Super Battleship Reborn

Chapter 106: Big one unified theory!

Deuterium is also called deuterium, which is an isotope of hydrogen. At this stage, deuterium is the main fuel for Xiao Yu's nuclear fusion engine.

The innovator said inadvertently, it seemed that the task it had given to Xiao Yu was very trivial, as if it were an elephant, instructing an ant to move a grain of dust by a centimeter.

There was a little doubt in Xiao Yu's mind, "So advanced civilization, what do deuterium do? They will not still use nuclear fusion as a fuel source."

But this question only lasted for a moment, Xiao Yu's mind was attracted by the next paragraph of the reformer.

"If you can complete the task, although limited by our civilization, I cannot give you much help, but ... I can give you some trivial things, such as unifying the four basic force equations . "

The tone of the reformer has always maintained an indifferent tone. It seems that the equations of the four basic forces can be unified. In its view, it is like a breadcrumb.

But Xiao Yu's mind was tense immediately.

As Xiao Yu, who has stepped into the field of tripolar civilization, he is very clear in his mind that the value of the four basic force equations can be unified.

The theory of four basic forces can be unified, and Xiao Yu is called the unified theory.

Force field generators and gravity bombs are all manufactured within the framework of a unified theory. Even anti-gravity technology constructs a strong interaction force shell of water droplets, which also has the shadow of a unified theory.

From this we can see that the unification theory is the basic theory necessary for advanced civilization.

Whether or not you have mastered the unification theory is the most important feature to distinguish the tripolar civilization from the fourth-level civilization. The most important point is that the fourth-level civilization has mastered the technology of super-light speed navigation! In other words, the solution of the super-light speed navigation technology is likely to be found in the unified theory.

What this means to Xiao Yu is self-evident.

"I ... I'll be happy to help you. But I have a spaceship here, or a small spaceship. I don't know if you can wait for me for a while. I can gather a group of Sky Eagles from the galaxy Come over the spaceship so that you can complete your mission. "

"That's it." The reformer was silent. "My interest, I don't know if it can last so long. You can do it as soon as possible, preferably not more than fifty years. When the task is completed, notify me by radio signal. can."

After saying this, the innovator disappeared. Among Xiao Yu's observation instruments, only countless robots are still busy on the surface of this white dwarf.

The whole event passed, it seemed like a dream.

"The Great Unification Theory, the Great Unification Theory." Xiao Yu muttered to himself, sorted out his thoughts a bit, and immediately convened a few hundred Luka scientists to hold a meeting.

"Everyone knows what happened. The purpose of holding this meeting is not to discuss whether to accept this task, but to discuss how to complete this task more quickly and efficiently, and to speculate about the intelligence of this unknown civilization. Okay. Now, everyone can say what they think. "

Under the auspices of Xiao Yu, the tone of the meeting was set from the beginning.

This unknown civilization shows enough sincerity, and the temptation of rewards is also strong enough.

An old Luca scientist shouted, "Master, we should suspend the research and development of new technology and the construction of a large particle collider and a new spaceship around Sky Eagle, stop all unnecessary projects, and divert all core resources. Let ’s do this. Great unification theory, as long as we master this theory, we are equivalent to half stepping into the fourth-level civilization, and then deriving enough derived theories and theorems, we enter the fourth-level civilization. It became inevitable! "

Unification theory, theory of relativity, quantum theory, etc. belong to the basic theory. In this framework, there are many derived theories and theorems. For example, by deriving relativity equations, special solutions about black holes can be obtained, such as the Schrödinger's cat equation in quantum theory, such as the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. The Pauli exclusion principle of the existence of compact dwarfs such as white dwarfs and neutron stars was predicted, such as the Chandrasekah limit that specifies the upper limit of the mass of white dwarfs, such as the Oppenheimer limit that specifies the upper limit of the mass of neutron stars, etc.

There is bound to be many derived theories and theorems in the unified theory. By deriving these equations, Xiao Yu will be able to derive the manufacturing methods of force field generators and gravity bombs. He will get super-light speed navigation technology and even glimpse. Related technologies to anti-gravity technology and strong interaction shell.

After the voice of this old Luca scientist fell, another younger Luca scientist yelled, "Master, I apply to start with the fleet. If I can see this miracle with my own eyes, I will die. Nor are they wronged! "

"I'm going too! Master, we should take a detailed look at this white dwarf in the field. Maybe from here, some advanced technology can be seen!"

Xiao Yu smiled bitterly in his heart, and said, "Don't talk about the proposal to start with the fleet. I won't allow this to happen. Near the white dwarf, all kinds of radiation are extremely powerful, even if there is a special shield and protection With technology, only instruments can withstand it. If you go, you will definitely die. "

During this period of time, Xiao Yu's enthusiasm for scientific research and his dedication to the scientists were seen by Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu has initially accepted them and naturally will not allow them to die in vain.

"Master, don't you understand the significance of this miracle? What is life like in comparison to it?" A Luca scientist yelled.

A wrinkled Luca scientist stood up and bowed deeply before he said, "You are still young and have a life span of at least several hundred years. I have reached the end of my life and my thinking has become rigid. , Can no longer continue to make contributions that match my reputation. So I applied and let me follow the fleet and let me give all the life I have left to the respected God's spokesperson. "

Xiao Yu knew that this old Luca scientist was the oldest and most knowledgeable one. Over the years, it has cultivated at least dozens of Luka scientists, and at least one sixth of the more than 300 scientists present are its students.

Xiao Yu was moved by his loyalty to science and his madness to science. However, Xiao Yu stopped the issue very resolutely. "I won't allow you to die in vain. This issue, stop there."

Xiao Yu gave an order.

"Is it possible that all of this is a scam?" In a voice of support, suddenly a weak voice of opposition erupted. Xiao Yu saw that a young Luca with a restrained face stood up and slowly said, "First of all, I don't have any evidence. This is just a guess of mine, and I'll say it for your reference."

Xiao Yu stunned in his heart, and commanded, "Go ahead."

In previous conferences, Xiao Yu did not see this young man, it shows that it has just been qualified to participate in the conference, and this is the first time it has participated in a conference of this level.

The Luka first bowed in the direction of Xiao Yu, and then continued: "So far, all the actions of this civilization can be explained in good faith. Then, if we change our thinking, purely Explain maliciously? "

"Is it possible that the scientific and technological strength shown by this civilization is only to make us awe, the promise it makes is only to fascinate us, the carelessness it shows is only to make us fooled, and its true purpose Maybe it's just this 100 million tons of deuterium? "

"I was surprised to find that its behavior can be explained in good faith and maliciously, and there is no contradiction. I don't know if this is just a coincidence, so I will express my thoughts and let Please refer to it. "

The young Luca spoke and sat down.

During the meeting, there was a brief silence. Then, a buzzing noise sounded. Another Luca stood up and said, "I'm against your claim. There are several contradictions in your claim. One, the companion star of this white dwarf is at 17 million per second. The speed of tons is delivering mass to it. If it needs 100 million tons of deuterium, why come to us? Second, this unknown civilization has at least mastered the technology of space broadcasting. UU Kanshu cannot be faked. Well, it has no reason to arrange such a huge lie, and the result is only for 100 million tons of deuterium. Third, it can survive on the surface of the white dwarf, proving its strength. Do n’t you think that directly through violence is better than through lies Would it be simpler to seduce us? "

The former Luca scientist bowed his head in shame, very anxious.

Xiao Yu comforted him: "It's a good thing to have different voices, right or wrong, at least for everyone to provide a reference. You are doing well."

The Luca scientist looked at Xiao Yu's direction with shock, and then tears flowed from his eyes.

"Master, thank you for your encouragement. I will definitely study hard, contribute to the development of our science and technology, and always be loyal to you!"

Xiao Yu smiled slightly in his heart and didn't speak.

Discussions continued at the venue, and an hour later, the meeting came up with a plan of action.

Xiao Yu looked at the action plan and said, "So ... are there any opponents? If not, then decide on it, suspend all non-essential projects, make all relevant acquisition equipment, and go to Sky Eagle II!"


Speed ​​Baidu mighty! Long live your mother! immortal!




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Professional floor grabbing, take my floor grabbing beast SpongeBob ~

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