Super Battleship Reborn

Chapter 160: porter

Xiao Yu has been closely monitoring the situation of the three b satellites. Seeing his own arrangement supported the Zerg's fierce attack on Xiao Yu in the initial stage, the heart gradually let go.

If his own arrangement could not withstand the Zerg attack, then Xiao Yu had to launch a hydrogen bomb to blow up the planet. When the countless fragments will sweep the Sky Eagle Samsung system, what consequences Xiao Yu can't predict, but in short, it will bring many variables to the war situation. This is what Xiao Yu does not want to see.

There are more than 100 satellites in the entire planetary system with a mass of more than 5 trillion tons. Of the more than one hundred satellites, 89 were Xiao Yu's plans to dispose of. Because their mass is too small and small, it is difficult to defend.

In order not to leave the Zerg mother worm to eat, Xiao Yu intends to deal with it directly.

Xiao Yu's returning fleet has caught up with the Zerg forces attacking their base camp and launched a fierce battle in space.

Lost the support of the Zerg mother worms. These worms were as fragile as paper under the attack of the fierce Hebei and Beijing. When reaching the second planet while chasing all the way, this Zerg unit had less than one billion left and was quickly wiped out by the two fortifications of the fortifications of the second planet and the fleet.

That is the current situation. Xiao Yu was capable of launching a long-range raid and laying down a nailworm female in the enemy's old nest wedge, but did not have this ability. Because the long-range attack troops sent by Zerg mother worms do not have the ability to obtain supplies anytime, anywhere, they are not the same as Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu can obtain supplies wherever he goes to build a base.

In addition, the Zerg has another big shortcoming, that is, there is no flagship attack force, and there is no such thing as the Hebei USS Beijing in the Xiao Yu fleet. These two shortcomings caused their long-range raids to be almost impossible to succeed. In Xiao Yu's opinion, the expeditionary force consisting of only 10 billion insects was more appropriate than a raid.

This fleet of Xiao Yu returned to the planetary system smoothly. Here, Xiao Yu fully replenished the fleet. The robotic ultra-miniature spacecraft produced by the nine major bases in the planetary system during this period, and various mining instruments The load was empty and once again headed for Planet Three.

In addition to the above-mentioned materials, Xiao Yu also carried many large engines this time. These engines will be used to deal with small satellites that are difficult to defend but cannot be left to the Zerg mother worm.

It is more than half a month to come and go. A total of more than 10 billion worms were buried on the three B satellites in this half month. Everything is as Xiao Yu expected. The defense force on the three b satellites not only was not destroyed under the crazy attack of the Zerg, but grew stronger in the war.

Robot production lines and ultra-miniature spacecraft production lines have been on track, and a large number of finished products have been manufactured every moment. In addition to supplementing the depleted combat units, they have the ability to create some assault fleets to attack fuel-collecting bugs on the surface of Planet Three.

Under the control of the Supercomputing Center, this kind of thing often happens on the surface of the third planet. A huge fuel-collecting Zerg is safely collecting fuel and doing its own work, but suddenly I do n’t know where it came from. A spaceship began to attack them indiscriminately. Under the continuous and uninterrupted harassment of Xiao Yu, these insects who collected fuel suffered great casualties, which reduced the ability of Zerg mothers to collect fuel by at least 60 percentage points.

In the beginning, the zerg mothers will also send some **** zergs to follow the fuel-collecting bugs. However, Xiao Yu ’s harassment was so inevitable that later the Zerg mothers simply evolved the fuel-collecting insects so that they also had combat capabilities. At the same time, the Zerg mothers began to send Zerg troops to harass Xiao Yu's fuel collection spacecraft.

So from time to time, battles erupted on the fuel collection battlefield outside the other two battlefields. Although the scale is much smaller than the other two battlefields, its severity is not inferior.

The two sides struggled to collect the fuel they needed in this situation.

In the darkness of nothingness, the huge planet three in the distance is already in the distance. Xiao Yu's fleet also began to be continuously attacked by Zerg. Xiao Yu didn't pay too much attention to these harassment but went straight to his goal.

It was a small satellite with a mass of about 50 trillion tons. It shows an irregular shape and the volume is about 30 kilometers by 20 kilometers by 15 kilometers. Its orbit is only about 100,000 kilometers away from the orbit of the Zerg female. Fortunately, at the current stage, the two have run to different places and are not close to each other.

On the surface of this small satellite, there are still many zergs active to collect the minerals they need. In this regard, Xiao Yu mercilessly attacked them and wiped them out. Then follow the old routine fleet to protect the satellite around the satellite to prevent all Zerg from entering a certain range of the satellite, and then send enough robots to carry the giant engine prepared in advance to start the intense installation process.

Xiao Yu has done 3D modeling work for this satellite and analyzed each of its best stress points. These thousands of engines were installed on these points.

These engines can barely be considered planetary engines, but they are nothing compared to the big guy Xiao Yu once installed on Tianyuan a. These thousands of engines combined are estimated to be inferior to any one above Tianyuan a. But its mass here is enough to put the thrust that these engines can provide.

The installation was completed in three days. So Xiao Yu issued an order to launch.

Immediately, the bright blue flames of thousands of engine jets spewed out like fluttering ribbons. Under the thrust of these thousands of engines, the speed of the small satellite around Planet Three gradually increased, and finally it reached the escape speed of Planet Three after five hours.

It broke away from the gravitational pull of the satellite No. 3, got out of the embrace of the planet No. 3, and began to fly deep into the universe. In fact, Xiao Yu's added acceleration not only allowed it to escape from planet three, but also allowed it to escape the gravitational pull of the star Eagle. It will set off into the depths of space, if not unexpected, it will probably reach next to another red giant star in the Aquila Nebula and enter its orbit in tens of thousands of years.

This is done to rule out the possibility that it will be hit by the gravitational disturbance in its subsequent operation. Within a chaotic system, Xiao Yu could not be completely accurate. If it is not pushed out of the stellar system, the probability of it hitting the Saturn mother star is about nine ten thousandths.

Seeing that the small satellite Zerg mother worms that are drifting away under the impetus of the engine seem to know that Xiao Yu's plan can not help but become a little crazy.

Xiao Yu saw that it was speeding up the production of worms once again, but this time the worms did not set off for Xiao Yu but began to scatter toward the satellites in the planetary system 3.

"Did you start defending these satellites? It's useless." Xiao Yu smiled coldly in his heart. "Hebei can't approach your mother, but it's very easy to get close to a satellite."

Xiao Yu's entire plan is like this. That is to control all the available resources around the Zerg mother worm. The occupation that cannot be occupied, simply move it away. In short, the Zerg mother worm will not get any other than the satellite in its belly. The supplement is ~ ~ Then Xiao Yu will launch a continuous attack on it to force it to continue to produce worms until it consumes all resources and can no longer produce worms. That will be its end. Xiao Yu will use a hydrogen bomb to send it to the road.

"Even if you know my plan? I know you're smart enough and I don't plan to hide it from you. But I'm curious how would you respond? Run away?"

Xiao Yu slowly pondered slowly and approached the next small satellite.

"It doesn't have the speed advantage in facing my fleet. If it escapes, I can easily catch up with it. Lost the fusion fuel of gaseous planets in space, it will not last long. Its only The way of life is not to return after the last departure. In that case, in order to prevent it from coming back to attack the Yashou mother star after I leave, I really need to take a lot of thought. Maybe I have to actively search for its whereabouts in space to start the pursuit. Then I am passive but you come back ... then accept the fate of destruction obediently. "

In Xiao Yu's eyes, this big guy who can devour the stars is dead.

After "moving" the second small satellite, Xiao Yu steered the fleet to the third satellite, which had reached the hydrostatic equilibrium, and started the reconstruction of the three satellites.

A total of more than one hundred large-scale satellites Xiao Yu will remove eighty-nine of the remaining twelve large satellites. Xiao Yu will have it in his own hands.

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