Super Battleship Reborn

Chapter 194: prison Break

"Finally succeeded, finally succeeded" Xiao Yu was also relieved to see the cheering Lukas in the auditorium.

"The next thing is easy to do, because with the successful experience of the first test, it is not so difficult to make another Klein bottle. However, because the Klein bottle to be manufactured this time is compared For big reasons, it still takes at least three years. "

"Let's talk until tomorrow, it's time to let these Lucas scientists relax and rest, after all, they can't compare with me." Xiao Yu thought, and gave the auditorium to Lucas scientists, quietly withdrawing from his spirit .

By the time Luka scientists cheered and celebrated, Xiao Yu had begun his work. A lot of calculations, modeling, countless design drawings, three-dimensional, four-dimensional space, etc., filled Xiao Yu's spirit. Under such circumstances, Xiao Yu is still manipulating hundreds of millions of robots, and is making things little by little. Among them, there are gravity bombs for manipulating four-dimensional space, special material decay engines, and space bending instruments.

In order to make up for the materials needed for the entire project, Xiao Yu dismantled thousands of village-level and township-level spacecraft, and even county-level spaceships dismantled dozens of them, and put all these materials into the project.

"As long as I leave this prison and find any star system with planets, I can get almost unlimited supply of materials. Now I don't need to be distressed to waste this thing." Xiao Yu thought so.

Lucca scientists cheered and celebrated all night, rested for another three days, and then returned to work. At this time, Xiao Yu had completed the preliminary design sketch of the entire project.

After the most rigorous review, as well as the sleepless research of Lucca scientists, Xiao Yu calculated and calculated hundreds of billions of times. This preliminary design sketch was revised tens of thousands of times, and it was confirmed that all possible risks that could be found were excluded before the final draft was formed.

After the design drawings are completed, it is a busy construction process. This process does not require Luka scientists to contribute their own wisdom. Xiao Yu alone is enough to complete this work.

With the busyness of hundreds of millions of robots, it still took Xiao Yu four years to complete all the equipment. At this time, it was only one year before Xiao Yu consumed all the fuel he had stored.

After the last inspection. After making a final calculation and confirming that everything is under control, Xiao Yu said to more than 2,000 Lucas scientists: "Then, start jailbreaking."

The stellar system within the four-dimensional barrier is literally a huge prison. To escape from this prison. Said to be jailbreaking, just right.

Under the control of Xiao Yu. More space to bend the instrument began to work. More gravity bombs are beginning to influence the four-dimensional barrier. Under the extreme control of Xiao Yu, no error occurred.

Everything was as Xiao Yu expected, a larger Klein bottle appeared. In front of the observation instrument arranged by Xiao Yu here, a huge, darkened hole appeared.

"The first batch, a thousand spaceships. Enter the mouth of the bottle." Xiao Yu gave instructions, meanwhile, said to the two scientists in one of the spacecraft: "Good luck."

The two scientists volunteered to volunteer. Upon hearing Xiao Yu's words, the two Luca scientists hurriedly stooped: "It is our honor to serve the master."

After a brief conversation, the first batch of 1,000 spacecraft had floated into the mouth of the cave. The black hole is like the mouth of a cosmic monster, devouring Xiao Yu's spaceship insatiably.

Because of the special nature of the Klein bottle, any spacecraft that entered the Klein bottle immediately lost contact with Xiao Yu.

Thirty minutes had passed before all of the 1,000 spacecraft entered the Klein bottle. They will then continue to sail under the control of an automatic procedure.

"It's time, the space bent the instrument, shut down, and disconnected." Xiao Yu issued an order.

With the closure of the space-bending instrument, the black-painted bottle mouth disappeared, and along with the bottle mouth, there were also a thousand spacecraft belonging to Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu waited silently, waiting for signals from the two Lucas scientists.

Thirty seconds later, Xiao Yu received the message.

"Master, we really came out, really came out, the sky is so beautiful, it's so nice, you guys should come out quickly."

The tone of the two scientists was filled with irresistible excitement. Xiao Yu wanted to reply to a message like a conditioned reflection, but suddenly remembered that the characteristic of the four-dimensional barrier is that he could not enter or leave, that is, he could only receive signals from the outside, but he could not pass the signals to the outside. Thinking of this, Xiao Yu shook her head with a smile and dispelled the thought.

"I have received signals from two volunteers. In the first batch, a thousand spacecraft safely reached beyond the four-dimensional barrier. Then, it is time to start a large army operation."

Xiao Yu announced the news, and immediately, in the auditorium, the Lucca scientists cheered together.

With the experience of manufacturing the Klein bottle twice, the third manufacturing process was extremely smooth without any trouble. Under the effect of more gravity bombs and space-bending instruments, there was a larger Klein bottle large enough to accommodate the large body of the Hebei, which was created by Xiao Yu.

Looking at the huge black cave in front of him, Xiao Yu's heart was full of emotion.

"After nearly six decades of struggle, it finally paid off. I finally found a way to escape. Well, Central Star, goodbye."

Finally, I looked back at this huge red giant star. After Xiao Yu said goodbye to it in his heart, he no longer hesitated to control the Hebei and the tens of thousands of small spacecraft escorted into the Klein Bottle in.

Within the four-dimensional barrier, countless space-bending instruments will be discarded. They will automatically turn off after one minute under the control of a preset program. By that time, the space will be restored to a level, and if there is no accident, Xiao Yu will escape the shackles of the four-dimensional barrier and come outside of it.

The scene inside the Klein bottle is wonderful. Strictly speaking, it is not actually a four-dimensional object, and it is more appropriate to say that it is half-three-dimensional and half-four-dimensional. In such a thing full of contradictions, Xiao Yu's spaceship fleet is slowly advancing.

If you want to describe it, Xiao Yu believes that the inside of the Klein bottle is more like a kaleidoscope. It is strange and full of peculiar phenomena that Xiao Yu cannot explain.

Until a minute later.

Xiao Yu saw that all the grotesque scenery in front of his eyes suddenly disappeared. Xiao Yu's vision was once again occupied by darkness. But in the darkness, Xiao Yu keenly noticed some bright lights. These bright spots are embedded in the dark universe background, like bright gems.

Xiao Yu knew that it was a star.

"Finally came out, finally came out." At this moment, Xiao Yu was full of sighs.

Xiao Yu manipulated the instrument and looked back, but only saw a dark mass. It seems that there has never been matter behind him, and that aging red giant has never existed in general.

Xiao Yu knows why. The reason is very simple. The characteristic of the four-dimensional barrier is that it is not allowed to enter or leave, which results in that any signal inside the four-dimensional barrier cannot be transmitted, and of course, the light cannot be transmitted. So after crossing the four-dimensional barrier, the star disappeared.

But Xiao Yu knew that if he steered the spacecraft back one hundred kilometers, he would re-enter the four-dimensional barrier and see the old red giant star again.

"I don't know what the final fate of this star will be." Xiao Yu thought, "If the four-dimensional barrier is continuously oppressed, one day, the four-dimensional barrier will touch the surface of this star. At that time, the material on the surface of the star will be It is continuously transmitted to its interior, and the shrinking of the space will inevitably lead to an increase in its density. Perhaps, it will eventually be oppressed into a black hole ~ ~ The nature of the four-dimensional barrier will not be allowed It produces a slight loss of mass, which means that the process of turning it into a black hole will not have a slight impact on the outside world. This will undoubtedly be the quietest black hole born in the universe. "

The birth of a black hole is often accompanied by exciting and spectacular astronomical phenomena, such as neutron star collisions, such as supernova explosions. But the birth of this black hole broke this law.

"It's time to leave." Xiao Yu sighed, "My fuel is almost exhausted. In the next voyage, I have to dismantle some ships to serve as fuel. Also, although the super-light speed navigation technology has been used by me I have mastered it, but because of resource constraints, I haven't been able to transform all spacecraft into superlightships. So still use regular navigation, target, ahead, 300 light years away, a middle-aged and old star. "

Xiao Yu can be sure that this star has at least one planet. As long as one planet, either gaseous or solid, is enough for Xiao Yu.

Just when Xiao Yu was about to set off, Xiao Yu's mind suddenly had a message.

"I'm Taihao, this is the information I reserved here in advance. Because you meet the trigger conditions, this information will be made public to you."

"I'm glad you finally found a way to escape the four-dimensional barrier. Your development potential is beyond my expectations. Then, as a reward to you, I will give you a method of manufacturing the four maintenance cover. Hope, when you get four After maintaining the manufacturing technology of the hood, don't forget your promise ... "

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