Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 1036: Son of the universe

Xiao Yu's fleet is a huge fleet. . . In Xiao Yu's fleet, in addition to the warships used for combat, there are more resources spaceships, industrial bases, scientific research spaceships, intelligence spaceships, detection spaceships and so on. Xiao Yu even carried millions of stars and more planets with the fleet. This provided a solid backing for Xiao Yu's construction mission. In the past, Xiao Yu's construction capacity was mainly used to build the seeds needed to execute the cosmic seeding plan, but now, Xiao Yu has quickly changed the original construction mission. From this moment on, a large number of custom-built, rule-hardened instruments for performing specific tasks at this moment were quickly built.

Under the infinite computing power of Xiao Yu, the construction progress is climbing at an amazing speed. Every newly constructed rule reinforcement instrument was quickly put into the battlefield. They will cooperate with more than 300 billion warships invested in the past to strengthen the rules in this space.

Xiao Yu's actions quickly showed results. Along with the astonishing "Hmm?" Of the Emperor of Darkness, Xiao Yu noticed that the slowing down of those black mists representing the destruction of the rules and the transformation into meaningless spaces is gradually slowing down.

At this time, the speed of the Dark Emperor suddenly began to slow down. Xiao Yu knew exactly what this meant. Nothing more than the rules have been strengthened, so the Dark Emperor has to devote more energy and ability to destroy the rules, and the speed of progress is naturally hindered.

Xiao Yu was slightly relaxed. As long as your own method is effective.

Xiao Yu, who had initially received the results of the battle, loosened his mind and immediately began to build this special instrument at a faster speed. The deployment of hundreds of billions of warships has also accelerated. Xiao Yu was constantly watching the position and movement of the Dark Emperor, and used this to adjust his warship layout. At this moment, only less than 30 billion warships have reached their designated positions and played their role. This number only accounts for one tenth of the total number of Xiao Yu battleships.

This number is constantly increasing. After a short period of time, this number has risen to 50 billion ships. Fully 50 billion powerful battleships occupy specific points around the Dark Emperor. The rules in a core space. As a result, the spread of the black mist has slowed further.

Xiao Yu is not satisfied with this achievement. The purpose of Xiao Yu is to completely imprison the Dark Emperor. It's best to kill it if you can! One is known as the Dark Emperor, who claims to control the powerful existence of chaos. After being killed by myself and conducting research, I don't know how many benefits can be received by myself.

Whether the rules are strong or not, sturdy or fragile, will not show any signs in ordinary spaces or ordinary environments. Everything is still as usual. It's like you accidentally fell to the ground. Then a bag with a diameter of three centimeters was hit on the head. When the rule was strengthened to a thousand times and ten thousand times at the moment, you fell to the ground, and the bag hit on the head was still three centimeters in diameter It will not be big or small, and will not be any different from before. However, in some special circumstances, the signs of the rule being strengthened are obvious.

The most intuitive aspect. It was at this moment that Xiao Yu's warship speed was severely weakened. Because at this moment Xiao Yu's technology has developed to the point where the rules can be changed to increase his speed. Such as changing the curvature constant. Under the strength of the previous ordinary rules, Xiao Yu ’s warship ’s extreme speed can reach 6,000 times the speed of light. Now that the rules have been greatly strengthened, Xiao Yu can no longer change the curvature constant, so Xiao Yu ’s The speed of the battleship returned to the level VII civilization. It was about 1,500 times the speed of light.

At the same time, on some scientific spacecraft, some experiments involving rules were terminated and could not be carried out. Because the rules at this moment are too solid, let alone destroy, just change can't do it. At least for Xiao Yu. For the Dark Emperor, it was another situation.

At this moment, the number of warships and special instruments involved in the reinforcement rules has increased to more than 250 billion. More than two hundred and fifty billion spacecraft or instruments have been woven together to form the strongest fishing net, which has locked the dark emperor there. Those dark mists of the Dark Emperor's body week have completely stopped their spreading momentum and even started to gradually shrink.

The Dark Emperor is still moving, but it is much slower than before.

This is the ability that infinite computing power brings to Xiao Yu. If it is replaced by any other eight-level civilizations, or even several dozens of eight-level civilizations, it is impossible to achieve the current level. Xiao Yu's success cannot be replicated.

Xiao Yu still didn't relax his mind. A large number of special instruments are still being rapidly manufactured and put into the battlefield. Under such circumstances, the situation on the battlefield was transformed by Xiao Yu little by little. And the dark mist surrounding the Emperor of Darkness shortened faster and faster.

The Dark King has quietly stopped in space, without any action. Those black mists are constantly shrinking and shrinking. When Xiao Yu increased the total number of rules to strengthen the instruments and battleships to 360 billion, those black mists finally shrank to the limit. At this time, Xiao Yu finally saw the appearance of the Dark Emperor for the first time.

During this hundreds of thousands of years of journey in the universe, Xiao Yu has seen many strange beasts. Most of these strange beasts are cruel and fierce. But when he saw the Dark Emperor, Xiao Yu suddenly I feel that the strange beasts I have seen before, whether they are tree strange beasts or python strange beasts, or wireless breeding beasts and that seventh beast, are like neighbors in the presence of the dark king. The little white rabbit that the little girl raised was just as docile and harmless. It was just the appearance of the gloomy emperor that made Xiao Yu feel a flood, ancient, violent, killing and so on. It is a more terrifying image than the most terrifying devil in the abyss of **** in any civilization myth and legend.

At this moment, the Dark Emperor was in space, without any movement, watching Xiao Yu quietly. At this moment, even Xiao Yu's mind gave birth to an unbelievable thought: "Such a powerful beast, such a powerful thing, was caught by me like this? This is not in accordance with common sense."

Even Xiao Yu couldn't help but subconsciously believe that his own 360 billion rules to strengthen the instrument was nothing in front of the Dark Emperor. Although these instruments or warships have been enough to sweep dozens of powerful eight-level civilizations, Xiao Yu believes that in his heart, these things are really nothing.

The Dark Emperor suddenly moved. The huge body like a star suddenly moved slightly. It's like the beginning of the universe and the birth of all things. A moment ago, the Dark Lord seemed to be dead, and now it is alive again.

"Little guy, that's good. I didn't expect that in the few hundreds of thousands of years that I have left the three-dimensional universe, you could be born like you, and you could trap me temporarily ... deserve to be defended The pieces selected and arranged to execute the completion plan. But unfortunately, in front of me, you are still a little worse. "The Dark Emperor sighed slowly and moved slowly. At this moment, more than 360 billion instruments or warships responsible for binding the Dark Emperor were destroyed in this moment.

Xiao Yu noticed that it was destroyed because of too much load. Those instruments or warships are responsible for strengthening the rules, and now they are destroyed due to the load, which can only explain one point. At this moment, in this space, the rules are under the power of unbelievable turbulence!

"Not good, you must control the situation!" Xiao Yu flashed the thought in his mind, and once again accelerated the construction process in the rear construction base, even if this extremely rapid construction would cause serious wear and tear to the base. No matter.

The gloomy emperor was still slowly moving. At this moment, it gave Xiao Yu a feeling of plant seeds breaking through the earth. It is breaking free of the restraints imposed on itself, and it is slowly recovering.

"This universe was originally free ... There was no rule system at the beginning of this universe. I was born in this chaos ~ ~ I am the first in this three-dimensional universe. A life. "

"At that time, there were no rules, no matter, no energy, no, these things also existed, but they were meaningless, and their appearance and disappearance or transformation did not require any rules to control. At that time there was no endless outer universe. The three-dimensional universe is everything, it encompasses all time and space. "

The dark emperor said slowly, slowly stretching his body.

"I was born out of chaos, and I grew up in chaos." At this moment, it was like an old man in the old age reminiscing about his past, but Xiao Yu knew that the Dark Lord was not The old man in old age, it is a powerful existence that can be compared with the defenders.

"Later, there was a system of rules in this universe, and changes in matter, space, and time began to be constrained by rules. From this moment, I knew my mission ... My mission is to restore the universe to its true colors, Let the universe return to a chaotic era without any rules ... I represent the most fundamental demand of the three-dimensional big universe. I am the son of this three-dimensional big universe, and I am the true spokesperson! "

"Now, you are trying to restrain me?" (To be continued ...)

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