Super Anti-war System

Chapter 548: Bloody wilderness

In this way, the gunfire rang like beans popping.

Moreover, the gunshots are getting closer and closer to the airport.

Naturally, in the violent rage, the devil at the airport looked like an enemy.

Like the traitors, in order to reduce casualties, the devils have also shown a battle formation.

At this moment, along the lines of skirmishers, the devils rushed towards the traitors like crazy.

But at this time, feeling that the battle was about to break out, he was unwilling to bear the bullets from both sides, with ecstasy on his face, tossing and turning, Ye Tian quickly left here.

Soon, Ye Tian joined the special team.

Moreover, the eight of them are closely watching everything below.

Although Fujiwara Kumiko and others did not have night vision capabilities, at this time, the searchlights on the airport watchtower illuminated a large area, so the vision was clear.

Amidst Ye Tian and the others' joy, the battle finally started.

It was the devils who fired first.

To be precise, the first to speak was Guizi’s 92 infantry artillery.

Then, there is a Type 92 heavy machine gun.

Immediately afterwards, relying on precise marksmanship, 38 large-cap rifles appeared one after another.

Guizi’s infantry did a good job in coordination, and the infantry moved along the explosive point, and the speed of assault was extremely fast.

All of a sudden, the traitors fell in pieces.

The gunpowder smoke filled, blood splattered, and wailing.

The **** wilderness, like a slaughterhouse, this is not a battlefield, what is it?

After being hit hard, the traitors were very angry.

Also, in front of devils, traitors can only be grandsons with their tails up.

Of course, in the face of powerful anti-Japanese armed forces, traitors are often very low-key.

However, if they have a great advantage in numbers, they will become very fierce and vicious.

Also, without this character, can they endure the infamy and become a devil's dog?

Dark under the lights!

They couldn't see clearly the enemies ahead, didn't realize that they were devils, and thought they were anti-Japanese armed forces, and the traitors were impatient.

In addition, seeing the shadowy people ahead, who seem to be only a few hundred people, the traitors' confidence is getting harder and harder.

Naturally, as soon as the battle started, it quickly entered a white-hot state.

Although the devil’s military literacy is extremely high and the weapons are more advanced, the number of them is too small.

Although traitors are not capable of fighting individually, most of their weapons are rifles, which are incomparable to devils, but they cannot hold too much force.

Therefore, in the violent collision, although the traitors were killed and injured more seriously, the devils were passive.

For a time, the battle was very stalemate.

No matter whoever wants to move forward, it will be difficult to achieve the goal without dying dozens of people.

Sitting on the commanding heights nearby, watching all this with a smile, Ye Tian discovered that the traitor and the devil were actually playing two tigers fighting each other.

In this situation, Ye Tian thought of a sentence, that is, sitting on the mountain and watching the tiger fight.

Watching a bullet dragging a red line across the night sky from time to time, watching the traitorous traitor who was embarrassed by the artillery fire, watching this **** wilderness... Ye Tian was extremely happy.

After signalling that Kumiko Fujiwara and they both covered their ears, they felt that it was almost done, and Ye Tian shifted his eyes away.

Suddenly, in the airport compound, several groups of harsh light suddenly appeared.

Immediately afterwards, several mushroom clouds rose up.

Then there was a deafening explosion.

Soon, the explosion sounded into pieces, one after another.

For a time, the fire blazed into the sky, and the vast area seemed to turn into daylight.

That's not a big deal. When the loudest explosion sounded, Ye Tian also realized what the earth shakes and the mountains shake!

Obviously, this movement came from the oil depot.

All-out war has broken out. In order to carry out various bombing missions smoothly, the fuel depot of this military airport is filled with aviation gasoline.

With so much gasoline exploding in a confined space, will there be little dynamic or static energy?

What made Ye Tian dumbfounded was that perhaps it was the reason for his failure to stand firm. A man's legs became weak and he fell down unexpectedly.

So far from the explosion center, Ye Tian and the others could be affected, let alone the devil who just rushed out of the airport.

Ye Tian was delighted to see that in the midst of the swaying mountains, coupled with the explosion shock waves sweeping over the sky, many devils were hit by a heavy hammer, and they were overturned to the ground one after another.

Seeing so many devils playing dog gnawing all of a sudden, Ye Tian's nose almost turned crooked.

What made Ye Tian ecstatic is that, driven by the shock wave of the scalp, countless sundries are constantly falling from the sky.

These 200 ghosts were so close to the scene, it was natural that they were affected.

With his excellent night vision ability, Ye Tian suddenly discovered that dozens of devils, unsuspectingly, were actually crushed to death.


Inside the airport, the explosions continued, which once again attracted Ye Tian's attention.

It turned out that after the fuel depot exploded, it was the turn of 24 aircraft.

Inside the aircraft, Ye Tian installed the thermite incendiary bomb.

Guizi’s airplanes are mostly made of wood, and the outside of the fuselage is covered with canvas.

At this moment, under the raging thermite incendiary bomb, the aircraft's control system, engine system, various instruments, various pipelines, etc. are burning violently, not to mention the wood and canvas.

Looking at the 24 planes on fire, Ye Tian was convinced that they had no repair value.

All of them will be burnt to black and tattered!

In fact, at the same time that the plane caught fire, there was also a skyrocketing fire in the pilot’s dormitory.

Clusters of scalp flames burst out from the cracks in the windows.

While burning the windows continuously, these fires quickly spread to other places.

Because of time constraints, Ye Tian didn't set too many time bombs in advance.

In many places, Ye Tian placed booby mines that would explode once they vibrated.

The power of the big explosion at the oil storage depot was so powerful that the effect was as shaken as the ground.

Very easily These booby traps have all been detonated.

"Kill the chicken!"

So many comrades-in-arms were overturned by the shock wave, and many comrades-in-arms were killed and injured by debris. Looking at the skyrocketing fire in the airport and the continuous explosions, the devils were crazy.

At this moment, they no longer cared about being killed or injured by the enemy, and launched a decisive counterattack.

In addition, after a long period of froze, the devils' heavy firepower, such as the 92 infantry artillery, the 92 heavy machine gun, and the anti-aircraft machine gun, all entered the role.

In an instant, the traitors fell in pieces.

Suddenly, some traitors felt that something was wrong.

Also, the opponent's marksmanship is so accurate, the weapons are so advanced, the firepower is so fierce, so fierce and not afraid of death, if they are not the imperial army, who can believe it?

The bluffing, this sentiment spread quickly, and soon the traitors had to stop firing and plan to see what happened.

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