Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 983: Accident

Can things that exist only in history, sealed in the past, and in people's memories, be changed?

Hearing Xiao Yu's inquiries like this, Aris's face appeared a little confused expression. He pondered for a while and said, "Xiao Yu, I don't quite understand what you mean. In the past ...? Now that things have happened, how can they change?"

"Actually, we haven't been able to fully confirm or deny fatalism until now." Xiao Yu said, "let's think that fatalism is wrong, that is, the future can be changed, so why can't the past change?"

"I still don't quite understand." Ares shook his head and said, "For example, you said that sentence to me just now, and then changed the past and erased this sentence? But I already have something about this. The memory of the sentence. Maybe you mean time travel, or reverse the time and go back to the past to change history? "

"No, it is not to reverse time, nor to go back to the past." Xiao Yu said aggravatedly, "We do not interfere in time. We stand now, change the past, change what has happened."

"I don't think so," Ares said. "It's against logic and common sense."

"So, those things that have happened but you don't know?" Xiao Yu said, "Well, let's change the issue in another way. In this universe, there are many things happening. We don't know anything about these things, where they have gone, and what they are now, we don't know. "

It's like being in a space millions of light years away from Xiao Yu. Like an asteroid hitting another asteroid, Xiao Yu's computing power is powerful, but after all, he is not omniscient. For these things. Xiao Yu could not understand.

"Since we don't know anything about them, we can't confirm even if they have changed. In other words, their state is above a superimposed state, and we can't know their exact results. Then there is With a question, what is the power to determine their final form? What factors determine whether they will eventually affect us? "Xiao Yu said quietly," This happened to me Things. When I was fighting against the civilization of the universe, I did n’t know where the weaknesses of the civilization were. I also did n’t know how to destroy them. At this moment, a message came from a memory inside me. This message states that they are left over from the musical civilization I have encountered. The purpose is to help me fight against the civilization of the universe. "

"On the surface, this thing isn't weird. It shouldn't have caught my attention. But you need to know, before this message appeared. I used to order logical weapons to destroy the civilization of the universe. . And the logical weapon chose me as the performer of this task. Then I have reason to believe that the logical weapon will arrange some help for me, and I also have reason to believe that this sudden message and the logical weapon arrange for me There is a close relationship between the help of the. Then the problem comes out, because the music civilization left information in me early on, so the logical weapon arranges me as the executor, or the logical weapon arranges me as the cause and effect. This Will the message appear? "

"Which of these two things is the cause. Which one is the result?" Xiao Yu asked intensified.

"Obviously, the music civilization has left a message inside you because logical weapons arrange you as the performer." Ares said, "I don't know if there is any doubt about this."

"Wrong, wrong, this is just one of the possibilities." Xiao Yu shook his head. "Continue to turn the question back to the previous one. For those unknown things, we can all think that it is in a superimposed state. And put it now Obviously, before this message appeared, did this message exist in me, did music civilization leave any message in me, and it was in the superposition of "yes" or "no" .Before the final result does not appear, we cannot confirm which one the result will collapse into. So, can we think that it is because of the influence of logical weapons that the result collapses into "yes"? It is because I am The logical weapon gave instructions to destroy the civilization of the universe, and the logical weapon appointed me as the executor, so in the past, the music civilization left a message inside me? "

"You mean ..." Ares slowly thinking, slowly saying, "Musical civilization originally did not leave information in you, it is because of logical weapons, that musical civilization was in you in the past. This message is left inside? But ... it doesn't seem to make sense from the logic and timeline. You know, when the music civilization left the message, you haven't come into contact with logical weapons ... "

"We have to think about the situation from where we are now." Xiao Yu said, "For me, no matter what the result is, that is, no matter whether this piece of information about music civilization appears or does not appear, I will not feel In case of accident, no matter which result appears to be reasonable and logical. Until the final result does not collapse, this event is reasonable and logical no matter how it develops. Since it is reasonable no matter how it develops , Then what force determines its development direction? Why can't we think that it is because of the influence of logical weapons that its final result has become what it is now? "

"Or this question can be simplified a little bit, that is, when an unknown event finally comes to an end, we can trace the root of the event to restore the process of the event based on the result-here we need to pay attention to one point, according to the timeline The process of this event has already happened, it has become history, but how do you confirm that these processes of this already happening event have not been changed after? In another aspect, we Is there any way to determine if an outcome will happen now? "

"I, I don't quite understand what you mean ..." Ares muttered.

"Another analogy," Xiao Yu said, "if you encounter an assassination one day. Alas. The encounter with the assassination is the result of the incident, and the incident itself was unknown before it happened. You do n’t know anything About this incident. "

"You need to understand that the outcome of the event needs processes to support it, and these processes have happened in the past. In the past, it may or may not have happened. It is in a superimposed state. And when you encounter assassination For a moment. The result collapsed, the final result appeared, and you encountered an assassination. This also means that those events that may or may not have occurred in the past have a certain result, that is, they did happen in the past. You carefully Think about it, does this mean that what happened now can determine the past? In other words, does the present thing change the past and change history? "

There was a little confusion in the eyes of Ares, and he rang a moment before he said, "I probably know what you want to say ... You want to say that because of the existence of logical weapons, you can receive the music civilization and stay The following information, alas, is the logical weapon that changed the past in you. At that time, the result of "music civilization left information" will appear? "

"No, the cause-effect relationship is wrong." Xiao Yu shook his head. "It was because the result appeared in me that I had to be changed in the past. In this example, the logical relationship is cause-effect, but on the timeline, but It is still cause before effect. "

"So ... what does that mean?" Aris murmured. Apparently, Ares was very confused at this moment. He had never heard such a new statement from Xiao Yu before. The intricate logical relationships inside it made his powerful brain enough to command a full-fledged war to win victory.

"This means a lot of things ..." Xiao Yu sighed lightly. "This incident of logical weapons can be regarded as a special case, but let's not forget, similar to the situation this time, without the participation of logical weapons. There are many more incidents. For example, if you happen to meet someone you have never met, for example, you saw a star from the sky that you have never seen before ... All of these incidents can be used just now. To understand it logically. I even suspect that this is the deeper mystery of the universe, which is the true nature of the universe. I have a feeling in my heart that if I can continue to study on this, I may find that similar to gravity and Quantum mechanics, epoch-making discovery like relativity. "

"As for the application ..." Xiao Yu said slowly, "I don't know if a brand-new logical weapon is seductive enough? Imagine this situation, when you meet a gangster and are about to be killed by the gangster, suddenly The lightning fell from the sky, and the gangsters were killed immediately, or the civilization war was about to be destroyed ~ ~ But at this time, a universe-level disaster happened, which happened to our Hostile civilization ... If a logical weapon is created with the logical clues I just mentioned, then it can control all contingencies by changing the past, and let these contingencies happen anytime, anywhere, wherever we want it to happen. "

"But why is this so?" Aris murmured. "In terms of this theory, how does our universe work?" (To be continued.)

ps: This chapter is the most strenuous chapter I have written since the beginning of this book. I don't know if everyone understands it. . . Rainbow has been thinking about this logical relationship for a long time, and until now probably probably wanted to understand it. It really takes a lot of thought to figure out the logic inside. . . And laborious to please. . . Someone said to Rainbow, why not write something simple, pretend to beat your face, upgrade your practice, it is easy to write, and there are many people who like to watch, and you can also get more manuscripts. . . But Rainbow wants to write something unique, and also wants to show some of his own ideas for everyone to see. After the past ten or twenty years, everyone will forget the book that forced the face, but everyone will remember the rainbow book. Well, this is what the rainbow is after.

Er, I have to break my word again today, this is the chapter. There are still some logical details that I haven't figured out. Rainbow has to keep thinking for a while. . . In the event of a bug, you will be ashamed.

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