Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 1002: Mecha?

Before time goes back to the disaster of extinction, in a place where I do n’t know what it is, maybe this place is not the three-dimensional universe where Xiao Yu is at all, or even this place may be fundamental to the three-dimensional universe. Different timelines. . . In such a magical place, there are several waves of consciousness communicating with each other secretly.

"Our plan is very effective. Xiao Yu has cleaned the entire river system again." One of the wave of consciousness conveyed such a message.

"Xiao Yu did more than we thought. We underestimated the degree of Xiao Yu's fierceness." Another wave of consciousness said, "But in this universe, the more fierce and decisive people are, the more Ability to survive. At this point, Xiao Yu is even better than us. "

"That's an intelligent civilization of the entire river system ..." The third consciousness waved and sighed, "Ten thousands of civilizations said that they were cleaned and washed away. The purpose is just to avenge themselves for some of their kind, which cannot be regarded as similar. , And to create a comfortable environment for them ... Xiao Yu's growth potential exceeds our previous estimates. "

"It's because of this that we can't even keep him." The fourth wave of consciousness said, "He is a **** on the defender's side and a key part of the completion plan of the defender's side. We cannot allow him to survive. Go down. The river system is the hometown of our four eighth-level civilizations, and our hometown is so cleaned by a seventh-level civilization ... We also have a reason to shoot directly, even if this matter was finally known by the spokesperson. Presumably the spokesperson did not What can you say. "

"Yes, not to mention that the spokesperson simply has no way to contact Xiao Yu directly, and the rest within the camp exists. After we have done this, cooked the raw rice and then put some pressure on them, they must have We will not tell the spokesperson about the twists and turns of this matter. The overall situation is set, and we can directly intervene. "

"This Xiao Yu is a disaster star. The loyal running dog of the spokesperson of Music Civilization took the risk to contact Xiao Yu. Now the defenders are forced into the outer universe to take refuge. No music civilization is hindered by this. Our plan must be It will be much smoother. Just one point, if we want to destroy Xiao Yu, we will certainly have contact with Xiao Yu. Then will we follow the footsteps of the music civilization and be suppressed by the defenders? This is for us a There is a need to think. "

"Yes." Another thinking wave replied, "In the original galaxy galaxy. Cosmic civilization relied on its own thorough understanding of the rules. Regardless of the pressure of defenders, he came out and contacted Xiao Yu. Although it is to achieve the strategic goal of our camp, this behavior is still a little stupid. Alas, we have reasons to believe that in the process of being attacked by logical weapons and Xiao Yu becoming an executor to destroy the civilization of the universe, there is a guardianship. Shadows of the conspirators. "

"Compared with cosmic civilization. Obviously, macro civilization is a little smarter, even if Xiao Yu wins the final victory. Macro civilization did not show up at the most critical moment when the central black hole of the Flying Kite Galaxy was about to be destroyed. The implementation of strategic goals is important, but it is also a task. Compared to this, it is obviously more important to protect yourself. "

"We have discussed this issue many times, and now, our micro civilization has once again stated our attitude. We believe that the risks and rewards of this mission are obviously greater than the rewards. We only need to fight fast Quick decision, complete the task of destroying Xiao Yu within a certain time, the guardian's eyes will not only pay attention to us, but will pay attention to our entire camp, after all, behind us is the spokesperson alliance. By then, All the pressure will be borne by our entire camp. Do n’t forget that our camp is already hostile to the defenders. Why do we care that this hatred is deeper? For example, contact with Xiao Yu or the like will cause the guardian's eyes to pay attention to our individual and do big things, such as destroying Xiao Yu, and the guardian will notice that it will be our entire camp. "

"Well, our extreme astral civilization agrees with this assertion." Another thinking wave said, "In fact, our civilization is a little curious. Xiao Yu is a defender's pawn. Then Xiao Yu must be under the protection of the defender. At the time, Music civilization, but to help Xiao Yu, why is music civilization also driven out by defenders? "

"The reason is very simple. Our mechanical civilization thinks that this is the reason." Another thinking wave replied, "If Xiao Yu is my chess piece, no matter whether the outsider treats my chess piece with good intentions or maliciousness, I will not It will allow outsiders to disturb my plan and have some connection with my chess pieces. Therefore, the expulsion of music civilization is inevitable, and the destruction of universe civilization is also inevitable in Xiao Yu's hands. "

"The defender is the most powerful being in the universe." Another thought wave sighed and said, "This time, we can basically be regarded as directly fighting the defender."

"Why, space civilization, are you scared?" Mechanical civilization said in a slightly ironic sentence: "We must find a position in our camp that suits our strength. The behaviors of the spokesperson since its appearance, especially He Xiao The unclear and unclear relationship has caused a strong aversion in the camp. If we can do this great work, then we will immediately get the support of many civilizations in the camp. At that time, we will replace the spokesperson. It ’s not impossible. Space civilization, if you are afraid, you can choose to withdraw. Anyway, to eliminate Xiao Yu, in fact, only one of us is enough. Our four major eight-level civilizations are united to prevent accidents. That's all. "

"Unexpected situation? What unexpected situation will happen? Do our four major eight-level civilizations take a shot and suddenly attack, and we will fail in the face of a small seventh-level civilization?" The space civilization immediately countered: "Our civilization is just in Think about something hidden in the dark. "

"Well, don't need to argue. Now that you have set your goals, let's go ahead and do it. Our micro-civilization will dispatch a billion proton and neutron warships, which is almost half the fighting power of our micro-civilization. "The micro-civilization slowly said, a tone that seemed to be ridiculous involuntarily in the tone:" Xiao Yu once destroyed a seven-level civilization of micro-civilization, and from this, the micro-civilization is just The conclusion that interest-based civilization has a very poor combat effectiveness. Our micro-civilization will use our strength to let Xiao Yu recognize a reality, that is, do n’t underestimate the interest-based civilization, even if it is an interest-based civilization, as long as it is level 8. Civilization, then it is not something you can fight against ... "

"Our extreme star civilization will send 300,000 black hole battle stars and a greater number of neutron and white dwarf war stars." Extreme star civilization said, "Xiao Yu once destroyed a seventh-level civilization star. Civilization, even at the moment, he still has hundreds of thousands of extreme stars and war stars. Our civilization will tell Xiao Yu that the things he has in his hands are just **** compared to us ... "

"Our mechanical civilization will dispatch one billion fighter mechs, and we will let Xiao Yu understand how terrible the machinery will be when it develops to the extreme, even after the introduction of a rule system ..."

"The fighting power of our space civilization is not as good as yours, but we have enough warships in our battleships. Alas, the huge number of battleships in Xiao Yu's hands, let us clean them up." Space civilization said.

"Very well, let's go." The micro-civilization gave instructions lightly. After a while, the four major eight-level civilizations disappeared from this magical space without knowing where to go.

At this moment, Xiao Yu's gaze was projected to the edge of the river system. Thanks to Xiao Yu's previous arrangement, in order to completely clean up the civilization in the river system, Xiao Yu scattered his warships in large numbers, spreading them out, and was distributed in the space of millions of light-years in diameter.

Of course, the fleet is not just a fleet ~ ~ A complete fleet will definitely have corresponding investigation forces. This also means that at this moment Xiao Yu's intelligence gathering capabilities have spread to millions of light-years in diameter. Therefore, although the incidents at this moment are extremely far away from Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu also quickly noticed them.

Xiao Yu first noticed a strange scene. Through film and television materials, Xiao Yu saw that in the depths of this dark universe, suddenly, there were many very large things similar to life forms. The reason why these things are said to be life is because Xiao Yu perceives that these things have obvious characteristics of life, such as super-light speed movements, collective actions and the like. At the same time, these things don't look like alien creatures.

Because these things have obvious body structures, and this body structure is very similar to intelligent creatures, such as having a trunk, hands and feet, and suspected organs.

This phenomenon caught Xiao Yu's attention very quickly. Xiao Yu quickly dispatched investigative forces to approach the observation quietly. However, I did not expect that the investigative instruments that I sent in the past were destroyed when they were far away from these things.

But before being destroyed, these investigative instruments still reported something to Xiao Yu. These things made Xiao Yu's heart even more shocked. A word quickly emerged from Xiao Yu's heart: "This is ... the legendary mech?" (To be continued ...)

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