Super Battleship Reborn

Chapter 184: Pig farms and institutes

At the beginning of the large-scale research, Xiao Yu had already made a clear task assignment. Xiao Yu gave the research projects on elemental decay to the Lucca scientists, and he focused on the related science and technology of super-light speed navigation.

Ten years after the relevant scientific research project was launched, Xiao Yu received the test report.

"... As mentioned above, we believe that we have found a way to use elemental decay technology that can enter the stage of large-scale application."

The author of this report is a Luca scientist who is also the main scientist in charge of this experiment. Wells "Chinese". Later, many Luka scientists left their names on this experimental report. Among them, the name of Luca III is ranked second.

"This experiment was helped by many fellow scientists, among them the respectable Luca III, who provided a lot of help with singular rays, and another great scientist, Enai, who provided a lot of help with decay theory. And Many scientists participated in this experiment. The list is as follows ... "

This experimental report is eight hundred pages long and has hundreds of thousands of words. In this experiment report, each step of the experiment and related experimental data are explained in detail, and the corresponding experimental video record is attached. Each of these data is well-founded and convincing.

Xiao Yu made a very high evaluation of this experimental report document.

However, there are still some minor flaws in this document.

Xiao Yu keenly noticed a set of data.

"After the mass-energy equation conversion, during the test, we found some small errors. For example, after the test, by calculation, the remaining mass of the experimental substance should be 520 grams. But after precise measurement, we found The remaining mass of the experimental substance is not the expected 520 grams, but 520.05 grams. The extra mass of 0.505 grams cannot be explained for the time being. It is suspected to be due to the instrument Error caused by insufficient accuracy. "

"Is the mass of unknown reasons increasing ..." Xiao Yu thought secretly, remembering some of the experiments he had conducted.

In the Tianyuan four star galaxy and the Tianying one galaxy, the particle collision test is performed. Xiao Yu has noticed this problem. In those experiments, Xiao Yu noticed that the particles involved in the collision experienced an extremely small increase in total mass after the collision. this phenomenon. Xiao Yu has been unable to explain, but did not expect it. this phenomenon. It happened in the element decay test.

After receiving the test report, according to various data in the test report, Xiao Yu immediately reproduced the test in the laboratory of Hebei.

The test process is generally the same as the experimental report of Lucca scientists. During this test, Xiao Yu also measured extremely small mass gains.

In this test. Xiao Yu even calculated the relationship between the increased mass and the mass of the test object, as well as the energy intensity.

In general, at this test intensity, every kilogram of substance. After the elemental decay test is performed, the total mass will increase by about one in 100,000.

Since it can occur repeatedly, and there is a certain pattern of increased mass, it can basically be ruled out that it is caused by errors.

A rigorous and standardized scientific experiment should follow the principle that it must be reproducible. If a particular phenomenon occurs only in one experiment and not in the rest of the repeated experiments, then scientists should look for reasons from instrument failures and test errors, rather than publishing papers in a hurry. He said he made a big discovery.

For example, this kind of thing happened in the era of the earth. A certain institute of physics announced that they had discovered super-light-speed particles. In a certain experiment, they found a particle that, in a race with photons, reached the end of the photon several tens of nanoseconds in advance. This report caused an uproar. Numerous research institutes and scientists repeated the experiment, but they failed to reproduce the phenomenon. The final result was dramatic. After a thorough investigation, the researchers found that the cause of the super-light particles appeared to be due to a mechanical failure. After the engineer tightened a fiber optic connector, the super-light particles The phenomenon disappeared.

Xiao Yu also experienced this incident while on earth, and repeated the test 50 times in his own research institute. As a result, no one could find super-light particles. After obtaining the exact data, Xiao Yu made a sharp mockery of the head of the institute, and even mocked them. "You gave your institute to a pig farm. This experiment is to let a group of pigs act as operators. "?" The result turned the person in charge into shame and anger, not only completely cut off all communications with the Xiao Yu Institute, and almost went to Xiao Yu's house to find Xiao Yu's real PK.

When he was on the earth, Xiao Yu was such a character, sharp, ruthless and merciless. After leaving the earth, Xiao Yu once thought that after he issued a warning that the earth was about to explode, basically few people responded to himself. It is estimated that it is related to his own personality—because most scientists have been offended by Xiao Yu. .

After leaving the earth, after so many incidents, Xiao Yu ’s personality has changed a lot. For example, Xiao Yu sometimes remembers the head of the research institute that was ridiculed as a pig, and even has a little apology, such as Xiao Yuyou When I think of Chen Mo, I feel a little guilty about facing a girl so rudely and mercilessly.

In the face of the goodwill of other civilizations, such as the Lucas, such as the vector beast, such as the Taihao civilization, Xiao Yu also began to try to face them with a relatively gentle attitude.

Pulling his thoughts back from a distant past, Xiao Yu continued to examine the relevant data of his own experiment.

Since this mysterious increase in matter can occur repeatedly, it is basically proved to be credible. But Xiao Yu still has no way to explain this, and I don't know where these qualities come from.

Xiao Yu has a hunch that when he finds a theory that can perfectly explain this phenomenon and obtains experimental verification, he will usher in the next great breakthrough in science and technology.

"Perhaps the key to promotion to the fifth-level civilization and even the sixth-level civilization is here." Xiao Yu thought.

After making this technological breakthrough, elemental decay technology is no longer far away from entering large-scale applications. It took Xiao Yu a month to build the first elemental decay engine.

This engine has extremely powerful performance, not only in terms of energy output. It can even use any substance as fuel regardless of its position on the periodic table. From the lightest element of hydrogen to the heaviest element 139, all can be plugged into this engine and used as its fuel.

No matter what fuel, after the first reaction of this engine, it will decay into hydrogen. The hydrogen is then collected and stored. Xiao Yu will soon start the development of an improved element decay engine. The improved element decay engine will be able to recycle fuel. After the raw materials are degraded into hydrogen, the raw materials will be sent to a second reaction chamber to start a nuclear fusion reaction, re-aggregate into helium, and then helium. It is then sent to the first reaction chamber, which is circulated in this way.

As a result of the cycle, this engine will convert all the mass into energy for Xiao Yu's use.

"A breakthrough has been made in energy, and it is no longer far away to master super-light speed navigation." Xiao Yu thought with joy. After the most stringent demonstrations and experiments proved the accuracy and feasibility of this experimental report, Xiao Yu called All Lukas held a huge celebration.

The streets in the new home number were refilled with a variety of food and beverages, schools and factories were all closed, all Lucas took to the streets and began to celebrate ~ ~ in the huge city center On the electronic screen, the honor presentation ceremony in the Great Hall of the Heaven is being broadcast live.

The ghost of Xiao Yu stood on the podium, and gave an exciting speech with a smile, and then Lucas, who walked on the podium with an expression of excitement, from the highest social clerk of the Lucas, Luca II took the trophy, and Luca III took the honorary certificate from the Supreme Scientific Archon. The award ceremony was celebrated after Xiao Yu announced that he would give the title of Luca IV to Wales.

Wells was full of tears of excitement. It first lay on the ground to express its loyalty and awe to Xiao Yu, and then stood in front of the camera, holding the trophy and certificate of honor in her hand, waving continuously.

After the award ceremony, there was a grand reception with all the scientists participating, and countless exquisite food and drinks were brought up by robotic assistants for the people of Lucca to use.

At the time of the grand celebration of the Lukas, Xiao Yu had quietly shut down the three-dimensional stereo projector and took back his spirit. Because in this stellar system, ubiquitous surveillance satellites reported to Xiao Yu.

At the edge of the barrier, something suddenly appeared.

Preliminary observations indicate that these materials are ordinary meteorites, but the point is not that.

In Xiao Yu's guess, this four-dimensional barrier is to isolate this star system from the outer universe, and no material exchange can occur between the two.

However, the arrival of these ordinary meteorites proved Xiao Yu's mistake. Xiao Yu must find a new explanation to deal with these foreign materials.

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