Super Battleship Reborn

Chapter 176: Ready to work

Upon hearing Tai Hao's statement, Xiao Yu's mind was immediately tense.

"What the heck is an information storm? How should I observe?" Xiao Yu asked quickly.

"It's really troublesome, but for the sake of finding a big fish for me, I'll help you again." Taihao said. As soon as the words fell, Xiao Yu felt that a piece of information came into his mind .

Xiao Yu immediately began to interpret this information. Only a few millionths of a second, Xiao Yu had fully understood the meaning of this message.

"That's the way it is." Xiao Yu, after reading this message, breathed a sigh of relief.

"Then, let's start observing. Such a good opportunity cannot be missed."

"I have left the stage of super-light speed navigation and entered normal navigation. This information storm is expected to last for 0.5 seconds." Tai Hao told Xiao Yu.

Until now, after reading this information, Xiao Yu, who had troubled Xiao Yu for more than two decades, finally learned what Xiao Yu was.

To explain the information storm, black holes have to be mentioned. A black hole is a very extreme celestial body. It is one of the possible destinations after the death of a massive star.

Depending on the mass, there are several different types of endings after a star dies. At the end of life, a star the size of the sun will die in a gentler way. After death, a white dwarf will form. It's like the white dwarf that Xiao Yu once encountered.

More massive stars, at the end of their lives. A supernova explosion will occur, releasing billions of times or more the energy of the sun in a flash. After the supernova explodes, a neutron star will form at its core.

Above the neutron star is a black hole. Black holes are more extreme than neutron stars. The surface escape speed of neutron stars is generally about 150,000 kilometers per second, but the escape speed of black holes exceeds the speed of light. That means. No object can escape after entering the black hole's horizon.

However, this will bring a problem, that is, the loss of information. The substance itself carries a lot of information, such as a meteorite, a table, and they all carry a lot of information. Such as energy level, temperature and so on. If they can't come out after entering a black hole, it means that the information they carry is lost.

This problem has troubled Xiao Yu before. Because the loss of information is inconsistent with currently known theories. If the confirmation information will be completely lost for no reason, then Xiao Yu's existing theoretical system must be completely overturned. If Xiao Yu's current theoretical system is not wrong, it means. There must be a way, or process, that would allow the black hole to swallow the information and spit it out again.

Now Xiao Yu knows what this process is. That is. Information storm.

"Originally, this is the information storm ... This is a big solution to my doubt. At least. My theory is still self-consistent enough at present, not overwhelmed by the problem of information loss." Xiao Yu secretly rejoiced. Up.

In this piece of information from Tai Hao to Xiao Yu, there is not much explanation of the remaining related processes, such as how the black hole died, the internal scene of the black hole, how the information is stored in the black hole, etc. It just shows that, at the end of the life of a black hole, after reaching a certain limit, a super-violent explosion will occur in the black hole, and it will return to nothingness. At that time, within its long life cycle, all the information swallowed up will instantly emerge, sweeping through several river systems through space.

The life of a black hole is extremely long. The larger the black hole, the longer the life. This information storm is a black hole of about 10,000 times the mass of the Sun in the Fairy Galaxy. It reached the end of life for some unknown reason, exploded, and spit out at least billions of years of its life. Everything swallowed up.

Every beam of light it engulfed, and every atom it engulfed, contained a tremendous amount of information. How horrible will the total amount of information accumulated over billions of years? Xiao Yu didn't know. But Xiao Yu knew that so much information was absolutely super horrible after an instant explosion.

The information storm mainly kills the soul of intelligent creatures. At the moment when the information storm arrives, huge amounts of information will instantly dissipate the consciousness of intelligent creatures, leading to the death of intelligent creatures.

However, after all, the information storm has no substance. Therefore, it is relatively backward, the brain is not sufficiently developed, and the information received is not sensitive enough. The secondary civilization has no effect or has only minimal effect. It has no effect on the sixth-level civilization that has mastered preliminary space science and technology. It has no effect on all beast civilizations and mechanical civilizations. It only has a strong killing effect on third-, fourth-, and fifth-level civilizations.

When he learned this, Xiao Yu's heart began to worry inexplicably.

"I don't know what happened to my people ... Can they survive the information storm?"

Xiao Yu is also within the scope of the information storm. Moreover, because Xiao Yu has no body and only relies on computers to survive, the killing effect of the information storm on Xiao Yu is even stronger.

But risk also means opportunity. God knows what kind of information a black hole will collect during such a long life. If a super civilization has carried out some experiments and recorded the light of these experiments happen to be swallowed by this black hole, then its There are internal records of this test. If such information can be obtained, the benefits are self-evident.

Even if there is no such good luck, but only the light of some stars is collected, this is also extremely useful information. Through this information, Xiao Yu can completely reproduce the complete evolution of a star.

Without a mechanism such as an information storm, it would be almost impossible for Xiao Yu to complete such a job. The life span of a star is calculated in millions of years. How can Xiao Yu observe so long to collect data?

In short, there is a huge amount of information in the information storm, which will cause great threats to intelligent creatures, but if you can avoid being harmed by it and collect some information, maybe there will be some unexpected gains .

After understanding this process, Xiao Yu was quickly ready to collect information.

The tools for gathering information are simple, just simple antennas. There are many antennas on Xiao Yu's spacecraft. All Xiao Yu has to do is vacate many hard disks in advance, and at the same time, protect the hard disks that store useful information from being affected by the information storm.

On this point, Tai Hao gave Xiao Yu a great help. Tai Hao once again let Xiao Yu's fleet, including the Lukas, enter the four-dimensional space, only in three-dimensional space, leaving a few information collection spacecraft.

Before re-entering the four-dimensional space, Xiao Yu had already sent a message to the Lucasians: "Next, they will enter the four-dimensional space. All Lucas who have received the information will immediately stop all actions, no matter what sight they see. Keep calm and don't allow tampering. "

It is necessary to release such a piece of information. The three-dimensional object is completely visible and unstoppable in the four-dimensional space, which means that if a Luca is curious when he sees the internal structure of a similar body and reaches out and touches it, he may directly pierce the blood vessel. That led to death.

The next moment Xiao Yu released the information, countless Lukas made a noise, and at the same time, in the Lab of Heaven, Luka scientists were caught in a heated discussion.

"Four-dimensional space? Why not move? Rarely have such an opportunity. Naturally, we must seize the time to observe and study it. If we can't move, would we have missed this good opportunity?"

"That is, such a good opportunity, even at the risk of death, cannot be missed."

After hearing these arguments, Xiao Yu once again issued a very strict order: "All observation tasks are done by me. After leaving the four-dimensional space, all observation data will be shared with all scientists ~ ~ Who does not obey orders , Expel Heaven immediately! "

Under such a harsh order from Xiao Yu, finally, the Lucca scientists reluctantly agreed.

After everything was arranged properly, Xiao Yu felt that strange vertigo again. The next moment, the familiar and strange world appeared again in Xiao Yu's optical observation instrument and was transmitted to Xiao Yu's mind.

Xiao Yu already knew how ridiculous his previous thought was. He actually tried to hide behind a star, or developed a curved space shield, and wanted to escape the information storm.

Information storms use space as a carrier of transmission, so hiding in stars, even behind black holes, does not work. The curved space shield is even more ineffective. Even if the space is curved, the information storm can still come in.

The only way to avoid the information storm is to escape from this three-dimensional space.

Xiao Yu and the Lucas have come to the fourth dimension, naturally out of this three-dimensional space. No matter how fierce the information storm is, it cannot affect Xiao Yu.

Avoiding information storms in four-dimensional space is like sitting in a helicopter and avoiding floods. A flood is a disaster in a two-dimensional world. Sitting in a helicopter to the sky is equivalent to a third dimension. A two-dimensional disaster will not affect the third dimension in any way.

Similarly, the disaster in the three-dimensional world will not affect the fourth dimension in any way.

Xiao Yu is absolutely safe here.

Looking at the passage of time, Xiao Yu thought silently in his heart: "The information storm is coming."

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