Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 979: I believe in me

Xiao Yu didn't know what the reason was, maybe it was the cause of contempt and carelessness. In this situation, it has been more than nine months since then, and the universe civilization has never tried to modify this space. The rules followed. This made Xiao Yu's heart secretly rejoicing, but also caused a little anxiety.

"Cosmic civilization cannot fail to know that I'm trying to find the flaws in the rules they make. But they haven't responded at all. This proves that they must have extreme confidence in their hearts. Have their rules been so perfect?"

The study of this set of rules is still in a state of stalemate, and countless scientists have spent the night and night studying everything there. The better news is that with the more you know about this rule system, Xiao Yu can make more instruments and equipment that meet the rules here. By now, the phenomenon of insufficient test places and resources has been greatly improved. Of relief. Basically, as long as there are some valuable experimental items, they can pass the audit and get the opportunity to follow the star-class battleships to go out of the bubble to conduct experiments.

The price paid by Xiao Yu for this was that the 13 star-class battleships, except for Xiao Yu's flagship human spacecraft, were severely damaged. This is because of the long-term erosion of rules and Xiao Yu's inability to repair them for the time being.

In this tight overall planning and strict division of labor and cooperation, Xiao Yu seems to be aware of some of the secrets behind these rules. There seems to be something wrong and there seems to be some contradiction. But Xiao Yu couldn't find where the problem was.

Xiao Yu has an intuition that what he finds this time will no longer be a happy occasion. That's right. Xiao Yu has experienced such things several times in the past. Xiao Yu and scientists of the Central Academy of Sciences have found a large number of so-called contradictions and loopholes. However, after verification, they all found that these things are not loopholes, and It is because there are higher levels of rules that govern and influence it. Just like the bending of light is an incompatible contradiction to the law of gravity, but it is a natural thing for relativity.

Xiao Yu is constantly discovering the so-called "relativity theory" and constantly discovering higher-level rules and laws. During this time. Xiao Yu almost repeated his journey of technological advancement. But in the process, Xiao Yu felt something different from the three-dimensional universe, which made Xiao Yu once again strengthen his confidence.

"I feel. These rules formulated by the universe civilization seem a bit crude compared to the rules that exist in the three-dimensional universe." Xiao Yu said, "This can only prove one point. That is to formulate a set of rules. Even if It is not easy for the universe civilization, so they are unlikely to have multiple sets of rules with essential differences. Because if the universe civilization has the ability to formulate multiple sets of rules, then they will not be unable to repair the set of rules at the moment. .They have no reason to make this set of rules so crude. "

It's like the difference between a humble wooden house and a high-rise building. The three-dimensional universe has built a complex high-rise building with countless bricks and stones, combined with steel bars, cement, flooring and other materials, while the universe civilization only uses a few simple steel nails and a few wooden boards. Set up a humble wooden house. There is no fundamental difference between a wooden house and a tall building, but the complexity of the two cannot be compared.

This is one of the reasons why Xiao Yu can make such rapid progress in this other set of rules.

of course. The so-called humble is only relatively speaking, it is also extremely complicated, even if Xiao Yu and all the scientists of the Shenzhou and Pegasus civilizations unite and use their best efforts, until now they have not been able to find its flaws.

But Xiao Yu believes that those flaws have loomed a little in front of himself. This is not something like an unreal sixth sense, this is the intuition that you have after long-term scientific research.

But after all, Xiao Yu didn't really find out these things. Instead, Ruto sent Xiao Yu a report the next day after leaving Xiao Yu last time.

This is a research report on a suspected vulnerability. Ruto's research team focused on high-energy physics. During this time, they discovered at least hundreds of thousands of suspected loopholes, but each one was ruled out without exception. Then ... this time the research report seemed to be not that simple.

This is mainly due to two reasons. First, the extent to which the set of rules is known to the present is less and less unknown. At this moment, it is unlikely that a major physical law will emerge again. It is likely that what was originally thought to be a loophole, but the result is only the effect of the rest of the rules. The second point is Xiao Yu's trust in Ruto. This time, Ruto handed this document to Xiao Yu with great care, as can be proven.

"We studied a lot of rules and laws, and finally reached these conclusions," said Ruto. "About the changes in the two rules of mass-energy conversion law and the laws of micro-quantum mechanics in various extreme environments , We are particularly deep. "

Among the rules formulated by the cosmic civilization, mass and energy are not conserved, so this law cannot be called the law of conservation of mass energy, but only the law of mass-energy conversion.

"The first thing to explain is that the two rules of mass-energy conversion law and micro-quantum mechanics law have undergone millions of tests by Xiao Yu and our countless calculations. We have determined the accuracy of these two rules. Sex and universality. But there is a strange point. In our calculations, under the extremely high-energy environment, there is a certain contradiction between these two laws. "Ruto continued," calculation It is shown that the law of mass-energy conversion requires three neutrons per unit of energy, but the calculation of the laws of micro-quantum mechanics has reached the conclusion that one neutrino will be produced. We have performed a lot of tests on these calculation results. But we still ca n’t find out what is wrong with our calculations. At the same time, we also considered the possibility that there may be a new law that has not been discovered, but at present, it seems that there is no new law at all. "

"I've passed it on to you in detail. Let's take a look." Ruto said.

Xiao Yu read this information extremely quickly and completely digested it. After watching it, Xiao Yu was silent for a while.

"I seem to have seen the dawn of hope, and my gut tells me that it is what I am looking for." Xiao Yu sighed softly, "but the current calculations are not perfect, and there are still There is a lot of data, a lot of logical relationships, a lot of experiments need to be verified. Do you ... understand what this means? "

Without waiting for Ruto's answer, Xiao Yu continued to say to himself: "This means that if we choose to believe this result, all our research resources, including my own computing power, need to be tilted here, We will not have any resources to find other possibilities. This is a gamble. If we are right, we can defeat the civilization of the universe. If we lose, we will lose everything. There will be no second chance for we."

"So, what decision would you make?" Ruto asked. "I am just a scientist. It is my duty and my duty is to do scientific research. This is a matter of life and death for two civilizations. It should be It's up to you or Ares to make the decision. It shouldn't be me. I'm only responsible for handing over these research materials to you. What happens next is your business. "

"You speak really straightforward." Xiao Yu said with a grin, "Give me a day, I need to think carefully."

"Okay, I'll wait for you," Ruto said, leaving here.

After Ruto left, Xiao Yu stopped everything else, and the activities of sending the spacecraft out of the bubble for testing were also stopped. Xiao Yu devoted all his wisdom and computing power to this matter.

Xiao Yu is comprehensively evaluating this research report from many aspects such as probability, research data, psychological behavior analysis, current situation, etc. ~ ~ trying to know whether it is worth it to make such a desperate struggle . If this information is adopted, the consequences will be worrying if it fails. If Xiao Yu is not adopted, he is really not sure what further discoveries can be made in the remaining three months.

This decision must be made by Xiao Yu. Because Xiao Yu is not a pure scientist, Xiao Yu also serves as the leader of civilization. No matter in terms of ability, knowledge, or responsibilities, Xiao Yu is the best person to make the final decision. Even Ares didn't qualify. Because Ares didn't understand science, and didn't know what those things meant.

"These things are really huge." Xiao Yu sighed slightly. "Comprehensive evaluation shows that if you believe this material, the chance of survival of civilization will reach 69%. If you don't, the chance of survival will be insufficient. Forty percent. But this is only limited to the results of the analysis of the data I currently know. Is there anything I do n’t know where I do n’t know? "

"That's it." Xiao Yu thought for a moment, "I believe in myself, and I also believe in Ruto. The two of us can't be wrong."

"I order that all scientists start a new task from now on, no matter what work you are doing now, give up immediately ..." (To be continued ...)

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