Super Battleship Reborn

Chapter 158: Fuel collection brigade

The Supercomputing Center is Xiao Yu's strongest backing. With the sufficient computing power provided by the tens of thousands of supercomputers in the Supercomputing Center, Xiao Yu can manufacture robots and various equipments without hesitation, without having to worry about insufficient computing power.

At this moment, the role of the supercomputing center is fully reflected. On top of the nine satellites of Planetary System II, countless robots and various equipment are still busy. In space, billions of ultra-miniature spacecraft are still fighting. Xiao Yu started the satellite nervously. Construction work.

In order to facilitate the distinction, Xiao Yu gave these satellites different names. In the third planetary system, the satellite occupied by the Zerg mother worm was named Xiao A by Xiao Yu, and the satellite captured by himself was named San B satellite. In the second planetary system, the satellites where the supercomputing center is located are named satellites A-2, and the remaining satellites are lined up in alphabetical order such as B, C, and D.

Xiao Yu ’s fleet is backed by three B satellites, comprehensively and closely protecting the safety of the three B satellites, ensuring that the one hundred million construction robots can have a safe construction environment. The mineral survey of the Three B satellite has already been completed. In the next period of time, these robots will successively build various bases such as mineral collection bases, forging bases, and equipment manufacturing bases, thereby forming a self-sufficient system. , Become a nail stuck deep in the Zerg base camp.

Zerg mothers have shown a strong resistance to this. It clearly understood what Xiao Yu did in order to do this, so its counterattack became more and more crazy.

Hundreds of millions of bugs have emerged from the depths of space. After long-range shooting by 20,000 large spacecraft, they will lose a part, and after approaching a certain distance, they will be attacked by ultra-miniature spacecraft. Xiao Yu's fleet, here, formed a solid **** to resist the impact of the turbulent swarm of tide.

Until now, Xiao Yu's fleet has stayed here for five days, eliminating at least billions of bugs. But the number of bugs is not small at all, and is still emerging in a frenzy.

Xiao Yu expects that he will stay here for at least one month. After one month, the three B satellites can have self-protection capabilities, and gradually develop and grow in self-protection, and the ability to counterattack.

Under such circumstances, the problem of Xiao Yu's fleet replenishment has become more prominent. Here, after all, it is the old nest of the Zerg, and there is no base belonging to Xiao Yu. On the three B satellites, 100 million robots have only completed the construction of the main base during this period of time. The remaining collection bases, forging bases and other facilities are still in the initial stage of construction.

However, Xiao Yu already had a solution to this problem, and he had already prepared relevant combat capabilities. In the second planetary system, another huge fleet consisting of 50,000 spacecraft, led by the Yanjing, has already set off towards this place.

So far, the Yanjing has been fully converted from conventional manufacturing materials to exotic animal flesh materials. This transformation was started when Xiao Yu first entered the Skyhawk Samsung system, and the transformation has not been completed until now.

The beast flesh material has high requirements for the construction environment and construction accuracy. With Xiao Yu's construction power, it took more than 20 years to build a provincial spaceship. Obviously, under the circumstances at that time, and Not suitable for the construction of time-consuming and labor-intensive provincial spacecraft, transforming a city-level spacecraft has become Xiao Yu's first choice. Therefore, the birth of the new Yanjing.

Around these 50,000 large spaceships is another combat cluster consisting of 2.5 billion ultra-miniature spacecraft. This huge fleet, carrying sufficient fuel, as well as manufacturing equipment, and a special resource acquisition spacecraft, entered the third planetary system.

This fleet was also heavily attacked by the Zerg. However, under the leadership of the powerful battleship Hebei, Yanjing, the fleet was not greatly hindered and merged smoothly with the Hebei. As a result, a larger number of robots and more large-scale equipment came to the surface of the three B satellites and participated in the construction. At one time, the surface of the three B satellites became an ocean of robots and machines and equipment. After double scrubbing with hydrogen bomb, the surface of the scarred planet is busy working.

When Xiao Yu's power was further strengthened, a fleet of 200 million ultra-miniature ships quietly broke away from the large army and began to fly towards Planet Three.

This immediately caught the attention of the Zerg females. Xiao Yu saw that almost at the same time as the fleet set off, another army of 500 million Zergs followed.

Most of the previous wars were concentrated on the outer side of the planet, that is, the side of the planet facing away from Planet Three. On the side of the satellite facing Planet Three, some are just fuel-harvesting zerg. Now, Xiao Yu also plans to share a piece of cake here.

Planets two and three are too far apart. It is not realistic to rely on the fusion fuel transported from planet two to support the construction of the three B satellites. Within the third planetary system, it is imperative to obtain materials locally and obtain fusion fuel. Therefore, Xiao Yu developed such an ultra-miniature spacecraft that integrated combat effectiveness and fuel collection capabilities. They will be responsible for the replenishment of the three B satellites and the satellites that will be subsequently occupied.

Xiao Yu saw that the fleet of 500 million bugs followed closely behind the fuel collection team, firing miniature energy cannonballs and launching attacks. The purpose of the fuel-collection brigade's two hundred million mini-spacecraft is very clear. They mainly ran away, supplemented by counterattacks, and escaped when they could hide.

In stark contrast to the negative confrontation, it is their aggressive attack on the fuel-collecting zerg. In the galaxy of Planet Three, in addition to the ultra-miniature spaceships and combat-type zergs, there are also a large number of fuel-collecting bugs. These bugs, one after the other, are slow to move. You can see that the stomach is full of fusion fuel.

Under the control of Xiao Yu, the ultra-miniature spacecraft showed an unusually high interest in these huge bugs with little ability to attack defense, almost seeing a weapon that killed one, a spaceship If you can't kill them, just board the two together. Anyway, let's kill them.

As a result, such a situation appeared in the galaxy in planet three. A large group of attacking zerg flew in the back, chasing after a group of ultra-miniature ships in front of them. These ultra-miniature ships fled and attacked a large bug passing by from time to time.

Xiao Yu's goal is very clear: to ensure the logistics supply of his own side, try his best to destroy the enemy's logistics supply line. With the disruption of this group of ultra-miniature spacecraft, the ability of females to obtain nuclear fusion fuel has decreased by at least 30 percentage points.

This chase ended after the group of ultra-miniature ships reached the atmosphere of Planet Three. These ships have the ability to operate in the atmosphere of the planet, and these attacking bugs obviously do not have this ability. They can only wait outside the planet, waiting for the emergence of these ultra-miniature ships.

Within the planet's atmosphere, these ultra-miniature spacecraft from Xiao Yu embarked on a smooth fuel collection journey. Large aspirators are installed above their cabins, and a large amount of gas is sucked into the cabins at any time, and then a series of means are used in the cabins to separate out and store deuterium gas. The remaining gas is discharged from the cabin. In the process, their quality has gradually increased.

It took them several hours to complete the collection task, so they detached from the atmosphere of Planet Three in groups and encountered the attacking Zerg who had been waiting outside for a long time.

This encounter was expected by Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu is still a passive strategy of avoiding war. He manipulated these ultra-miniature spacecraft Gu to flee, and only when there was no way ~ ~ turned back to confront them.

In the process of fighting and escaping, the fuel collection team began to return towards the three B satellite. When returning to the 200,000 kilometers away from the Three B satellites, Xiao Yu's huge fleet began to cover them with artillery and launched a fierce attack on the insects chasing behind.

The end result was that after the 200 million fuel-collection spacecraft returned to the Three B satellite base, only 170 million were left, and 30 million spacecraft were destroyed.

The three B satellite is only two million kilometers away from Planet Three, and it is no more than four million kilometers back and forth. However, within this short four million kilometers, Xiao Yu lost 30 million spacecraft. . It is conceivable that the battles along the way were fierce.

"This result is okay. At least one quarter of the damage rate is lower than I expected. Anyway, it's just consumables, it doesn't matter." Xiao Yu thought, and gave a new order to the supercomputing center. Under the control of the Supercomputing Center, 60% of the 170 million miniature spacecraft landed on the 3B satellite, unloaded the fuel they collected, and the remaining 40%. It was added to Xiao Yu's fleet.

Xiao Yu's fleet not only bears the responsibility of artillery cover and long-range attack, but also bears the responsibility of the temporary dock of the ultra-mini spaceship team. The ultra-miniature spacecraft that has run out of stored fuel will be replenished and repaired within the large spacecraft.

On the three B satellites, hundreds of millions of robots and countless mechanical equipment have been replenished with fuel, such as the grass of Gan Lin. Suddenly, sufficient vitality erupted, and Xiao Yu's construction operation process accelerated again.

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