Super Battleship Reborn

Chapter 130: 1 person

Tens of thousands of engines have been fixed on the body of this white dwarf alien beast after the capture operation lasted for a day. In order to install these engines, Xiao Yu also deliberately made a three-dimensional modeling of this unknown object, and analyzed each forceable point of it. These engines are built on top of their stress points.

At this time, the sub-fleet involved in capturing this object was already nearly 60 billion kilometers away from Xiao Yu's main fleet.通讯 Between the two fleets, tens of thousands of communication satellites have undertaken communication tasks.

This distance will be gradually shortened in the remaining thirty years of voyage. In the end, the two will reach the Sky Eagle Samsung Department together.

In the vast space, a huge fleet of 30,000 spacecraft, escorting a cylinder-like thing in the center, is advancing rapidly.

Tens of thousands of engines above the cylinder were glowing blue flames, and took this thing along with the large army. Beside it, there are dozens of county-level and township-level spaceships, which refuel these engines at any time. Between the spacecraft and this material, robots with micro-engines constantly shuttled around.

At the same time, within the Shijiazhuang, Xiao Yu looked at this weirdly shaped spacecraft and was lost in thought.

Xiao Yu couldn't analyze what material the ship was made of, but Xiao Yu knew that the material of the ship was very powerful, at least not worse than the material of the water droplets he encountered at that time.

Unlike the shell of water droplets, the material of this spacecraft is not constructed by strong interaction forces. It uses a completely different manufacturing method than water droplets. Xiao Yu couldn't analyze or imitate this kind of technology. Only through the analysis of the laser spectrum analyzer, Xiao Yu can probably get a little of its manufacturing material.

This material ... seems to be made from hydrogen.

Hydrogen is the most basic and abundant element in the universe. Any remaining element in the universe is derived from the fusion of hydrogen. The hydrogen element in this material is not the hydrogen element in the usual sense. It is in a wonderful state so that it becomes a solid.

The matter in this state, except that it is slightly similar to neutron star matter, has no similarity to any matter known to Xiao Yu.

This material cannot be seen through or destroyed, so Xiao Yu has no way to know what is hidden inside this spaceship.

"This spaceship ... doesn't seem to accidentally hit the finger of a strange beast in the universe. Its material strength is enough to resist the strong gravity of the white dwarf. It is likely to have been with the white dwarf strange beast all the time. I just don't know Where did this spaceship come from, and I don't know how the white dwarf alien got it. "

Xiao Yu's head was full of doubts. But there is really no way to open it, only to set it aside for later study.

The journey is still going on. In the long journey, Xiao Yu remembered those beasts who had fought with him.

"Yaju's life span has reached 30,000 years. Their abilities will gradually increase with age. They may become qualified soldiers at the age of 8,000, and their combat effectiveness will reach its peak at the age of 20,000. Will slowly age. Well ... after about 500 years, new warriors will appear on their mother star, then they will have the ability to protect themselves. Well, I will protect them for 500 years Alright. In these 500 years, I can just develop my technology. "

Xiao Yu was slowly thinking, sorting out the information about the strange beasts he knew.

According to Luca II, the alien beast civilization has a common feature, that is, the individual lives very long, but the population is small. Just like the vector beast civilization, the individual life span has reached 30,000 years, but the entire race has only 30,000 vector beasts.

There is also a white dwarf beast, its entire population is only one.

The scarce number determines that they cannot achieve much in science and technology. Xiao Yu knew that after the tripolar civilization was reached, the development of science and technology was no longer independently promoted by a genius scientist, that is, above the earth, Newton, Einstein, Heisenberg, Austria The phenomenon that Benheimer and others can push the technology of the whole race with their own personal power will basically not happen again.

After the tripolar civilization, the development of science and technology will show a subdivision phenomenon. Under a university subject, there will be countless small disciplines, and the knowledge of a small discipline is enough for a science and technology worker to devote his life energy. At this stage, the development of science and technology must be promoted by countless scientific and technological workers. Therefore, alien beast civilization is basically impossible to achieve in science and technology.

The relationship between population numbers and technological development also aroused Xiao Yu's thinking. Although, with the huge computational power, Xiao Yu can undertake the research work of all disciplines by himself, Xiao Yu found that recently, his technological development seems to have fallen into a bottleneck.

Xiao Yu's current level of science and technology is not worse than that of Luca civilization, so Luca scientists have no better suggestions for this.

"Perhaps, after reaching the tripolar civilization, technology will no longer be promoted by a single race. It depends on the exchanges with other civilizations to make progress. Hey, let ’s stay in the Sky Eagle Samsung Department for 500 years. If, by that time, my technology is still unable to break through, then we must consider going out and actively communicate with the rest of the civilization. "Xiao Yu thought silently.

While thinking about these things, Xiao Yu manipulated the robot and researched the specimen taken from the finger of the white dwarf alien beast.

Under a high-power microscope, Xiao Yu first saw its microstructure.

Studies have shown that white dwarf alien beasts still have a cell structure, but strangely, these cells don't seem to be as powerful as the beasts.

This phenomenon caused Xiao Yu's thinking. Xiao Yu can be sure that if the white dwarf alien beast's cell strength is only this little, then it is absolutely impossible for it to resist the strong gravity of the white dwarf.

"In this, there must be something I haven't found." Xiao Yu thought, putting this piece of flesh into a strong electric field, and planned to start the next research.

However, as soon as he entered a strong electric field, this flesh and blood showed a reaction that was unexpected to Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu saw that during the process of cutting the electric field, it seems that some energy is being generated from this flesh and blood, and with the generation of this energy, the originally dried out cell structure in this flesh and blood quickly Abundance.

"Is energy replenished?" Xiao Yu was interested, and immediately began to try to strengthen the electric field strength and speed up the movement of this flesh.

The consequence of this is that after Xiao Yu paid all the energy that a kilogram of fusion fuel could produce, this piece of flesh and blood changed strangely.

Xiao Yu saw that some kind of dark green light emanated from it, and that its intensity grew to an astonishing level.

"This mechanism is a bit like an energy shield." Xiao Yu thought, "It all depends on energy. Without energy, the shield will disappear, and this flesh will lose its strength and become ordinary. through."

I just wanted to start the next research. Suddenly, there was a sound from the side. This sound immediately caught Xiao Yu's attention.

Through ubiquitous surveillance equipment, Xiao Yu saw an amazing picture.

There, it was the warehouse where the unknown ship was stored. Under Xiao Yu's gaze, a door appeared on the bottom of the conical spacecraft, which was slowly opening.

"What's going on?" Xiao Yu thought in wonder, "Is the living thing in this spacecraft alive?"

The technological content of this spacecraft has surpassed at least several levels of Xiao Yu, which means that this spacecraft is Xiao Yu's incomparable, just like the water drop.

If the ship launches and launches an attack on Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu does not think he can fight.

Don't look at Xiao Yu's 30,000 spaceships here, including three city-level spaceships, and all of them are equipped with protective covers, but if you really want to fight, this spaceship will directly crash into it, and you can also Xiao Xiao's fleet Beat it off. No protective cover, no energy cannon, will work.

At this moment, facing the unknown, Xiao Yu's mind was tense.

The movement of this weird spacecraft is still going on ~ ~ The door is still moving slowly, and the gap between the door and the hull is getting bigger and bigger. Finally, the door is fully retracted into the side of the hull. Medium, instead, is an entrance that is two meters wide and three meters high. Inside, there is a faint colorful light emitting.

Xiao Yu did not act lightly, but continued to watch closely, waiting for its next move. However, after the door was opened, the spacecraft ceased to move.

Xiao Yu thought carefully.

"It ... seems to be letting me in? I don't know if it's the creature or the program that controls all this. Or, let's go in and see."

Xiao Yu made up his mind, manipulating a small robot, and started approaching here.

In this door, there are still colorful lights shining, very beautiful. Against the background of this light, this door seems to contain a little sacred meaning.

This robot, like a pilgrim believer, is walking towards this gate of heaven.

The robot soon came to the facade. Through the monitoring equipment installed on the robot, Xiao Yu is always watching the movement here.

But something weird happened. There was only a door interval, but Xiao Yu couldn't see any scene inside the door.

"It's a blessing, not a curse, but a curse, but let's go in and see." Xiao Yu gritted his teeth, manipulating the robot, and stepped in.

As soon as he stepped in, the gorgeous colorful light disappeared immediately, and then Xiao Yu saw a scene that shocked him.

Here, there is a coffin in which a person lies.

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