Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 950: 30/0

After Xiao Yu input the weird changes observed at this moment into the virtual universe, Xiao Yu confirmed that under the common influence of the remaining stars of the flying kite galaxy and the central black hole, there will be a special spatial fluctuation, and this The position where the stock space fluctuates is the space where this huge seventh-level beast is.

Frankly, Xiao Yu doesn't know what this particular spatial fluctuation means, and what kind of consequences it can cause. But Xiao Yu knows that this space fluctuation will definitely create obstacles for himself to kill this seventh-level alien beast, making his strategic purpose unsuccessful. It's like the Dark Star civilization used logical weapons to prevent them from cutting off their supply lines and prevent them from destroying their logistics base.

But now there is a little rest in Xiao Yu's mind. Also frankly, Xiao Yu didn't want to give up this opportunity to kill the seventh-level beast. Because as long as this seventh-level infinitely proliferating beast is killed by Xiao Yu, even if the Dark Star civilization possesses logical weapons, they will not pose a great threat to Xiao Yu-the Dark Star civilization will never use logical weapons to issue such as "Destruction "Xiao Yu", and then willingly died under the backlash of logical weapons?

After killing this seventh-level beast, Xiao Yu was close to success. So Xiao Yu didn't want to give up.

However, the logical weapon has clearly been launched. If viewed from common sense, Xiao Yu has no chance to achieve his goal. No matter what weird and incredible reasons, Xiao Yu will eventually fail.

But what about thinking from another angle?

Xiao Yu has previously conducted a question about whether logical weapons will fail. In other words, when a command is executed by a logical weapon, is it possible that the command has not been implemented. That is, logical weapons are not working?

This situation will definitely exist. The reason is very simple. It is impossible to have only one logical weapon in the universe. When two logical weapons issue two contradictory orders to a target at the same time, one logical weapon will inevitably fail. For example, a logical weapon orders a star to explode, while another logical weapon orders the star not to explode. Well. Whether the end result of this star is explosion or non-explosion, it will always violate the order given by one of these two logical weapons. This is very simple logical thinking. No field verification is needed to prove that logical weapons are bound to fail.

Now, Xiao Yu is thinking about another possibility. That is, in the case where there is only one logical weapon and this logical weapon has issued an order, it depends only on the forces in the real world. Is it possible to achieve the purpose of violating the logical weapons directive? Just like now. The Dark Star Civilization issued an order that did not allow Xiao Yu to kill this seventh-level beast. So, can Xiao Yu rely on his own efforts to violate the instructions of logical weapons and finally achieve the purpose of killing this seventh-level beast?

And when you are in full advantage, and in whatever way you should achieve your goals, what methods will the universe use to hinder yourself? Can I overcome these obstacles?

Xiao Yu didn't know these questions, but Xiao Yu was very interested to try it out. The executor trap is just a helpless method, watching for victory to come. But having to give up these victories, it is a torture for anyone. and so. Xiao Yu does not intend to give up this time. Xiao Yu intends to challenge logical weapons directly.

"If I fail in the end, there is nothing to say. It is nothing more than a testament to the power of logical weapons. But ... if I succeed? What will happen? Will the law of causality be violated? Already by logical weapons Will the designated result happen again? "Xiao Yu was silently thinking about this problem, while still manipulating his battleship group, he was still launching a fierce attack on this seventh-level beast.

The number of ultra-mini warships manufactured by Xiao Yu continues to rise. As of this moment, this ultra-miniature battleship has covered the entire battlefield and played an important role in the battle at this moment. In the face of infinite breeding beasts, the ultra-mini warships showed unexpectedly high performance.

Xiao Yu has made up his mind at this moment. After the Dark Star civilization uses logical weapons this time, it will no longer execute the executor trap plan, but must gather the spirit and courage to confront it.

Xiao Yu's attacks are still ongoing, and the intelligence network throughout the Flying Kite Galaxy has been working nervously. After the strange star and central black hole fluctuations were noticed by Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu closely tracked and observed these fluctuations. But Xiao Yu did not interfere with them. Because Xiao Yu knows that even if the change is cancelled by his own interference, there will be other changes in the rest of this flying kite galaxy leading to the same result. Instead of struggling to find those changes, it is better to observe those that have been identified from now on.

This change once again started a chain reaction like dominoes. They started with extremely slight and inconspicuous movements, and became larger and more obvious after the chain reaction. The expected spatial fluctuations finally occurred as scheduled, and the place where they happened was exactly what Xiao Yu expected. Just under Xiao Yu's gaze, the huge seventh-level beast was enveloped in this weird wave by the whole child-including those strange beasts around it, and part of Xiao Yu's battleships. .

Xiao Yu immediately launched an analysis of this weird wave. However, Xiao Yu did not gain anything in the analysis. In Xiao Yu's opinion, the space fluctuation at this moment is just a normal fluctuation, and it is not essentially different from the space shock caused by the explosion of a space bomb or the launch of a space cannon. This spatial fluctuation did not have any impact on Xiao Yu ’s warships. Those strange beasts were in this space shock, nor did they seem to have eaten Shiquan Dabu Wan as Xiao Yu had expected. Generally fierce, they still maintain their previous combat effectiveness without any improvement.

"What kind of method will this spatial fluctuation cause me to be unable to destroy this seventh-level beast?" Xiao Yu's mind was a little confused.

Although he didn't understand it, Xiao Yu's attack did not slow down as a result. The Dream Star group warship is still exerting its superb combat power. It is still leading Xiao Yu's battleship formation to continuously kill uncountable alien beast bodies and constantly break through this alien beast ocean. Fight in blood and keep moving.

On the whole, everything is normal, but Xiao Yu gradually realized that this was wrong. Xiao Yu felt that the resistance encountered by his warship cluster in the process of breaking in seemed to be a little greater. The reason for the increase in resistance is that it seems that the number of alien beasts facing them is increasing.

Xiao Yu's heart froze slightly. Xiao Yu once again aimed his observation power at this huge seventh-level beast, observed it with extremely precise observation instruments, and began to count the beasts produced by the beast's mother body in the same period of time. Volume.

This comparison was immediately found out by Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu's conclusion is that after this strange space shock wrapped the seventh-level beast for a period of time and disappeared without a trace, this seventh-level beast seemed to have undergone transformation, and it created an alien beast. The efficiency of the daughter has been improved by at least 30%. That is to say, if it could make 1 million alien beasts in the previous day, now it can produce 1.3 million aliens in one day. Beast! The 300,000 extra beast bodies that are extra are why Xiao Yu feels that his pressure is constantly increasing.

"What is the principle? Why is this guy's ability increased so much after that weird space wave transformation? What is the mechanism? What happened inside it when it was shrouded by this space wave just now Such a change? "Xiao Yuman was shocked to think about all this, but he couldn't find the answer.

It's already obvious ~ ~ After Dark Star civilization ordered the logical weapon, the logical weapon used this method to prevent Xiao Yu from destroying the seventh-level beast. I have to say that this approach is really effective. In this way, the logical weapon once again proved its power.

Xiao Yu ’s battleships are still advancing, various space weapon attacks are still fierce, and subsequent follow-up battleships are transferred by Xiao Yu to participate in the battle here. It was completely blocked. And being unable to move forward means that this seventh-level alien beast cannot be finally killed.

"Do I have to give up the victories this time? Is the result specified by a logical weapon really inevitable, except using another logical weapon to counter it, using any other method Isn't it helpful? "Xiao Yuman thought unwillingly." When I go on like this, when will I be able to complete the task? My time is only less than 150 years! "

A crazy idea was brewing in Xiao Yu's mind. Just in this moment, Xiao Yu once again made up his mind.

"Be sure to try this time! You can't give up lightly anyway! What about logical weapons? I don't believe it will be so powerful! Extreme Star Wars! Get out!" (To be continued .... )

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