Super Battleship Reborn

Chapter 181: cage

Xiao Yu knows that this war, since the Taihao civilization issued a broadcast of the entire Galaxy Galaxy, calling for the guardian civilization to participate in the war, this war is no longer between the two civilizations of the Taihao civilization and the sweeper civilization It was a private matter, but it became a major event in the entire galaxy.

The participation of the guardian civilization represents the climax of this war.

In Xiao Yu's mind, he couldn't help but imagine an image.

In the vast and galactic galaxy, countless warships were launched. They either sailed directly into the speed of light or gathered in a safe area. The guardian civilization transmitted to this in a way that they did not know yet. Star field.

Countless civilizations, battleships, various weapons, like ants, gathered towards this place and participated in the war against the civilization of sweepers.

How many civilizations will there be in the galaxy?

Xiao Yu didn't know. But at a rough estimate, there are at least 10,000 first-level and above, which is a civilization that has initially mastered chemical dynamics. Among the 10,000 civilizations, there are at least 1,500 civilizations, and they are Level 4 and above civilizations.

The entire galaxy has nearly 200 billion stars, spanning a long distance of 100,000 light years. With so many stars and such a vast area, only about 1,500 fourth-level and above civilizations have been bred in this area. On average, it takes more than 100 million stars to give birth to one.

Moreover, these civilizations are not all science and technology civilization, strange animal civilization, and mechanical civilization among them.

More than 1,500 civilizations. Under the leadership of Taihao and the Guardian Alliance, a full-scale war against the civilization of the sweepers began.

One thousand five hundred civilizations. How many battleships will there be? How many powerful weapons will there be? How much space will be occupied by so many warships?

I am afraid that even a star, when faced with this power, must be crushed directly.

What a huge power this is!

However, a word from Taihao made Xiao Yu's heart cold, and began to feel a sense of despair.

"Little guy, I failed."

Taihao civilization failed. Taihao civilization and the Guardian Alliance joined forces. Together with 1,500 different civilizations, we face the civilization of sweepers together.

But they failed.

"The height of this civilization against all civilizations in the galaxy ...."

"A drop-shaped detector of the Guardian Civilization, even now, I have no certainty of victory, but the Guardian Civilization still fails.

"Did it. The sweeper civilization is a seventh-level civilization? Why is it so powerful?"

The development of civilization must be accompanied by an increase in the scope of influence. For example, in the ancient human era, a valley can provide the entire civilization. After reaching the level of a third-level civilization, this civilization will exit the parent star and occupy the entire galaxy.

Fourth-level civilization. It is really stepping into the era of interstellar colony. A star system can no longer satisfy a fourth-level civilization.

However, the increase in the scope of influence also represents an increase in the probability of exposure. In other words, as long as it continues to develop, Xiao Yu will one day confront the civilization of the cleaners. Sweeper civilization. The guardian civilization is the enemy of Xiao Yu. Now it is not. Sooner or later it will be.

But ... how can a sweeper civilization be so powerful? Doing everything in the galaxy, can't you defeat a sweeper civilization?

Xiao Yu's heart was cold. Xiao Yu is waiting for the second sentence of Taihao civilization.

"The sweeper civilization is very powerful. It is well-deserved as the first civilization in the galaxy. A small Magellanic galaxy is no better than the vast galaxy."

"Only the sea can breed huge whales. In the small quagmire, at most, only a few small loach can be bred. In the large Magellan galaxy, I am invincible. Now, I am defeated by the cleaner civilization. . "

"My four-dimensional structure was smashed by a neutron war star. The Guardian civilization is worthy of the civilization that has been entangled with the sweeper for tens of millions of years. They have extremely outstanding talents for escape and concealment. It escaped the pursuit of the sweeper civilization and fled. "

"A total of more than 700 civilizations of level four and five participated in the war. There were two primary civilizations of level six. But we all failed. The sweeper civilization is stronger than we thought. No, to be precise, It is the power of neutron warfare beyond my imagination. With my own power, they can be comparable to their entire civilization, but they have neutron warfare stars. "

"One hundred and fifty-six years after the start of the war, when the neutron battle star jumped out of the super-light transition for the first time, I knew that I failed. Not only failed, I couldn't even escape."

"The collision between civilizations is indeed the best way to promote the development of civilization. Just before death, I found a way to break through the current predicament. But I have no time to break through. The neutron war star has destroyed my four dimensions Structure, I will completely fall into the three-dimensional world. Because of the loss of the fourth dimension, my body structure has been severely damaged. I am about to end my 200 million years of life and enter a complete death. "

"My dear, before I die, I will give you another gift. A piece of my body is about to reach the galaxy in which you are hiding. This half-four-dimensional piece will completely cover the galaxy and prevent all eyes from peeping out. And, blocking the leakage of any light inside. It will give you absolute security, and at the same time, it will imprison you and prevent you from escaping this galaxy. "

"Because of the assimilation of the three-dimensional world, this four-dimensional fragment will continue to shrink. If you cannot find a way to escape from the cage within two hundred years, you will be crushed into the star and die completely."

"If you find a way to escape, then you will master the four-dimensional space shield technology, and your protection will be greatly improved. This is the last gift I leave to you."

"If, someday in the future, your technology has developed to a sufficiently developed level, remember to avenge me, and please take a trip to the Large Magellan Galaxy and help me fulfill my last wish ..."

"Remember, don't fight the sweeper civilization until you have the ability to fight neutron war stars."

"Goodbye, goodbye."

Xiao Yu leaned against this huge star and listened to the words in his head.

After saying the word goodbye, Xiao Yu's mind calmed down, and no more information came.

"Tai Hao ... actually died? It died like that? It is so powerful, its four-dimensional structure can avoid all attacks from the three-dimensional world, how could it die? How could it die?"

Xiao Yu muttered to himself, his mind was full of shock and doubt.

It's like a creature from a flat two-dimensional world, killing a creature from a three-dimensional world. This is basically impossible.

But the sweeper civilization did it.

From the words of Tai Hao, Xiao Yu keenly caught a key word.

Neutron Battle Star.

"It's a neutron war star again ... It seems that a neutron war star is far more than just hollowing out a neutron star. There is no cleaner civilization of a neutron war star, at most only a tie with Taihao, but there are With the sweeper civilization of the neutron war star, you can actually defeat the Taihao civilization and protect it. More than 700 fourth-, fifth-, and second-level primary civilizations can be defeated. "

"Neutron Star, why is it so powerful?"

Xiao Yu muttered to himself.

"The Taihao civilization died, the guardian civilization ran away, and more than 700 civilizations were destroyed in half ... this is the sweeper civilization, the strongest civilization in the galaxy."

"It is foreseeable that the future galaxy will be a quiet galaxy. In the past, at least there was a guardian civilization who was secretly fighting against it and was unwilling to be wiped out by the sweepers. At least it could sacrifice its development potential in exchange for survival . But from now on, the guardian civilization will definitely be honest. In other words, it will no longer provide asylum for the weak civilization. Then, the weak civilization discovered by the sweeper civilization will end in misery. "

"At the same time, the galaxy will become darker. In addition to the sweeper civilization, wars between other civilizations will become more frequent ~ ~ All civilizations will increase their strength regardless of everything, and war Is the best way to improve yourself. The galaxy is messed up. "

Xiao Yu sighed.

Xiao Yu looked away from the galaxy. As a result, Xiao Yu was very surprised to find that what she saw was actually a pale red barrier.

This barrier is very large, occupying Xiao Yu's entire field of vision. In fact, not only Xiao Yu's entire field of vision, but through the ubiquitous satellites, Xiao Yu found that the entire star was wrapped in it.

It emits a faint red light, brightening the entire galaxy.

The starlight of the outside world disappeared completely under the barrier of this barrier.

"This is, what is this ?! Is this what Taihao said, the four-dimensional fragment from its body?"

Xiao Yu was there for a moment.

"If within two hundred years you cannot find a way to escape the cage, you will be crushed into the star and die completely. If you find a way to escape, then you will master the four-dimensional space shield technology, your The protection will be greatly enhanced. "

Xiao Yu remembered what Tai Hao had said to himself.

"I was trapped by this four-dimensional fragment around this star? And, I only have two hundred years. After this time, I still cannot find a way to escape. I will be squeezed into the star and die completely?"

Xiao Yu steered the fleet and began to drive towards this red light curtain.

As far as Xiao Yu's eyes are concerned, it is the shadow of this red light curtain. It's like an egg shell, wrapping Xiao Yu inside.

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