Super Battleship Reborn

Chapter 120: Secluded Beast Civilization

This message was sent over radio waves. At the back of the message, a corresponding dictionary is also attached, so only a moment later, Xiao Yu cracked the meaning of this passage.

"What? Ninety percent of your body control is taken away? You can only manipulate the remaining ten percent?" The news surprised Xiao Yu.

"Would you like to believe them?" The thought only burst into Xiao Yu's head for a moment, and it was eliminated.

"You think I'm an idiot? Can such a low-level lie be spoken?" Xiao Yu thought fiercely. Not only did he not stop attacking, but he increased the firing energy of the laser cannon.

The reason for Xiao Yu's conclusion is simple. In the universe, science and technology civilization must surround alien beast civilization and obtain forged materials from alien beast creatures. The alien beast civilization will also encircle the science civilization and treat the spaceship of science and technology civilization as food. These two are the enemy.

Since it is a deadly enemy, then this strange beast civilization that calls itself "Yabei" actually says that it does not want to be an enemy?

Luca III said that since this vector beast civilization can manipulate its own body at will, most of them are alien beasts that directly use their bodies as attack weapons. Such alien beasts are naturally good at close attack. So Xiao Yu immediately concluded that this was because they were deceiving themselves, the purpose was to let them give up, or to suspend the attack, so that they could get closer.

"How can I let your conspiracy succeed?" Xiao Yu thought fiercely, and did not respond, but directly manipulated the landing-based spacecraft and the spacecraft floating in space, firing out high-energy lasers in the past.

The two sides are now 400,000 kilometers apart, and are approaching at a speed of at least 1,000 kilometers per second. At this speed, the two sides will be in forty seconds. Caught in a state of close fight.

At this time, Xiao Yu felt a little urgency. After all, the other party was an alien beast civilization that was good at melee attacks.

These beasts do not have a protective cover. Xiao Yu observed that the laser emitted by the high-energy laser cannon directly irradiated these strange beasts, but they did not directly penetrate them, but only after 5 seconds, they penetrated the strange beasts hard. Beast body.

"This is a flesh and blood body! Can it be so tough? It is worthy of the beast civilization known for its body." Seeing this phenomenon, Xiao Yu was inexplicably surprised.

But something unexpected was discovered.

From these strange beasts, Xiao Yu can clearly distinguish where the protection is stronger. Where is the protection weaker? Xiao Yu's laser cannon was chosen as a point of attack with weak protection.

However, in the face of Xiao Yu's laser cannon, the defense actions of these alien beasts seemed much slower. Not commensurate with their powerful mobility.

"What's going on?" Xiao Yu was a little surprised.

"In legend, isn't science and technology civilization known for its high wisdom? Even you can't think of a way?" Xiao Yu was surprised. Xiao Yu received another message.

"Since we can't figure out a way. Then destroy us. We will use our ten percent control to try to delay our own actions and create opportunities for you! We would rather die than be the puppet of a demon!"

From this message, Xiao Yu noticed a tragic atmosphere called "Ning is jade broken. Not for tile."

"What the **** is going on?" For a moment, Xiao Yu couldn't understand, so Xiao Yu also sent a message: "You were manipulated by the strange beast on the white dwarf?"

"Yes. It manipulates us and comes from another distant planet to stop you. Our body no longer belongs to us, we are already controlled by this demon. But our spirit cannot control it, so We can talk to you. If you do n’t have a way to help us get rid of control, then just wipe us out. ”

"But, don't you know that science and technology civilization and alien beast civilization are revenge?" Xiao Yu hesitated a moment, or sent the words out.

"Science and technology and alien beast civilization are deadly enemies? We haven't heard of this statement. From the time we were born, we have been in our galaxy, haven't gone out, and haven't communicated with other civilizations. If not by accident The spacecraft crashed above our planet, and a lot of information was obtained from this spacecraft. We don't even know that there is a scientific and technological civilization. "Yazo civilization answered.

"This, this ..." Xiao Yu was caught in a contradiction, not knowing whether to believe them or not.

"Is this a reclusive alien beast civilization? They may be lying to me. This may be another conspiracy of the beast on the white dwarf, or it may be that they are saying true. So ..."

Among the beast civilizations, there are predatory civilizations and secluded civilizations. Generally speaking, the seclusion civilization is more likely to be a well-intentioned civilization.

Xiao Yu only had a moment of contradiction and made a decision.

At present, there are more than 200,000 kilometers between the two sides.

"I can't fully trust you. Because the demon above the white dwarf is good at deceiving, I'm not sure what you say is true. Then, you answer me a question."

"Where are your weaknesses?" Xiao Yu asked a question directly.

"In combat mode, our weakness is two meters below the third arm, where our vital organs gather."

"Well, I still have a question, how long can you support your weaknesses with this kind of laser cannon? How long can you lose your ability to move, and how long will you die?"

"It will die at most ten minutes, it will be sluggish after seven minutes, and it will lose its ability to move after eight minutes."

"Understand. I will use a laser cannon to attack your weaknesses, but I will not kill you, but I will continue to attack for eight minutes until you lose the ability to move. Then I will capture you into my spaceship , Use my means to limit your ability to move. "

Xiao Yu's plan is like this. In this way, regardless of whether these Yashou said it true, Xiao Yu will not suffer losses.

If what they say is true, then it is good to avoid damage to both sides. If what they say is false, after Xiao Yu captures them into the spacecraft, they will resist again, but it will only make Xiao Yu lose one or two. A test spaceship has nothing to do with the big picture.

And if they do not resist, Xiao Yu has a way to limit their ability to move. In short, for Xiao Yu, this method can be regarded as foolproof.

After sending these words out, Xiao Yu began to wait quietly for their reply.

It was fifteen seconds before the two sides were close.

Xiao Yu gave them five seconds. Xiao Yu ’s spacecraft, the energy cannonball has been prepared. After five seconds, if these vector beasts refuse to give a positive answer, Xiao Yu will launch an energy cannon attack. If they agree, Xiao Yu will withdraw. Energy cannons instead use laser cannons for attack.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Yu's five-second time set by them did not run out. Only one second later, Xiao Yu received a reply.

"It is worthy of a technological civilization known for its wisdom! Your approach is really great! We promise you. Please remind you that in the next close-killing, because our body is not controlled, it may affect you. It is offensive and may destroy your spaceship. Please do n’t be surprised. However, during the battle, we will always remind you of our attack direction and attack method. At the same time, we will use the remaining 10% of control power , Delay the movement of our bodies and try our best to reduce your loss. "

Xiao Yu's heart gave birth to an absurd feeling. In this case, it is as if you have formed an alliance with the souls of these strange beasts, and then work together against their bodies.

"Eh ... so, I am going to attack!" After Xiao Yu sent a message, countless laser guns each found their targets and started firing.

Before the attack began, Xiao Yu had numbered more than 7,000 alien beasts. How long each alien was shot by a laser cannon was recorded in Xiao Yu's database. This is to prevent the lack of attack power leading to the beast from losing its action, or the attack time is too long, leading to the death of the beast.

Ten seconds elapsed in a flash, and the two sides finally entered the close fight phase.

At this stage, Xiao Yu finally realized why alien beast civilization is famous for its powerful body.

Xiao Yu saw that a strange beast raised his arm high. This arm was tens of meters long, and suddenly slammed into Xiao Yu's spacecraft. At the moment of the slap, his arm waved. The speed even exceeded 20,000 kilometers per second ~ ~ Before its arm was beaten, Xiao Yu had been reminded by this strange animal: "Be careful! I am about to attack your spaceship III Parts! "

Xiao Yu was extremely annoyed, because Xiao Yu found that even if he got the other party's reminder in advance, he couldn't avoid it because his spacecraft didn't have such powerful maneuverability. As a result, Xiao Yu only watched his village-level ship break the protective cover with a blow, and the entire ship exploded and disintegrated.

"The attack power of these strange beasts is really powerful, and their mobility is not comparable to me. Well ... such an army of 7,000 strange beasts, I have to send at least 30,000 spacecraft It can be a stable win. With these 5,000 ships, that's no need to think about it. "

"Your attack power is too powerful, I will launch an energy cannon attack! Note that you must report to me the damage of your body at any time, and I will adjust the attack direction and attack intensity in time to avoid accidental injury!"

After being hit by several spacecraft one after another, Xiao Yu made an annoyed decision. (To be continued ...)

ps: four more completed, continue to ask for votes!

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