Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 2 Chapter 422: Data ocean

At this moment, presenting to Xiao Yu is an ocean of knowledge. Each of these combat robots is equivalent to a water pump, and is drawing water from this ocean frantically. There are 400,000 robots left, which is 400,000 pumps.

A large amount of data is being read out by Xiao Yu, and then copied to the processing chips on these robots. Next, it will be sent to the spacecraft Tianguo through over-the-air communication, and then it will be sent by the spacecraft Tianguo. It was sent to the Chinese spacecraft, and eventually it was stored and turned into Xiao Yu's own technology reserve.

The data volume of scientific and technological information is the most huge, not to mention the fifth-level civilization, even if it is a specific technology in the earth's era, the principles, methods of discovery, and graphic data in the process, derivation methods, formula proof, calculation process, application Research, etc., can take up dozens of hard disks, not to mention the five-level civilization technology.

Another point is that the science and technology branch of the fifth-level civilization is more than tens of thousands of times more than the science and technology branch of the Earth Age. Just a single material technology can be classified into thousands of detailed small categories in the Earth Age. Wood materials research, plastic materials research, steel materials research, etc., what about five civilizations? Xiao Yu found that under the material science and technology system of the Merian civilization, tens of millions of categories were actually divided.

In each category, there are thousands of research results, and each research result has an amount of data storage equivalent to tens of thousands of computers in the earth era. This is just a material science and technology, a five-level civilization tree, and more than a material science and technology?

This is the sea of ​​data. This is the brainchild and wisdom of countless scientists in the Merian civilization for tens of thousands of years. Now, Xiao Yu is swimming in the sea, trying to absorb nutrients. To make it easier for you to grow.

"It's too slow, it's too slow, the current transmission speed is too slow, so it won't work, if it continues like this, when the supercomputing center is destroyed, I can't even copy 1% of the data. We must think of a solution. "Xiao Yu was tense, thinking quickly about the solution.

Take up Xiao Yu's computing power. This is not the only place now. At the stellar cannon, the violent stellar energy is still raging, consuming the energy of the stellar cannon. The fifteen sets of engines have been rotated all over, and now they are responsible for providing energy for the four maintenance hoods. It is the intact engines that Xiao Yu has drawn from each group. now. Robots involved in repairing damaged engines and recharging engines. It has exceeded 3 million units. And it continues to increase rapidly.

The energy emitted by this star's explosion exceeded Xiao Yu's expectations. After all, Xiao Yu has not personally experienced such a magnificent event as a supernova. It is inevitable that there are some shortcomings in the estimation of this astronomical disaster. Now Xiao Yu has paid the price for this loophole.

After the initial burst of various ray energy bursts. Follow-up was the stellar material attack. This star has been blown into pieces by the violent energy emanating from itself, like a broken stone ball. Explosion of stone **** will cause stone debris to fly around. The same is true of stellar explosions.

During the diffusion process, these stellar materials will be rapidly cooled by the universe, but it is clear that their temperature can not be reduced to a safe level in this short time. When they were above the stars, they existed in a plasma state. After leaving the stars, due to the change of the environment, they lost the terrible high temperature and pressure, and they will be reduced to the original ordinary matter.

Hydrogen is still hydrogen, and helium is still helium. They will slowly spread in the endless time in the future, and eventually diffuse into planetary nebulae, their density will become increasingly thinner, and they will eventually find themselves in the cosmic sea, and no trace will be found.

This is the life course of a star. Stars are born in the nebula and will form after the destruction. Compared with the situation at the time of death, the star's birth process is not particularly strong, at least not as it is now, ejecting the matter above itself at a speed close to the speed of light.

After Xiao Yu's efforts, the condition of the stellar cannon finally stabilized. The speed of engine damage began to coincide with the speed of Xiao Yu's repair of the engine. That is, if this star has maintained its current state, as long as Xiao Yu ’s energy is not After the consumption is over, Xiao Yu can continue to support it. However, the situation was not so optimistic. Just after the situation started to stabilize, the ejected stellar material reached the stellar cannon.

An endless amount of stellar matter began to wash through the four maintenance shields above the stellar cannon. They have extremely high kinetic energy and rely on kinetic energy to attack, which is the simplest way, and also the most brutal and least effective way.

After reaching the third-level civilization and possessing the shield technology, the kinetic weapon attack was basically abandoned, and replaced with various energy weapons and ray weapons. However, the situation at the moment let Xiao Yu know that the kinetic weapon attack was still horrible. He couldn't do it just because his quantity had not changed enough to cause qualitative change.

At this moment, the kinetic energy weapon attack from this star has reached the level of qualitative change caused by quantitative change. The pressure on the four maintenance hoods increased again, which again caused the engine to be damaged faster.

"There is no way, start the emergency plan." Xiao Yu was ruthless and made a decision.

The four maintenance hoods were removed by Xiao Yu. There is no way, the fifteen engine groups have reached the limit, and now must be rested. Without a break, millions of engines would be destroyed.

The four maintenance covers have been removed and replaced by conventional covers such as energy shields and quick shields. These shrouds do not consume the energy of the engine, they work on the energy previously reserved by Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu hopes that these conventional shields can support at least half an hour, so that they can win a little breathing time.

The effect of the conventional shield is much worse than that of the four maintenance shield. Conventional shroud The multi-layer shroud system that Xiao Yu still adopts. The conventional shrouds are broken by the star ’s violent energy. Each layer is destroyed, and the constituents of the star cannon are eliminated. Until now, the diameter of stellar cannons has been reduced by more than 500 meters. Hundreds of millions of tons of material have been stripped away.

The stellar cannon has long lost its original function. Now it is purely a shield, and now its status as a shield has also been seriously challenged.

At the moment, it is fending off the violent energy from this star, and is fleeing the star system quickly with the more than one million spacecrafts hiding behind it.

These more than one million spacecraft have completed their historical missions, and there is no need to stay in this star system. In the way forward, their mission is to transport the resources to build stellar cannons and to **** them. After coming to this stellar system, they are responsible for protecting the stellar cannons from being damaged by the Merian civilization . And, if the stellar cannon fails to launch or does not achieve the expected results, more than one million spacecraft will directly participate in the battle in person. However, the situation has progressed more smoothly than Xiao Yu expected, so they have no need to stay here. The remaining Merian Civilization Fleet can be solved by relying on the Biological Corps.

However, the violent stellar energy caused Xiao Yu to retreat too quickly. Because if the retreat is too fast, a leak may occur. In such a situation, once a leak occurs, the consequences are catastrophic. A small mistake ruining an entire fleet is not just a joke. At the same time, even if he escaped 20 billion kilometers away from the gravitational influence of the star, Xiao Yu could not enter the curvature of navigation, for this reason.

A supernova burst ~ ~ The range affected is calculated in light years. It is impossible for Xiao Yu to escape such a long distance in such a short time. Xiao Yu just hopes to be away from this star The farther away the body is, the further away, the farther away it is, the smaller the impact will be, although the difference may be very small. But it is better than nothing. Maybe at a critical moment, a little difference is the difference between life and death.

After the ten-kilometer-diameter cannon stripped out of the stellar cannon for 500 meters, the load of the conventional shield finally reached its limit. What it took to pay such a heavy price was only twenty-five minutes. In 25 minutes, only Xiao Yu had repaired 80% of the engine. But there is no way to do it.

As a result, a new round of engine group rotation began, and Xiao Yu once again adjusted a full million robots and entered the stellar cannon to participate in the repair of the damaged engine.

The situation here is very critical. The planet of the Merian civilization is buried deep in the supercomputing center underground, and the situation is not very good. The biggest constraint on Xiao Yu is still that the data transmission is too slow. This is not acceptable to Xiao Yu. It took such a long time and paid such a heavy price. Seeing the victory in sight, but because the transmission rate is not fast enough to achieve full power, even if the power is lost, no one will be reconciled.

However, this situation is expected to be changed by Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu is planning to make something. At this moment, a total of 200,000 robots have been mobilized, they are busy in the supercomputing center, carrying one after another parts ... (to be continued)

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