Super Battleship Reborn

Chapter 290: 1 canyon

The first time he received this message, Xiao Yu noticed something strange about it. .

All the information that can be filtered by the first-level automation program has its own characteristics. But this message is really weird.

The source of this message is a huge asteroid with a diameter of about 30 kilometers. An asteroid of this level, if it hits the earth, can exterminate all living things on the earth. But to Xiao Yu, it was just a bigger piece.

At this moment, tens of thousands of micro-robots are gathering around it. These tens of thousands of micro-robots are either suspended above it or directly attached to it. After preliminary detection, they send out to Xiao Yu at the same time. Got an exception message.

First of all, under the preliminary analysis, Xiao Yu has ruled out the possibility that it is a natural substance. Under further analysis, Xiao Yu has also ruled out the possibility that it is a relic of the equipment he has manufactured.

These data seem to indicate that what they detect has certain characteristics of organic matter.

Xiao Yu already knows that in some corners of the planet, there are extremely primitive creatures. These creatures are so primitive that they can not even be called completely creatures. Their volumes are extremely small. Xiao Yu still has specimens of these creatures.

But this thing is not the same as those primitive lives that I have captured.

The anomalous object Xiao Yu detected was not the asteroid itself, but something else. This thing is big, but it seems to be hidden inside this asteroid. In the perspective 3D drawing, its appearance is roughly circular. Combined with the outer rocks, its whole looks like ... A chestnut with a hard shell on the outside.

"The rocks that make up the shell are undoubtedly the material of the planet, but what's hidden inside?" Xiao Yu became interested, and immediately sent a robot team equipped with extremely advanced detection instruments. Go in that direction.

These robots are different from those micro-robots. Their volume, mass, and mobility are much larger than those of micro-robots. In fact, the recovery of the flesh and blood of the white dwarf alien beast that was carried out before them is done by them.

This time, Xiao Yu sent thousands of detection robots in total. They rode on several county-level spacecrafts, ramming all the way, destroying all the planet debris blocking the road and came here all the time.

The asteroid with a diameter of 30 kilometers has a mass of more than ten trillion tons. The gravity caused by this mass is quite considerable, but it is still not enough to tear the county-level spacecraft. So, in the chaotic asteroid belt, such a picture appeared.

Taking the endless, dark and cold asteroids under the cover of various gases as a background, a ship that has a streamlined shape and an overall silver-gray spaceship is floating in space quietly. The asteroids were ruthlessly destroyed. The light it emitted illuminated a few kilometers of space. It looked like a giant monster, staring coldly ahead.

There are as many as five such monsters. In front of these five ships is a much larger object.

A diameter of 30 kilometers and a mass of more than ten trillion tons is still not enough to allow the asteroid to reach hydrostatic equilibrium, so its appearance is still irregularly shaped. There are countless edges and corners on it, like the horns and spines of a cosmic monster. Sometimes, the other stars blocking it in front of it will move away, and the light of the star still trapped in violent rays will directly shine on it. These rays bring huge heat, and some of its internal Volatile gasses heat up and allow them to directly sublimate, so countless fountains appeared on it. It began to be enveloped in a layer of dark gray smoke.

Above it, there are mountain peaks, flat ground, and gullies. This is a small world, but it is dead and manic.

In this case, in space, the five silver-gray county-level spaceships opened their hatches at the same time. Under the gravity of this asteroid, a continuous detection robot started to land. As they approached the ground, the robots turned on their recoil rockets and landed on the ground at a very slow speed.

Some robots with bad luck happened to be a fountain, so it seemed to be sitting on a rocket and was rushed directly into the space of space. planet. However, with Xiao Yu's current material technology, such a collision cannot damage these detection robots, so after flying a certain distance, they returned and landed here again.

A total of thousands of robots landed here, and started their work in this dark, cold, sometimes hot, small world with changing terrain and extremely unstable.

"Anomalies were detected inside this asteroid." Xiao Yu muttered to himself, following the guidance of the detection satellites, swaying the robots and began to gather beside a huge gully.

This gully is more than a thousand meters deep and tens of kilometers long. Even if it is placed on the earth, it is quite spectacular.

Thousands of robots embarked on long journeys. They climbed mountains and ridges, avoiding the fountains that appeared from time to time, sometimes rising into the air, and sometimes walking along the flat land. After half an hour, more than a hundred robots had gathered Here.

Looking at this gully up close, Xiao Yu couldn't help but start to wonder. Because of its depth, it is impossible for light to reach here, and its interior is completely dark. But it is not calm. Sometimes, the instability of the core of the asteroid will cause some gas to reach the outside with this canyon as a breakthrough point. Therefore, Xiao Yu saw that many fumes of different colors were being ejected in this canyon.

It's cold and dark here, and the whole canyon looks like the gate to hell.

"The power of the stars ... even if broken to such a degree, is it still so mysterious?" Xiao Yu sighed secretly.

A star can be destroyed, but it cannot be blasphemed. Xiao Yu can completely blast a planet into pieces, but Xiao Yu can't help marveling at the magic of the universe's creations. At the moment, facing an asteroid with a diameter of only 30 kilometers, Xiao Yu's heart even gave birth to a kind of shy thought.

"Let's explore." Xiao Yu stabilized his mind, struck the robots and jumped into this canyon. As soon as they jumped off, the controllable recoil controllers equipped on these robots were already turned on. They were like a bird flying freely in this small sky.

A large amount of data was passed to Xiao Yu's mind, but Xiao Yu still could not find the key data that he thought of.

"Is it not deep enough? Continue to decline." Xiao Yu ordered.

Five county-level spacecraft suspended in space timely launched artificial suns. These artificial suns released amazing light, suspended in this canyon, and illuminated everything. With the help of these lights, more than a thousand detection robots have been using various means to collect information.

"Well, this seems to be limestone. It has no value. This is ... iron oxide? It seems that here should have been an iron ore before. They have traces of high temperature and high pressure. On a planet, only the core is With such high temperatures and pressures, then this asteroid should be some material in the core of that planet. "

Xiao Yu lowered the height of these robots one by one, while analyzing the collected data.

A detection robot has reached the bottom of the canyon. Unexpectedly, Xiao Yu's bottom was very flat and the color was not the same as the rest. By color alone ~ ~ Xiao Yu had no way to determine what it was, so Xiao Yu shut down the robot's recoil rocket and let it land directly on the ground.

The information that the vibration sensor transmitted to Xiao Yu made Xiao Yu's heart startled. These data seem to mean that ... the ground here has a certain surname, like ... like biological skin.

"What is this?" The curiosity in Xiao Yu's heart rose, so the robot bent down under Xiao Yu's longitude, inserted into the ground with a collection instrument equipped in the front of the arm, and tried Dig up a bit of this material before conducting a detailed probe.

However, this seems to be causing great trouble. The moment Xiao Yu's collection instrument was just inserted into the ground, a drastic change took place.

It seems that within this asteroid, some extremely drastic geological changes occurred, as if an earthquake had occurred. Xiao Yu saw that the entire asteroid began to vibrate violently, countless peaks began to collapse, and countless The flat land of China began to split, and fissures appeared one after another on the earth. Numerous small stones were scattered directly into space and became new asteroids.

This is space, and there is no air here, so the sound cannot spread, but Xiao Yu still seems to hear an ancient and desolate roar. There seems to be a peerless fierce beast struggling to break free from the prison.

"This is ... what's going on?" Xiao Yu quickly turned in his mind, and immediately operated the five county-level spacecraft to open all the shield systems, and then withdrew at least a few thousand kilometers away. (To be continued.)

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