Super Battleship Reborn

Chapter 116: Clash in secret

This strange beast is still talking lowly.

"When I left my home star, I was still very weak. Even I couldn't bear the impact of a meteorite. The space in the universe was dangerous, more dangerous than I thought. I struggled in the galaxy for several times. They almost fell into despair. But thankfully I survived. "

Xiao Yu remembered what happened to him in the solar system.

The encounter with this strange beast resonated with Xiao Yu: "It's o, the universe is really dangerous. At that time, I only had such a humble little spaceship, and I was really lucky to survive."

Xiao Yu remembered the collision of Muyue, the earth's mining, and the trip around Rì ... The voice of this strange beast was still being broadcast into Xiao Yu's mind.

"I stayed in the parent galaxy for more than 700,000 years, and it wasn't until I evolved strong enough that I embarked on a journey to find the same kind. In the universe, I encountered all kinds of civilizations, all kinds of Creature, encountered various dangers. I was deceived, attacked, and I thought I was going to die several times, but escaped. In the universe, I learned cruelty and learned fraud, but I don't want all this, I just want to live safely and find my kind ... "

"Can you tell me, how did you get imprisoned on this white dwarf?" Xiao Yu was so impatient that he couldn't help asking a question.

"Oh, after encountering a powerful civilization, this civilization wants to capture me and use my body to make spaceships. You should know that the bodies of the creatures of the other beast civilizations are extremely powerful, which is better than that of civilizations of the same level. The highest-level materials made are even more powerful, so the status of the alien beast civilization in the universe is sad, and it is often surrounded by scientific and technological civilization. "This alien beast bitterly complained.

This passage made Xiao Yu feel a sense of complete realization.

"It turned out to be this way. Before, I have always suspected that just the difference in evolutionary ideas is not enough to bring the two camps into revenge. It was originally for the sake of the spacecraft materials."

"During the battle, I was seriously injured by the fleet of this civilization, so severe that my motive organs could no longer store antimatter fuel, and could only use nuclear fusion as a low-level energy source. I exhausted my last strength Escaped from the pursuit of Taihao civilization, but happened to be next to the white dwarf, so I was captured by it ... I was imprisoned on this white dwarf, and I can no longer leave. By now, there is enough 500,000 years. "

After listening to the story of this strange beast, Xiao Yu didn't know what it was like.

"I want you to forgive me. I have no choice but to deceive you. I just want to leave here quickly, but I'm afraid you won't help me because I'm a strange animal. I'm not malicious to you of."

The beast explained sincerely.

Xiao Yu was silent.

"Is this strange beast kind?"


"Should I trust what it says?"


"Should I sympathize with it?"

"... It has a similar experience to me. We are all weak creatures struggling to survive in the universe. Just to find the same kind of people, but we have encountered nothing wrong. Hey, I really sympathize." Xiao Yu thought.

Then, the preset program noticed that the answer was different from the preset answer. Immediately, the dedicated generator sent a burst of current, which burned away several sensitive components.

Xiao Yu jīng was shocked and suddenly woke up.

"Damn it, **** it, what it says is not credible, why am I confused by it again."

Just as Xiao Yu woke up, another piece of information from this strange animal came over.

"Although I am an alien beast, I still know a little about science and technology. If you would help me leave here, I promise not to hurt you, and I will fully pass on the knowledge of science and technology I know to you. Trust me , I'm not malicious, I just want to leave here and continue looking for my kind. "

In this passage, there has been a bit of begging.

Xiao Yu sneered and responded: "Don't you feel, in your words, the purpose xìng is too strong? In your usual style of doing things, you should be furious when I insult you stupid. But you You are not angry? What are you covering up? There must be something to cover up. What you ask for is not to deceive me and let me help you escape here? I tell you, stop thinking! "

The strange beast seemed to be speechless, and began to silence, Xiao Yu didn't bother to care about it, and continued to build the planetary engine with all his strength.

While building the planetary engine, Xiao Yu also began to study the strange ball that Luka had mutated into.

In běi

In jīng, Xiao Yu built a huge transparent prison to hold these terrible creatures.

In these transparent prisons, a weird creature roared angrily, constantly pounding with its body, and constantly biting the prison walls with sharp fangs. But no matter how they struggle, they can't break the hard walls made of special glass.

Xiao Yu first stunned a ball with a powerful special anesthetic, and then cāo approached it with a huge machine, grabbed it, put it on the operating table, and it immediately rose around the operating table. A sturdy rope tied it strong.

At this time, the ball had woke up, Xiao Yu didn't bother to give it another anesthetic, but directly cāo opened the anatomy by entering the machine. The weird and painful roar of the dissection room immediately erupted.

Xiao Yu turned a deaf ear, but carefully observed the internal structure of his body through various jīng dense instruments.

"Don't have an organ structure? No cell structure?" Xiao Yu was surprised when he looked at the results of the inspection.

After a close inspection, and after a general understanding of this weird creature, Xiao Yu collected some specimens from those already unconscious Lucas. These specimens contained a large number of cells, still only 1rì size. Black ball.

Xiao Yu began to use culture medium to cultivate them. After they grew to a certain degree and began to engulf the surrounding cells, he began a series of killing experiments, trying to find out how to eliminate these heterogeneous methods without damaging normal cells.

But the result disappointed Xiao Yu. Combining the two medical methods of earth medicine and Luca medicine, Xiao Yu could not find a feasible solution.

"Let's put this aside first. After the alien beast civilization is destroyed, then slowly consider the matter of treating Luka." Xiao Yu sighed and gave up his intention to continue the experiment.

Time has passed for half a year. In the past six months, Xiao Yu has been confused by this strange animal several times, but fortunately, due to the preset procedure, Xiao Yu can always wake up at the moment of being confused.

The two sides are separated by a distance of 1.4 light years, and under such a distant spatial scale, this alien beast civilization has waged a war with Xiao Yu that is invisible to any war.

Xiao Yu's construction project has been carried out for more than half, and about 5,000 planetary engines have been completed. After the commissioning was completed, Xiao Yu began to work on these satellites to carry out the preliminary adjustment of satellite orbits.

Driving a planet to escape the gravitational field of the parent star is more difficult than pushing a planet to hit the parent star. This time the situation is different from the last time. Xiao Yu can't push this satellite to escape from the gravitational field of Xingying A directly, but can only accelerate it a little bit during its operation until it has enough Speed ​​away from the gravitational field of Falcon Eagle A, thus entering the orbit of Falcon Eagle 1.

At that time, it will no longer be a satellite, but will become a dwarf planet-level star.

With the release of Xiao Yu's order, more than 3,000 planetary engines spewed bright tail flames, which stretched thousands of kilometers in space, like flowing ribbons, very beautiful.

These planetary engines have given huge impetus to the No. 1 satellite, and the orbital speed of the No. 1 satellite began to gradually increase.

With the acceleration of the running speed, its closest distance will continue to shrink, and the longest distance will continue to increase, that is, its orbit will become more and more flat until it reaches a limit ~ ~ it At the farthest end of the orbit, he will break free of the gravitational restraint of the Hawk Eagle A.

This process is expected to continue for more than half a year. Within this half a year, Xiao Yu will be able to fully build the remaining planetary engines. At that time, the satellite will receive even greater force, and repeat the process of breaking out of the Hawk Eagle A force field again, so as to break free of the gravitational restraint of the star Eagle Hawk.

At that time, it will be a zì

yóu's star.

"Do you really want to do this? I'm really not malicious to you, we can live together peacefully, I promise, after you help me escape this white dwarf, I will leave here immediately, and it will definitely not hurt you."

Watching Xiao Yu's plan advance step by step, the space broadcast frequency of this strange animal is getting more and more dense. In contrast, Xiao Yu is getting more and more confused. Fortunately, there is a preset program. Every time when Xiao Yu was just bewildered, he came to his senses. The intention of this strange beast never succeeded.

"You still don't have to waste your energy and enjoy the last journey of your life." Xiao Yu rejected his proposal resolutely.

At this time, under the impetus of Xiao Yu, satellite No. 1 has orbited Falcon Eagle A for more than 50 laps. Under Xiao Yu's control, this is the last lap. After reaching the farthest point in orbit, one The satellite will not return to the vicinity of Falcon Eagle A.

In the vast void, a huge, half-volume planet, is rapidly moving away from the huge gaseous planet Aya.

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