Super Anti-war System

Chapter 529: Go to Jidong Security Corps

The blood is thicker than water, and feeling that her daughter's condition is a bit bad, Yin Rugeng wanted to check it over for a long time.

However, for fear of angering Ye Tian and losing the opportunity to be appointed as an official, Yin Rugeng did not do so.

Raising his head, looking at Ye Tian timidly, Yin Rugeng's face was full of smiles.

"Ahem... Taijun..."

What made Yin Rugeng's heart frightened was that he suddenly discovered that when Ye Tian just came out, his face was still full of satisfaction, but before his own words had finished, he immediately changed color.

Ye Tian roared amidst Yin Rugeng's desperation.


"Yin Rugeng, how are you doing with the documents I asked you to write?"

Upon hearing this, Yin Rugeng suddenly realized.

So, regardless of whether he was in his fifties and his body had a certain connection with his old age and infirmity, Yin Rugeng hurried to Ye Tian's side and handed three pieces of letter paper to Ye Tian's hands.

Just handing over the document to Ye Tian, ​​Yin Rugeng suddenly discovered that Ye Tian's slightly relieved cold face had suddenly changed color.

Sure enough, as Yin Rugeng expected, Ye Tian tore it to pieces.

"Prick, thorn..."

Furiously on his face, after tearing up these documents, Ye Tian threw them on Yin Rugeng's face again.


"This seat deliberately promotes you to take charge of the entire North China. Is this how you perfuse this seat?"

"For the sake of your performance, I accepted your youngest daughter and asked her to be a happy woman for several times. How would you give me back?"

"Your files are messy and disorderly, without any focus, and there is no feasibility!"

"Give you one more day and give me a new one!"

"Yin Rugeng, remember that you have only one chance left. I hope you can seize it."

"Otherwise, I can find someone else!"

These words of Ye Tian are very reasonable. Since the Ming Dynasty, China has not lacked traitors.

The number of traitors is huge, and the levels of traitors are also diverse.

Among them, many traitors like Yin Rugeng have appeared.

Take the current North China region as an example. Except for Yin Rugeng, there are many others whose status is similar to him, and even far surpasses him.

A word to wake up the dreamer!

Hearing Ye Tian's deafening and trembling, and the beating of a bell like a twilight drum, Yin Rugeng's eyes brightened.


"Taijun, don't worry, someone from Yin will definitely work hard to come up with a plan that satisfies you as soon as possible!"


For Yin Rugeng's great determination, Ye Tian curled his lips and gave him a cold snort.

In fact, in order to flick Yin Rugeng to death, Ye Tian deliberately took a domineering and arrogant path.

Also, for the sake of their own glory and wealth, traitors are self-defeating from the people, they sell themselves to be prosperous, they recognize thieves as fathers, and devils are regarded as ancestors.

Naturally, in the face of these cartilage shrimps, the devils looked down upon them in their hearts.

The reason why the devils allow traitors to exist is to allow them to do some dirty and exhausting work, and if necessary, to act as substitutes for the dead on the battlefield.

The devils eat meat in a big bowl, and what is left to the traitors is some soup.

However, even if it is the soup and the leftovers, the traitors express their sweetness.

Also, in front of the devil, the traitors took the line of pretending to be grandchildren, but when facing the people, they pretended to be pretending to be superior to the people, and carried out all kinds of trickery.

In doing so, in addition to transferring the grievances in front of the devils to the people, the traitors can also get rich rewards in terms of money and other aspects.

Therefore, during the Anti-Japanese War, traitors appeared in an endless stream, one after another.

In Yin Rugeng's trepidation, and secretly rejoicing, Ye Tian pricked his ears and deliberately paid attention to the movement of the front yard and back yard.

Ye Tian found out with joy that the special forces' door-killing operation was progressing very smoothly, and it was in the final stage.

In fact, before coming to the Yin family compound, Ye Tian repeatedly warned Fujiwara Kumiko and the others.

Ye Tian said that when destroying the door, in order not to produce too strong **** smell, cold weapons are not needed, it is best to play with bare hands, such as breaking the necks of these traitors.

It really doesn't work, the bleeding is coming, so you must cover it up as soon as possible.

After killing these traitors with superb killing skills, the corpses should be taken out of the sleeping shelf.

What made Ye Tian dumbfounded was that at this moment, in that small meeting room, the man-to-be Honda Takehei was still pretending to be forced.

After giving the nurses a lot of knowledge about how to defend, Honda Takehei actually let them discuss it.

Not to mention, Honda Takehiro also asked the heads of the nursing home to write a plan for each.

At this moment, the heads of the nursing home are doing these tasks nervously.

Honda Wuping was patrolling back and forth, and found that the boss was not doing well, and if he didn't agree with him, Honda Wuping sent out a fat beating.

Feeling that it was almost done, Ye Tian looked at his watch.

In this situation, realizing that the opportunity for performance had arrived, Yin Rugeng said hurriedly: "Taijun, let's... let's go to my... my headquarters?"

Without waiting for Ye Tian's answer, with an extremely flattering face, Yin Rugeng also added.

"Taijun, after you get there, after you cast a spell to take away the money, can you..."

Hearing this, Ye Tian frowned and asked contemptuously: "What do you want to express?"

Suddenly giving Ye Tianjing a military salute, Yin Rugeng immediately entered the role.

"Taijun, I beg, you can spare a little precious time to explain to my ineffective subordinates the issue of military appearance and military appearance."

"In addition, regarding the latest form, I would like to ask Taijun to let you know!"

"At last……"

Pointing to the already gloomy sky, Yin Rugeng said again: "Taijun!"

"After all these things are done, it's time for dinner. At that time, I will prepare a splendid dinner, and please Taijun to appreciate it!"

Hearing this, he looked at Yin Rugeng meaningfully, and Ye Tian nodded.

"Zhe Xi!"

"If you are interested, I will reluctantly do it, waste a little time!"

In this situation, Yin Rugeng's eyes brightened a lot.


After talking to the man at the gate of the compound ~ Ye Tian followed Yin Rugeng, sitting in the car driven by Yin Rugeng's bodyguard, and temporarily left the compound.

In fact, seeing that the guard at the gate was not present, Yin Rugeng frowned and was very unhappy.

However, at the time of the prime time to curry favor with Ye Tian, ​​and for fear of being blamed by Ye Tian for talking, Yin Rugeng stuffed the doubt into his stomach abruptly.

Yin Rugeng said that when he comes back, he must deal with these nursing homes seriously.

What a special one!

The leaders are all in a meeting, no one is restrained, you even played off the job for someone Yin, just wait for bad luck!

Sitting in the car, Ye Tian looked around casually.

Suddenly, Ye Tian was attracted by something.

In an instant, Ye Tian's face was filled with ecstasy.

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