Super Battleship Reborn

Chapter 133: Immortal beast

Hebei is suspected to be the most powerful and safest ship in the Xiao Yu fleet at this stage. It has the strongest attack power, the strongest defensive power, and the strongest computing power. The Hebei will become Xiao Yu's flagship.

Xiao Yu's current fleet has more than 125,000 ships, including one provincial ship, eight municipal ships, and one thousand county ships. The rest are township and village ships.

Surrounded by more than 125,000 spaceships, the mighty Hebei was sailing in the cosmic void.

Ahead, the huge gaseous planet No. 3 has entered Xiao Yu's sight, and the distance is only 100 million kilometers.

Xiao Yu does not intend to stay here. Compared with planet three, planet two is closer to the mother animal of the vector animal and is suitable as a base.

However, an unexpected situation disrupted Xiao Yu's plan.

Looking through the telescope, Xiao Yu saw that on the satellites around Planet Three, a faint flash from time to time seemed to be launching something.

"What is this?" Xiao Yu wondered. "Yabei civilization is a strange animal civilization. They cannot master this level of science and technology. Is it ... foreign civilization?"

Xiao Yu's heart tightened immediately.

"Is it goodwill or malicious? I do n’t know what ’s going on with the Yasuke mother star? I promised those Yasui warriors to take good care of their people. If their people have an accident, they ’re too sorry . "

Xiao Yu's heart was anxious, but Xiao Yu didn't speed up, but controlled the spacecraft and began to slow down slowly.

Slowing down means that Xiao Yu intends to stop around Planet Three.

Before, Xiao Yu's fleet had been coasting. Now, as soon as it slows down, a strong flash of light erupts.

One minute later, Xiao Yu saw it. At Planet Three, the flickering flash that disappeared.

Here, nearly 100 million kilometers away from Planet Three, running back and forth at the speed of light is almost exactly one minute. This scenario means that unknown creatures on Planet Three had discovered Xiao Yu's fleet. Immediately stopped his movements.

Xiao Yu remained vigilant and sent a wire broadcast to the past.

"I am a human civilization from the third cantilever. Excuse me, what civilization are you?"

"Is it a Yasui civilization? If it is a Yasui civilization, please respond to me. I once fought alongside your 7,000 ancestors and destroyed the white dwarf alien beast. After your ancestors died, I accept their commission , Come here to protect your safety. I believe your ancestors have notified you in advance, so you do not need to be alert to me. "

Xiao Yu knows that there is some kind of ultra-distance communication means between the vector animals, and their ultra-distance communication capabilities are more advanced than Xiao Yu's. Xiao Yu's ultra-distance communication instruments can only maintain communication accuracy within 500 million kilometers, exceeding 500 million kilometers. You need a transit satellite to transit in order to keep the information flowing. However, there seems to be no distance limitation for the super-long distance communication between the vector animals.

This message was sent through a wire radio broadcast, which means that even if the other party responds immediately after receiving the message, Xiao Yu will not receive it until one minute later. However, Xiao Yu waited for ten minutes, but never received a response that was unknown.

Xiao Yu's caution has been raised again. So Xiao Yu broadcast another message.

"I know that you have received my message. If you do not respond to me again, I will treat you as a hostile civilization. To ensure the safety of the Yabei, I will launch an attack on you.

Time gradually passed. After ten minutes, Xiao Yu still did not receive any response.

"It's ... a bit wrong. No matter what. Let's get ready for the battle. Just to test the combat effectiveness of the Hebei." Xiao Yu thought.

With the Hebei, Xiao Yu will no longer be afraid of any civilization below level 4. According to the Lukas, a Level 4 civilization is not considered a Level 5 civilization. Is there such a powerful material to say otherwise.

Just then, Xiao Yu received a response from that unknown existence.

This response was not sent through the power-limited broadcast, but directly used action to let Xiao Yu see their response plan.

Xiao Yu saw that a suspected rocket launch reappeared on Planet Three. Different from before, this time, the emission direction of these bright spots seems to be towards themselves.

After seeing this scene, Xiao Yu sneered.

"Look at your speed ... at most it's just a third-level civilization."

Xiao Yu maneuvered the spacecraft to further slow down, and at the same time set off the battlefield, ready for battle.

The distance between the two is 100 million kilometers, and the sum of the speeds of the two will reach 12,000 kilometers per second, which is expected to meet in two hours.

The distance was getting closer and closer, but Xiao Yu found some unusual signs.

There are too many of these light spots, and there are ... millions of them. And, with time, this number continues to increase.

This number surprised Xiao Yu.

"Millions of spaceships? This number is too scary .... Now it has grown to 10 million, huh? Still increasing?"

"This, is this a mechanical civilization? Or, is it a proliferation-limiting creature in a beast civilization?"

Under the current biological framework of the universe, it is unlikely that millions or tens of millions of spacecraft will be dispatched together. Because the spacecraft needs intelligent creatures to control it, and the more advanced the technology and the larger the volume of the spacecraft, the more operators are needed. If Xiao Yu does not rely on his huge computing power to directly control the spacecraft, Xiao Yu estimates that a county-level spacecraft needs at least 1,000 specially trained personnel to operate it.

Limited by the size of the population, in general, the fleet size cannot be too large. Of course, powerful civilizations such as the Guardian and the Sweeper are not included.

But this unknown civilization in front of me, this time, has launched more than 10 million light spots! If a light spot represents a spaceship, that number is scary enough.

"He cannot be a science and technology civilization, or an ordinary alien animal civilization, then it may only be a mechanical civilization, or a proliferation-limited alien animal civilization ..." Xiao Yu concluded.

Only mechanical civilization can have such a large number of spacecraft.

There is something in common between mechanical civilization and limited breeding alien animal civilization, that is, the huge number of fighting tools. Under the rigid program control of mechanical civilization, all the resources it sees will be used to build the spaceship, while the multi-proliferation alien beast civilization will devour all the resources it sees and then turn Your own beast.

In the language of the earth's age, there is another proper title for the limited breeding alien animal civilization, that is, the Zerg.

Xiao Yu raised the alert level to the highest level.

The distance between the two is getting closer. Through the faint stellar rays and the super high-resolution telescope, Xiao Yu finally saw clearly what these light spots were.

Xiao Yu's eyes greeted him with several weirdly shaped ships. These ships were not large in size, probably only three meters by two meters by one meter, and showed an irregular dish shape.

The surface of these ships is uneven, but without any obvious bumps. Xiao Yu saw that there was a clear jet of light behind them, and it seemed that they were driven by these.

Seeing this, Xiao Yu was basically sure that this was the Zerg civilization. The reason is very simple. The surface of a scientific and technological civilization is generally smooth, and it is unlikely that the surface will be uneven, which symbolizes a crudely crafted spacecraft.

Xiao Yu's heart worried again: "I don't know how the Yasui civilization is? I hope there hasn't been any great damage. Hey, capturing a finger of the white dwarf alien beast has delayed me too much time."

Xiao Yu is not afraid of these strange beast creatures. Xiao Yu is now similar to the existence of mechanical civilization, and both mechanical civilization and Zerg civilization are known for their huge number of fighting tools. In terms of quantity, Xiao Yu is confident that it is no worse than any existence.

Moreover, Xiao Yu also has the ultimate war bastion of the Hebei, Xiao Yu does not believe that these Zerg can destroy even the Hebei.

"Test their fighting capabilities first." Xiao Yu thought, manipulating more than 120,000 spacecraft, and launching a sub-torrent attack.

After entering the third-level civilization, the kinetic weapon attack has been almost abandoned by Xiao Yu, but thanks to its low cost and the huge lethality of the civilization without a shield, Xiao Yu still saved some high-firing machine guns. ~ ~ This time, the total number of sub-torrents reached about 100 million, and the shooting speed reached 15,000 kilometers per second.

At this speed, it will be estimated that after about 50 minutes, the opponent will meet head-on.

Because the distance is too far, and the target is too small, the laser weapon cannot play much role above this distance. However, the sub-torrent is not the same. Xiao Yu can completely use these low-cost gadgets to make coverage attacks, basically without having to consider the problem of targeting.

Xiao Yu was silently waiting.

Fifty minutes later, Zi Hongliu reached his goal.

Through the telescope, Xiao Yu saw such a scene.

The number of sons hit these weird little spaceships and was flying away, but many sons followed. Finally, Zi broke their hard shells, knocked them away from the large troops, and flew towards the depths of the virtual space.

The engines at the rear of them also went out. This means that they will not have the ability to return again, that is, they die under the attack of the child.

This round of torrent attacks attacked about 300,000 small alien beasts. To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to (. Vote for recommendation, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m .. to read.

ps: In this chapter, the monthly ticket is 195 plus, and the monthly ticket is 210. . .

Also, ask for a monthly ticket again! !! !! !!

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