Super Battleship Reborn

Chapter 191: Proton black hole

Time passed by little by little. Every day passed, Xiao Yu was one day away from death.

But research on how to break through the four-dimensional barrier has not yet broken through. During this period of time, Xiao Yu's entire computing power was occupied by various data and various models. Xiao Yu was thinking of a solution every time. In the eternal kingdom, all Lucas scientists are engaged in endless work. They are gradually being overwhelmed by the pile of files. Their vitality is being overdrafted little by little. However, they still cannot think of a way.

All methods have been tried. I thought of everything I could think of. Xiao Yu even tried some rather weird methods, such as the bombardment of super-light kinetic energy weapons, such as the fixed burning of solar sails, such as the irradiation of material condensing rays and so on.

As a result, the four-dimensional barrier still stays there.

The temperature in this stellar system has been constantly increasing. At this time, Xiao Yu remembered an idiom from the earth era called warm water boiled frog.

How similar this situation is to Xiao Yu's current situation.

"Only the means that I can master, and the other fourth-tier civilizations can not master ... Or, the other fourth-tier civilizations can master, but the means on the battlefield cannot be obtained ... what meets these two conditions? However, even if I really find one that meets these two conditions, it is only possible to break the four-dimensional barrier under the premise that Taihao is kind to me. "

The questionnaire has continued throughout these years, because every year there are children born in Lucca, and all children have the ability to think independently. At the same time, in order to exploit the thinking potential of the Lucasians as far as possible, Xiao Yu packed the questionnaire many times, trying to search for the wealth of Lucasians' imagination.

During this time, Xiao Yu also received a seemingly reliable answer. This answer came from the hands of an ordinary Luca housewife.

"I don't know some advanced physical theories, but I think that since the neutron star's gravity can make the four-dimensional barrier bulge, then if you increase the gravity, such as creating a black hole, can you break the four-dimensional barrier?"

Xiao Yu carried out profound research on this and conducted another collision test.

Xiao Yu now has the ability to make hadron-level black holes, which is a black hole of proton or neutron mass. Such a small black hole will evaporate its mass in an instant. But after the acceleration of the particle collider. The speed of this black hole can reach a speed very close to the speed of light. In this way, it will have an extremely obvious relativistic effect, and its life will be extended for a period of time. The distance between it and the four-dimensional barrier should be shortened appropriately, which is above the theory. Xiao Yu is fully capable of manipulating a proton-level black hole. Hit a four-dimensional barrier.

Xiao Yu first manipulated the two ends of the large particle collider to launch a beam of particles at the same time. After the launch, one end changed the alignment direction immediately, aimed the muzzle at the four-dimensional barrier, and launched a laser beam to clean up the upcoming black hole obstacle. All processes are exactly the same as the process of destroying water droplets by manipulating large particle colliders in the Tianyuan four galaxies. It's just that the particle beam is replaced by a black hole.

At the moment when two particle beams collide. Because a very high energy level erupted instantly, a black hole was generated here in an instant. After the black hole was generated, Xiao Yu manipulated the particle collider's components and started accelerating it.

In normal time flow velocity, the time that this black hole exists can only be measured by Planck time. But extremely high speed. Let it have an extremely obvious relativistic effect, and its time flow rate has been greatly slowed down, so it is possible for Xiao Yu to manipulate it and let it hit the four-dimensional barrier before it disappears.

Xiao Yu, together with more than 2,000 Luka scientists, closely monitored every subtle process of this attempt.

Everything went well, the black hole was made smoothly, and it hit the four-dimensional barrier smoothly. But in the end, Xiao Yu was disappointed.

The four-dimensional barrier still stays there.

Xiao Yu smiled bitterly in his heart, and announced to the Lucca scientists: "This attempt was declared a failure. Continue thinking about the next method."

"No, master." Luca III stood up and said, "Master, I noticed a problem, that is, after the proton black hole was launched, we did not detect any trace of the black hole disappearing. Then There is only one explanation. This black hole successfully destroyed the four-dimensional barrier, and at the same time penetrated the four-dimensional barrier and reached the outside world. "

"I also thought about this." Xiao Yu said, "But it is still useless. At present, it can basically be confirmed that the proton black hole can penetrate the four-dimensional barrier, but the four-dimensional barrier will not be broken like a water drop detector .It seems to have the ability to heal itself. So, unless we can create a large enough black hole, we will not be able to open enough gaps for us to escape. "

After hearing Xiao Yu's statement, Luca III was silent.

As smart as he is, he naturally knows what Xiao Yu means.

After calculation, a black hole with a radius of one meter will reach a mass of 170 million metric tons. Such a huge mass is far from enough to fill in Xiao Yu's fleet.

You know, even if the entire earth is turned into a black hole, its radius is only nine millimeters. Even if Xiao Yu had an earth in his hands, and successfully overcome all kinds of difficulties, he turned the earth into a black hole, and hitting a four-dimensional barrier only hit a cave with a radius of only nine millimeters, even the smallest satellites. going out.

When it comes to black holes, a concept is called the Schwarzschild radius. The so-called Schwarzschild radius means that if a piece of matter, whether it is a dust or a planet, as long as its radius shrinks below the Schwarzschild radius, it becomes a black hole. The Schwarzschild radius of the earth is nine millimeters, and the Schwarzschild radius of the sun is about three kilometers. The red giant star next to Xiao Yu has a mass of about 1.8 times that of the sun. Its Schwarzschild radius is About 5,300 meters.

In other words, even if the star is turned into a black hole as a whole, the impact cave left above the four-dimensional barrier will not allow Hebei to pass the length of Hebei, but it exceeds five kilometers.

That's why Xiao Yu said it was useless.

There was silence again in the conference room.

"We have twelve years left. Don't worry, you can always figure out a way." Xiao Yu comforted.

Luca III sighed and said: "Master, I feel that our wisdom has been developed to the limit. I am thinking that if we really cannot break through the four-dimensional barrier, I mean, if that step is really reached, what should we do?"

"There must be a way." Xiao Yu manipulated his own ghost and barely smiled. "Well, after the meeting, don't worry about it, take a break, and wait until you are full of energy before you study." "

In a sigh, Luca scientists left their seats, and Xiao Yu turned off his projection.

"Relax, it's easy to get into the horns when you think like this." Xiao Yu thought, and gave up the complicated calculation and modeling work completely.

Within the four-dimensional barrier, since all the light from the central star is reflected back by the four-dimensional barrier, it is difficult to observe the starry sky outside. At this time, Xiao Yu couldn't help but start thinking about a question: "I don't know if the pictures of Tai Hao fighting with the sweepers have been passed on. Their battlefield is only a few hundred light years away from here. It can be transmitted in a hundred years. Well, maybe I can see it when I come out. "

But this is obviously a wishful thinking. Xiao Yu was lost for a moment, and threw this idea out of his mind.

Xiao Yu began to focus on the Heaven and the New Home. Through the ubiquitous camera, Xiao Yu watched every move of Lucas ~ ~ This feeling is wonderful, just like at this moment, Xiao Yu became God watching countless creatures in himself Busy under the eyes, and at the same time he has control of all of them, this situation, it is easy to develop a feeling of supremacy.

Xiao Yu saw that ordinary Lucas people who were still concealed on the street were carrying their daily life. They were busy in shops, parks, squares and other places, and there was laughter and laughter everywhere. In the school, it is very quiet. Only the occasional voice of the slightly harsh teacher will break the quiet moment.

In school, facing a certain monitor, is a six-year-old Luca child. It was holding a pen and was writing something seriously on the book. Xiao Yu suddenly developed a little interest in his heart and focused his attention on it.

Xiao Yu saw that the Luca child was writing today's diary in a slightly immature tone.

"Today, the teacher taught us a very interesting thing. One side of a piece of paper was turned one hundred and eighty degrees, and then the two ends were merged to get such a thing. The teacher said that it was called a Mobius ring. It ’s simple, is n’t it? But it ’s not simple. The most amazing thing is that there is no difference between the inside and the outside. Unconsciously came to the inside, so the cycle was endless. "

"The teacher said that it involves two-dimensional space and three-dimensional space. It looks like it is very complicated. I don't know how. But it doesn't matter. I'm still young. Someday I will grow up and have rich knowledge.

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