Super Battleship Reborn

Chapter 136: Run away

When the county-level ship was launched, all the ships stood out and launched a crazy attack on the front. At this moment, kinetic weapons, laser cannons, energy cannons, hydrogen bombs and other weapons almost reached the point of carpet attack.

All this is just for one purpose, to clear the road ahead for the county-level spaceship to be launched.

At this moment, the zerg mother was also crazy. On its huge body, there are countless round holes, and among these holes, numerous zergs are ejected every moment, blocking them in front of these ships.

However, the distance between it and Xiao Yu is too close, only 10,000 kilometers. In this distance, Xiao Yu's weapons can be used to the extreme.

The Zerg that it created are being slaughtered by Xiao Yu's mercilessly. They can only slightly hinder Xiao Yu's footsteps, but not cause much trouble to Xiao Yu.

Within the Hebei, the county-level spacecraft had been launched, and no weapons were mounted on it. But its defense system was strengthened to the extreme. In other words, it's like a tortoise shell, with only a strong defense and no attack.

But this is just an illusion. Inside the county ship was a giant bomb that was enough to blow up a planet.

The carrier carrying this super huge hydrogen bomb is not a missile, but a county-level spaceship.

That's right, this county-level spacecraft was built purely to transport this hydrogen bomb.

Above the Hebei hull, a huge hatch opened, and the county-level ship flew out. Covered by countless artillery fires, it began to fly towards the satellite.

At this time, the Zerg mother who had engulfed the entire satellite seemed to be aware of the dangerous arrival. Xiao Yu saw that at this moment. It started a more crazy jet, and at the same time, in one direction of the planet, countless bright orange-red flames began to spray out.

"This is ... a planetary engine!" Xiao Yu was shocked.

These bright orange-red flames have hundreds of thousands of beams, covering almost one-eighth the area of ​​a planet, as if numerous planetary engines were buried beneath the planet.

Driven by these hundreds of thousands of engines, Xiao Yu saw that the speed of the satellite began to accelerate, getting faster and faster. If you continue to accelerate at this speed. It will reach the escape speed of Planet Three in twenty minutes, that is to say, this satellite will be directly out of the orbit of Planet Three.

This means. This is exactly the same process as Xiao Yu's promotion of No. 1 satellite from Tianying a orbit.

"It wants to escape!" Xiao Yu immediately reached this conclusion.

The county-level spaceship carrying a giant hydrogen bomb. There are more than 8,000 kilometers away from this satellite. In space. With such a long distance, even such a huge hydrogen bomb can only cause relatively limited damage to it, but its own spacecraft will be affected not only by small amounts.

Xiao Yu wanted to speed up the county-level spacecraft, but the swarms ahead were still endless. They are being madly killed by Xiao Yu. They use their lives in exchange for the mother's escape time.

Faced with this situation, Xiao Yu felt quite helpless.

Xiao Yu even used gravity shells. These weapons have been Xiao Yu's most lethal weapons ever since they received thousands of gravity bombs in the Luka fleet. However, Xiao Yu found that even a gravity bomb could not play much of a role here.

A gravity bomb can empty all the material over hundreds of kilometers and kill hundreds of thousands of zerg. But how many zerg are here? Hundreds of millions are not enough to describe their numbers.

The mother worm carried the satellite in her stomach and was still accelerating. Slowly, twenty minutes passed. It reached the escape speed of Planet Three, it flew out along the tangent of the orbit, and fled into the vast space.

At this moment, Xiao Yu immediately made up his mind: "Chasing! It must be destroyed!"

Xiao Yu was manipulating the spacecraft Hebei, and just a little forward, he saw a scene that made Xiao Yu's teeth tickle.

The Zerg, which remained on the orbit of Planet Three, did not follow the mother worm, but instead flew in the opposite direction.

There ... it is planet one, the parent star of the vector animal civilization.

Very simple strategy to rescue Wei, Zhao fled from his mother body, but abandoned the army with a team to attack the place where Xiao Yu must rescue.

And ... Xiao Yu didn't know how long the mother worm stayed here before he arrived, and what was happening on Planet One. This means that if Xiao Yu didn't want to see all the beasts die, Xiao Yu had to rush over as soon as possible.

Zerg mothers can divide, but Xiao Yu cannot. Because Xiao Yu ’s distance communication method is only effective within 500 million kilometers, unlike the beasts and this female, they can use the distance communication without restriction. This means that if Xiao Yu is going to pursue, he must start the whole team. But in this way, the beasts on planet one are in a dangerous situation.

If the fleet rushes to Planet One, then the mother worm must be allowed to leave.

This is a dilemma. At this time, Xiao Yu only thought for a second and came to a conclusion.

"Let's be lucky, hum, let me let you go for the time being." Xiao Yu thought a little bit hesitantly, manipulating the huge fleet, and hurried toward Planet One.

"I do n’t know what happened to the vector beasts on Planet One. I hope there have n’t been any big messes. But ... the reality may not be optimistic. This female has shown an extremely powerful fighting force, even me If there were no Hebei, I would not be its opponent, let alone those old and weak sick beasts. "

This is indeed the case. Without the almost indestructible Hebei, Xiao Yu basically had no hope of winning in the battle against the mother worm by virtue of her original strength, let alone the persecuted mother worm escaped directly.

In this battle, Xiao Yu lost thousands of spaceships, including ten county-level ships. This is because more than 90% of the attacks were all undertaken by Hebei. Without the Hebei, Xiao Yu would not have escaped the sea of ​​insects without losing one or two city-level spacecraft.

The combat effectiveness of the Hebei was proved in this battle. It can be said that the existence of the Hebei makes Xiao Yu's fighting power more than doubled, and Xiao Yu, who was originally in a disadvantaged position, directly increased her strength to a level where she could be forced to run away.

On the way to Planet One, there were traces of the Zerg. And, obviously, they also keep in touch with the females. On the way, these Zerg attacked Xiao Yu's fearless death. However, the number of supplements is lost. For Xiao Yu, they are just a little bit more troublesome and can be eliminated by consuming some time.

Xiao Yu knows that the Zerg civilization belongs to a kind of alien beast civilization, which is the more extreme one of the alien beast civilizations. Only the mother insects have self-wisdom in their entire civilization. For the rest, all daughters can only obey the instructions of the mother.

Now that they can act and attack Xiao Yu, it means that they are still under the control of the female worm.

In this case, the situation between Dao and Xiao Yu is not much different. The same is true of Xiao Yu's fleet. Only Xiao Yu has the wisdom, and all other spacecraft can only operate under the control of Xiao Yu. However, it seems that the computing power of the Zerg mother worm seems infinite. At least, the number of daughter worms appearing on the battlefield has already exceeded the number of 10 billion. If it is replaced by Xiao Yu to command this 10 billion child, Worm, it is estimated that Xiao Yu's brain crashed directly.

Xiao Yu has been paying attention to the trace of the mother worm. Xiao Yu confirmed that it did not stay in the Aquila Samsung system, but flew towards another star in the distance. The star, named Xiaoying by Tian Yu, is a pentagram galaxy. There are five stars with similar masses orbiting each other.

If three stars with similar masses revolve around each other, their orbits will tend to be chaotic and unpredictable, let alone Wuhe. Their orbit is even more chaotic, and there is no way to predict their orbit.

"It's a pity that it failed to destroy it this time and was run away by it. Keeping it there is always a hidden danger. I need to find a way to eliminate it before I can safely leave the Skyhawk Samsung. Otherwise, I leave After that, it will kill again, and the beasts can't resist it. "Xiao Yu was a little worried.

"However, it's too early to consider this issue. But rush to Planet One first and check out the situation of the Yabei."

After paying attention, Xiao Yu cleared the Zerg remaining in the Aquila Samsung system all the way, and quickly approached Planet One ~ ~ Planet Three is nine billion feet away from the Aquila With a distance of kilometers, and four billion kilometers further, it is another gaseous planet. This planet was named as Planet 2 by Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu's current position is near Planet Two.

Planet No. 2 is 4.8 billion kilometers further, which is the orbit of Planet No. 3. However, Planet Three is now moving to the other side of Sky Eagle III, so Xiao Yu is still 5.2 billion kilometers away from Planet Three.

This distance, Xiao Yu only needs seven days to cross.

Along the way, Xiao Yu eliminated at least one billion worms. This phenomenon gave Xiao Yu a little bad hunch.

"Yai beasts, you must hold on, but I promised your people to protect you ..." Xiao Yu silently prayed.

Time slowly slipped away, and in front of it, the huge planet Three was already in sight. (To be continued ...)

ps: This chapter is 210 monthly tickets plus more! There will be a chapter at 8:20 for the monthly ticket plus 225 tickets!

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