Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 991: 1 ad

Xiao Yu has basically explored this spaceship. But this didn't play any role other than making Xiao Yu's doubts deeper. This is the case with gamma-ray bursts. It is similar to a sonic weapon to a certain extent. It can destroy most of the interior of an object while retaining its intact appearance. Although the spacecraft of the sixth-class civilization still maintains its intact appearance, there are not many useful things in it for Xiao Yu.

Perhaps it is for this reason that after the spacecraft was destroyed by a gamma ray storm, the sixth-level civilization did not send follow-up forces to rescue the spacecraft.

"Go to the station of that civilization and everything will be clear." Xiao Yu thought for a moment, "I will bring peace or destruction, everything depends on you."

The situation is a bit weird. In order to prevent the possible underhand behind the scenes, Xiao Yu had to concentrate all his strength. Xiao Yu didn't want the kind of capsize in the gutter. As a result, the main fleet, which had left here for nearly 10,000 light years, reversed its course again, heading towards the identified civilized station.

A huge fleet is advancing at a speed of almost 3,000 times the speed of light in this dark universe. The distance of 100,000 light years can be crossed in just over thirty years. In these thirty years, Xiao Yu once again started his war reserve work. Although there is only a sixth-level civilization ahead, Xiao Yu can't despise the enemy like this. Maybe something else will be there. The more complete the reserve, the higher the win rate for Xiao Yu.

The huge industrial base is once again roaring. Various materials were forged by a large number of instruments, and gradually turned into one battleship after another with powerful forces that destroyed the world.

And this small sub-fleet, after towing the crashed spacecraft. Began to converge towards the main fleet. In the process, Xiao Yu once again launched a comprehensive inspection of the spacecraft in an attempt to discover more.

First of all, it needs to be explained that in this universe, it is a fairly common behavior to trade intelligent creatures as goods. Xiao Yu formed the initial power of the Shenzhou civilization, the scientists of various races, and the source of intelligent creatures. It was robbed of the sky blue market of the Merian civilization. There, scientists were sold as clear-cut prices as commodities. Xiao Yu has reason to believe that this behavior is universal across the universe.

So now. Putting aside the question of where these humans come from, and simply thinking about the current situation, it is quite reasonable for humans to be traded as goods. In simple terms, this is a very common behavior. Your civilization is weak. At the same time, your civilized intelligent creature has certain value. Then it is almost inevitable that high-level civilizations trade as commodities. Just being reasonable does not mean that Xiao Yu must accept it.

Rules are made by the strong. As the most powerful Level 7 civilization, Xiao Yu is qualified to do something according to his preferences. Humans are my kind. Although your behavior is reasonable and not wrong, I don't like it. The consequence I don't like is the demise of more than one civilization.

"Maybe there is no conspiracy behind this thing. Alas, presumably to restore this matter, a group of humans arrived in this river system for some unknown reason, and then began to thrive in this river system. But because of humans Some of the values. Because the newly formed human civilization is too weak, they are traded by the remaining powerful civilizations as commodities. And this sixth-level civilization is one of the buyers of this commodity. This may really be just Coincidentally, I found it, and no other conspiracy exists. "Xiao Yu thought.

"So ... this means that in this sixth-level civilization, among the remaining civilizations in this river system, there are more humans who are still alive. Since they are treated as commodities, their situation must be bad. They Waiting for my rescue. As the sons and daughters of the earth and the sun, I have the responsibility and the obligation to save my compatriots, no matter what the price I need to pay. "Xiao Yu secretly made up his mind.

Time passed quietly in this fast voyage. For Xiao Yu and a sixth-level civilization, the thirty-year period is just fleeting. Thirty years have passed, and Xiao Yu's huge fleet is now less than 5,000 light-years away from this sixth-level civilization.

A six-level civilization's resident span will probably not exceed one thousand light years. Of course, this is not an absolute concept, but a process of gradual weakening. In these 5,000 light-years away, some detectors of this sixth-level civilization may still exist. Of course, Xiao Yu also made adequate preparations. Xiao Yu is confident that this sixth-level civilization will not find his trace.

After arriving here, Xiao Yu sent a large number of concealed but powerful special detectors to start penetrating into this civilization. Xiao Yu should get everything he wants to know without alarming the other party.

After leaving the fleet of Xiao Yu, these detectors disappeared like water drops submerged in the sea. They began to move forward at a speed of about 2,600 times the speed of light. While moving at this speed, these detectors also maintain the ability to detect matter in the visible universe.

In the process, some hidden things were discovered by Xiao Yu. For example, a simple base was built on a humble planet. Xiao Yu knew that this base might be responsible for deep space detection and border warning functions. For example, some fleets that come and go in a hurry, this may be the deep-space transport fleet of this sixth-level civilization. Xiao Yu ignored these things. Xiao Yu's goal is the subject of this six-level civilization.

The voyage ended after about two years. The closer to the subject of this civilization, the more the civilization created by Xiao Yu, and at the same time, Xiao Yu's movements became more careful. At this point, the vanguard of these probes has penetrated into a certain galaxy. In this star system, there is an industrial planet of this sixth-level civilization.

A part of the probe stayed here, leaving an inconspicuous red light in the atmosphere of the planet, and it came to the surface of the planet like a meteorite. They will use a variety of functions to fully explore this civilization. And more detectors are still moving.

Some detectors fell on the living planet of the sixth-level civilization, some fell on the tourism planet, and some fell on the mineral planet ... Xiao Yu quietly fabricated without alarming the sixth-level civilization Out of a big net.

This is a bustling dwelling planet. And according to the current known situation, this planet should have a very important position in this sixth-level civilization. There are countless tall buildings and large populations on this planet.

Xiao Yu's detector turned into a six-level civilization intelligent creature, walking brightly on the streets of the city, feeling all the information of this civilization.

There is some commonality among social civilizations. There can be many differences between civilizations and civilizations, but some deeper things are the same. Such as order, such as understanding of beauty.

The city is undoubtedly beautiful from Xiao Yu's point of view. It is clean, tidy, full of light, and intelligent creatures walking around are polite and obey order. The streets are full of high-tech vehicles, and there are many screen-like things on the tall buildings. Some pictures about this civilization are being played.

At this moment, Xiao Yu has such a thing in front of him. What's more unexpected than Xiao Yu's prediction is that in those pictures, the shadow of the earth's humans appears. A young earth girl lying with her eyes closed on an object like an operating table. Appropriate lighting and shooting angles make the earth girl's body seem to glow, revealing a beautiful and sacred atmosphere. She seems to be dead. Next to the earth maiden, there are also some words of this civilization flashing. These texts seem to describe the earth maiden.

"Is this an advertisement?" Xiao Yu muttered to himself, "is advertising this kind of product? I don't know what kind of product this human being has, what role does it have?"

More detectors have begun to detect at other levels ~ ~ Xiao Yu's huge computing power is rolling in along the data channels constructed by these detectors, and has entered all aspects of this sixth-level civilization.

A large amount of data was collected by Xiao Yu, and Xiao Yu found what she wanted almost instantly.

Xiao Yu understands the text of this civilization, knows the culture of this civilization, and at the same time, understands what this "ad" about human beings on the earth is promoting.

Xiao Yu suddenly felt a kind of deep-hearted coolness. This coolness is not because of fear. In fact, there is really nothing here to scare Xiao Yu. This is more like discovering things beyond their own bottom line. For example, most humans in the Earth's era were not clear about some backward areas, and how miserable some of their kind are living.

After this coolness, Xiao Yu felt monstrous anger.

"Everyone in this civilization **** it! Not only this civilization, but all civilizations in the entire river system **** it! I want to destroy all civilizations in this river system, and destroy them all!" (Unfinished Continued ...)

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