Super Battleship Reborn

Chapter 128: Quaternary computer

The earth exploded, the wooden moon collided, and Tianyuan a collided with Tianyuan IV. These incidents are not worth mentioning compared to the nova.

In simple terms, one belongs to the galaxy class and the other belongs to the river system class. The two cannot be compared.

Under the influence of the powerful energy released by the nova explosion, the red dwarf's stellar material was stripped off and dragged behind to form a tail.At the same time, the accretion disk surrounding the white dwarf was also blown away instantly, up to Millions of tons of material were blown into space.

In this strong material release phenomenon, Xiao Yu keenly captured the trace of that black spot. At this moment, Xiao Yu observed its position, speed and other information, and tracked it for ten minutes.

After analysis, Xiao Yu reached a very surprising conclusion.

"It, it actually flew in the direction of the Skyhawk galaxy? Before that, I was still worried that it would fly too far, so that I could not hunt it, now it is okay, I have 90% confidence in this direction Caught it. "

After capturing the information of this black spot, Xiao Yu's mind relaxed and began to observe in detail every detail of this white dwarf nova.

This level of energy explosion phenomenon is very helpful to Xiao Yu's scientific and technological theory.

After ten minutes, Xiao Yu saw that the violent energy came to the only planet in this binary star system. At this moment, the gas of this gaseous planet was heated by radiation and the heat was uneven, resulting in a powerful storm on the planet's surface that even Xiao Yu could observe, and howling on the planet's surface.

At the same time, the planet was blown out of its long tail in the direction away from the white dwarf.

At this moment, the brightness of this white dwarf star was even brighter than that of Xiao Yu when he saw Tianying I.

By distance and magnitude. Xiao Yu calculated the absolute magnitude of the white dwarf star at the moment, and then calculated the brightness of the white dwarf star on earth without the interstellar dust barrier.

The result of the calculation is that if there is no interstellar dust barrier, this white dwarf will be brighter than Sirius on Earth.

Such an explosion of energy surprised Xiao Yu. At the same time, I was secretly glad: "Fortunately, it is just a nova burst. Otherwise, even the supernova blast, the weakest IA-type supernova burst, above this distance, I definitely can not escape."

The violent energy burst lasted for a full week. After a week, the white dwarf slowly faded. Its companion. And the tail behind that poor planet finally disappeared.

Within this week. This white dwarf has released the sum of energy released by the sun for hundreds of millions of years.

This is the power of stellar catastrophes.

The dimming of the white dwarf's light means the end of this energy burst. The white dwarf was quiet again. However, its companion is still continuously delivering mass for it. It may be more than ten years or millions of years later, and another nova burst is bound to occur.

This time triggered by Xiao Yu. The violent energy burst that caused the death of that powerful alien beast finally came to an end. In space, there is only a continuously expanding nebula, silently telling the story of the outbreak.

but. This nebula cannot exist for too long. As time goes by, it will become thinner and thinner, eventually dissipating in the vast universe, disappearing all traces.

This shocking battle will also be lost in time, and no one will know.

From this moment, the Sky Eagle Nebula will no longer be a secondary danger zone.

"Everything is ready, it's time to go to the Sky Eagle Samsung Department ..." Xiao Yu thought silently.

The planet where the vector animal civilization is located is 1.6 light-years away from the Skyhawk and 2.07 light-years away from the Skyhawk. It is a yellow dwarf in its youth, with a mass similar to that of the sun, and is about three billion years old.

During this time, Xiao Yu has made several observations of the galaxy through the newly constructed super telescope and obtained a large amount of data.

This star has a total of three planets, of which one is a terrestrial planet and two are a Jurassic planet. The parent star of the vector animal civilization is that terrestrial planet. This is a planet that is twice as heavy as the Earth, 170 million kilometers away from its parent star, and there is liquid water above the planet. In general, the environment of this planet is not much different from that of the earth.

However, the two planets with similar environments have evolved into two very different civilizations. This phenomenon aroused Xiao Yu's deep thinking. After a long time, Xiao Yu found a reasonable explanation.

"Perhaps this is the butterfly effect, or the chaos effect. A small change in the initial variable will cause a huge difference in the final result."

"Everything is ready, so let's go. Start in the direction of the Aquila Double Double Galaxy, capture the unknown black spot that exploded from the beast, then change the course and advance to the Aquila Samsung system.

"The total voyage is expected to take sixty-seven years. Hopefully, during this time, there will be no trouble in the vector animal civilization."

Xiao Yu thought of these issues, steered the huge fleet, started the engine, and left this galaxy that he had stayed for nearly a century.

"Hey, this one hundred years has been yellowed by the matter of the white dwarf alien beast, and my technology has basically not made much progress. Then, this period of time in the journey must be put to good use, and it needs to be resolved first. It ’s still a problem of computing power. The second generation of photonic computers is outdated, and it can no longer provide me with enough computing power. It is time to develop the third generation of photon computers. "

During the long journey, Xiao Yu started an intense research.

The computer used by Xiao Yu is a ternary computer, which uses light of different wavelengths to represent zero, one, and negative one, respectively. One represents true, negative one represents false, and zero represents unknown. It is because of the use of ternary that Xiao Yu's computational science has achieved a great breakthrough.

However, as the size of Xiao Yu's fleet grew larger, Xiao Yu's computing power became tight again. For example, Xiao Yu's fleet has reached the number of more than 100,000 ships. If these spacecraft are operated to fight, Xiao Yu's computing power will be used up.

This is also the result after Xiao Yu used to calculate the shunt. Xiao Yu has handed over the data to an automated program for processing as much as possible, but some data must be processed by Xiao Yu. For example, in a space battle, in the face of an energy cannonball, the automatic program will conclude that it should avoid it. But what if Xiao Yu intends to use the destruction of this ship to entice the enemy to hook more ships?

These data cannot be processed by automated programs. An automated program can never compete with the human brain until it evolves true artificial intelligence. And Xiao Yu, there is absolutely no risk of creating mutation and being out of his control, creating interest in artificial intelligence.

Still, as long as the computing power is sufficient, you can leave everything to yourself. Why take the risk to develop artificial intelligence? What could be more reliable than operating the spacecraft yourself?

Therefore, the development of new computers is imperative. This time, Xiao Yu plans to upgrade the computer once again, from ternary to quaternary. The quaternary computer will be able to accommodate more states, closer to the thinking of the human brain.

A quaternary computer is composed of four states: true, false, false true, and unknown. Compared with ternary computers, it has a state of "pseudo-truth", which is a fuzzy state. There is no absolute good and evil in the world. When replaced by computer language, a certain data is half-truth status.

In the long journey, Xiao Yu hopes that he can complete the hardware construction theory of quaternary computer and the writing of the underlying machine language.

At the same time as the development of the quaternary computer, Xiao Yu also awakened more than 1,000 Lukas who did not mutate, shared some computing power, and started research work with them to repair the mutant Lukas' body.

Xiao Yu hopes that the Lucca society can return to normal as soon as possible, because only under the support of a stable Lucca society, those Lucca scientists can work with peace of mind and can contribute their wisdom to them with peace of mind.

However, the result disappointed Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu and Luca scientists have carried out relevant research for 20 years, but found nothing. This by-product of the white dwarf alien creature's manipulation of biological thinking is extremely powerful. So far, Xiao Yu can't find any way to destroy the mutant cells while preserving normal cells.

In desperation, Xiao Yu had to give up the related research first.

"Maybe, after getting the body part of the white dwarf alien beast, we can get some inspiration by studying its body structure. Or, after arriving at the Aquila Samsung system, we can get some gains from the vector animal civilization. "

During a long voyage ~ ~ Over twenty years have passed. During this time, Xiao Yu's fleet sailed at a speed of 10,000 kilometers per second over a distance of 0.8 trillion kilometers, 0.83 light years.

"According to the initial momentum and direction, as well as the deceleration of dust, the influence of nearby stars, and other factors, the strange body tissue of the white dwarf that was blown up should be nearby ..."

"Then, let's get ready for work." Xiao Yu issued an order.

Immediately, tens of thousands of village-level spacecrafts, led by five county-level spacecrafts, broke away from the large forces and began to slow down. After the speed was reduced to zero, they began to accelerate in the opposite direction.

During the voyage away from the main fleet, a large number of relay satellites were spread out as communication links.

At the same time, all kinds of detection equipment are also fully open, collecting all information within 10 billion kilometers nearby. (To be continued ...)

ps: sorry, sorry. . . Today I forgot to update it automatically, but I had a little kid coming to me today and I drank too much. . . I have been drinking from ten o'clock until now and have come home. As a result, the update has been delayed. I'm really sorry. I put the first update first and the second update.

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