathing in the dust and smoke of gunpowder, as well as the smell of fireworks and blood, the two devil communicators immediately entered the role.

Under their organization and coordination, the other devils no longer distinguish between superiority and inferiority, and are busy digging radio stations.

After a busy time, in an extremely hidden corner, an intact radio station came into the sight of the devils.

In fact, before digging out this radio station, the devils found several.

It is a pity that these radio stations have become rags due to the all-pervasive shock waves and the continuous destruction of the fire.

What's more, before, there were all kinds of sundries smashed down like an overwhelming sky.

After finding a working radio station, I quickly debugged it. Under the close watch of many devils, the two devils communicators began to operate immediately.

North China Front Army, Headquarters.

Tonight, it was another sleepless night for the general commander-in-chief Temple Shouichi.

The reason is very simple. In the past few days, Zhongyijiu has been constantly haunting him.

The point is that every time Zhongyi rescues and goes out, it will cause great damage to the Japanese and puppet coalition forces.

Such things have appeared more often, and Terai Shou has been numb for a long time.

Time and time again, in order to vent his anger and depression, Terai Shouichi constantly dispatched troops.

Moreover, Shoushou Temple repeatedly emphasized to the subordinate units that at all costs, we must find the loyalty rescue in the shortest time and destroy it on the spot.

As long as they make contributions in the process, they will definitely not be stingy with rewards.

Ideal is full, the reality is very skinny.

Although the puppet coalition forces have been organized for hundreds of thousands of days, and hundreds of aircraft have been organized, the North China Front Army still has no clue in the search for loyalty and rescue.

I couldn't find it, let alone annihilated the loyalty and salvation on the spot.

Find a needle in a haystack!

While extremely depressed and angry, Siuchi Shouyi thought of this idiom.

This is not the first time I have dealt with Zhongyijiu. As for the Zhongyijiu, which is incapable of superior strength, but is extremely powerful, Teruichi said that every time it strikes with a heavy punch, it will hit the air.

This is not a waste of feelings, what is it?

What made Shouichi Terai even more depressed and angry is that every time he strikes, not only does he have no results, but on the contrary, he will suffer unbearable losses again.

In addition to casualties, these losses also include the loss of various weapons and equipment, and various food and grass supplies.

Thinking of loyalty rescue again, Temple Shou gritted his teeth as before.

For some time now, feelings have been wasted all the time, Teruchi Shouichi really can't eat or sleep well.

That night, it was late at night, and the temple was still awake at night.

There is no way, Temple Shou can get up one, and stand in front of the huge military map.

Frowning his brows, Temple Shou kept thinking about how to find the loyalty to save and wipe it out on the spot.

What made Shouyi Temple depressed was that it still couldn't think of a good way to deal with this small armed resistance.

Although he couldn't think of a good way, Terauchi had to continue to think carefully.


Just as Shouyi Temple was doing daily deep thinking, the door of the room was knocked.

If in normal times, the door is knocked in the second half of the night, Shouichi Temple will definitely break out.

To be precise, it will be extremely angry.

Extremely angry, Temple Shou slammed his subordinates on the door for a while.

Even, if a word was inconsistent, Shouichi Terauchi would beat this subordinate to death alive.

Of course, in order to ensure his demeanor, Terauchi chose to speak with a saber for a while.

In other words, Shouichi Temple in anger would split his subordinates into two with a single knife.

Now, then.

Now, it is the critical moment of pursuing loyalty and salvation with all our strength.

My family knows my own affairs best.

Shouichi Temple knew that there must be news about loyalty and salvation.

Realizing this, Terauchi's expression was very colorful.

After being hit one after another, Terauchi couldn't believe it. This is good news.

For this reason, after his eyes lit up, Terauchi pulled down his face immediately afterwards.

The complexion is not generally ugly.

The soap bubbles that are accustomed to bear the blows and hope always burst.

The corners of his mouth twitched, and Shouyi Temple lowered his throat.

"Come in!"

Hearing Terauchi's voice, a devil correspondent bit his head and opened the Japanese-style door.

Immediately afterwards, the ghost correspondent stepped in tremblingly.

Looking at Shouichi Temple timidly, the little devil stopped talking.

In this situation, Shouyi Terauchi knew one thing immediately.

I don’t know which unit was attacked by Zhongyi again.

Staring fiercely at this devil correspondent, seeing it look weird, but also showing a look like a concubine, Terauchi's mood, once again fell to the bottom of the valley.

Inadvertently losing his temper, Temple Shouyi smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Immediately afterwards, Shouyi Temple said weakly.

"It must be bad news, right?

Don't worry, I won't blame you.

After all, this matter has nothing to do with you.

Don’t say anything, just read it! "


After receiving the promise from Terauchi Shouichi, the devil correspondent's eyes lit up.

With suspicious eyes, he looked at Terai Shouyi timidly, and immediately afterwards, the devil correspondent opened his mouth.


Accompanied by the trembling voice of the devil correspondent, after learning this, Terauchi's expression was very colorful.



At the level of Terauchi Touichi, as one of the few generals in the island country Terauchi Touichi understands the national conditions of the island country.

Island countries are lonely overseas, and all kinds of resources are extremely scarce.

Naturally, island countries want to collect all kinds of resources.

Because they grew up in such a special place since they were young, most devils have developed the character of bullying, fearing hard work, and taking advantage of others.

I feel that the national power is not very strong, so when facing the European and American powers, the island countries are very low-key.

However, when facing the backward agricultural country of China, the island country is very strong.

However, the key targets targeted by the island countries are still European and American powers.

In order to achieve the goal of dominating the world, the island countries attach great importance to the navy and despise the construction of the army.

Therefore, in terms of resources and policies, the army of the island nation is not very much valued by the big devils.

Take the large-caliber heavy artillery as an example. Although the island state has the ability to equip the army with a large number of them, it has not done so.

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