Super Asura System

Chapter 1154: Frustrated Huacheng Five

After Hu Qing finished speaking, she licked her lips teasingly. This was obviously naked contempt, and many people were angry.

A young man with a hippie smiley face came out, and he smiled and said, "I am Zhao Wushuang, a disciple of the Hehuan Sect. Why don't you let me discuss it with my sister."

Hu Qing said with a faint look: "Then let me see if my brother has this capability."

The two of them stood here quietly and looked at each other. After a full quarter of an hour, Hu Qing suddenly lowered her head and walked behind him in a well-behaved manner.

Zhao Wushuang said with a grin: "This elder sister has been subdued by me, and any other elder sister thinks that she is boundless with her charm, come down and compete with me."

Another concubine flew down. This woman was very coquettish and said with a smile: "My sister's name is He Huarong, let me try my younger brother."

Zhao Wushuang smiled and said: "My sister is really beautiful, if my brother can sleep with my sister, it will be really boundless happiness."

The two looked at each other again, and about a quarter of an hour later, He Huarong slowly lowered his head, walked slowly behind him, and stood side by side with Hu Qing.

Zhao Wushuang smiled and said, "It's expensive to have self-knowledge. It's my limit to be able to win the two sisters, so my younger brother will leave first."

After he finished speaking, he took the hands of the two women, because he arrogantly returned to his camp, everyone was stunned, but he didn't expect this to work.

Zou Tao said with a smile: "Junior Wushuang is a wizard I discovered. He has an incomparable pair of eyes. These eyes are called Wushuang winking eyes. They specifically restrain all kinds of charm tricks. Anyone who uses charm tricks on him will eventually change. For her slave."

Su Lihong's face was pale, she glanced at the remaining four concubines, gritted her teeth and said: "Call here for the time being today, and we will continue tomorrow."

Mao Jun nodded and said: "Then do what you want. I hope I won't be disappointed tomorrow."

After everyone returned to Qinghua Village, the two concubines stood in the big tent, all with low eyebrows and pleasing to the eye, it seemed that they were really surrendered.

Hu Qing said with a smile on her face: "Adults are really amazing. At this level, Nishinomiya's power is almost crippled, but adults can't take it lightly. The real masters here have not made any moves.

If those two adults make a move, you will definitely not be so easy. You can say without concealing that even if our nine concubines go together, none of them will be Su Lihong's opponent. "

Shao Jun shook his head and said: "We also have many masters who haven't taken any action here, and the main force of the master leader is about to arrive here. It is only a matter of time before the fall of Huacheng is hit."

Lotus Rong hesitated and said: "But I think even so, you are just taking the outside. You must know that in the third house, our West Palace has the lowest strength, and the Middle Palace has the strongest strength.

Even if you can beat us, you will face the other two houses. I don't think you have much chance of winning. In the end, you will lose both. "

At this time, Mao Jun smiled and said: "Then you really underestimated our Mingjiao. We can definitely be called masters like clouds. After the main force arrives, I believe it will not be difficult to defeat the other two houses.

And the most important thing is that only after this **** battle can we improve our combat power, and when our combat power reaches its limit, can we make a difference.

Do you think why we are attacking the Dream Blood Sea, mainly for the purpose of training soldiers, but also for cutting off an arm of the Holy City. "

Yu Feixue said with a look of surprise: "Do adults still want to attack the holy city? This is simply a fantasy."

Zhao Fengnan said with a cold expression: "You should also know about the saint. There will be a battle with the holy city sooner or later. It is not our method to sit and wait for death. We like to preemptively strike."

Although these women have joined them, they still have a lot of affection for the dream blood sea. Seeing them so confident, they are also worried.

Zou Tao laughed and said: "Women should teach husbands and sons. You stay in the big tent for the time being. After two days when the main force arrives, we will let the leader use means to send you back to Mingcheng. Then you Just know how right the choice is."

Ling Tianyu smiled and said: "I don't think we should think about these now, but should think about how to deal with this Fallen City in front of us.

In the past, we were all in a state of failure, but now we have been blocked by others and have been fighting for several days. This is not justified. "

Shao Jun said with a helpless expression: "This is also something that can't be helped, but there are not a few masters left. I will work harder tomorrow to try to solve them."

Tie Xiongfei said loudly at this time: "I will let the old man play tomorrow so that you know what it means to be old and strong. I will definitely let these women hate on the spot."

The next day everyone gathered in the city again, and Shao Jun said to the wall above: "We have been fighting for several days, and you have lost a lot of people. Now the remaining manpower is very limited.

There is also a heart of pity and love for jade, it is better for you to surrender now, then everyone will be happy and happy, and you can find your own happiness, why not do it. "

Zhou Chunyan yelled angrily: "You are all there to talk nonsense, today we will fight to the death to see who can win.

I still have four concubines in my hand. The four of them have always been good at fighting together. Today I will let the four of them fight with you and let you know our methods. "

Cao Hui walked out with a smile at this time and said, "I don't know what the four of them have, then our brothers will continue."

Cao Wei stood aside and said, "The difficulty of two-on-four seems to be a bit difficult, but our brothers are rich in capital, or maybe they should be able to handle it."

The faces of the four concubines blushed, but one of them looked very pungent and said: "I really put gold on my face, then our sisters will try your length."

The six people quickly hit one place, but it was very obvious that the four women were suspected of letting the water go, and they gave their brothers a lot of advantage.

The final result was shocking. The two brothers actually captured the four women alive, brought them back to the team with a smile, and greeted them straight to Qinghua Village, seeming to be anxious to try the length and depth.

Everyone was speechless for this result. Su Lihong was also pale at this time, and roared in anger, flying off the wall.

She pointed her finger to the other side and said, "Which one is not afraid of death, come out to me."

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