Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 2 Chapter 429: Persevering Guardian

Now that you have done it, you can't go back, then simply go to the extreme. This is Xiao Yu's plan. Under Xiao Yu's order, the Russian spacecraft once again sent a torrent of negative material, destroying the water droplet detector.

Coupled with this newly-destroyed water droplet detector, so far Xiao Yu has destroyed three in a row.

Xiao Yu's fleet continued to flee. Xiao Yu ’s fleet may have been exposed, so a continuous stream of water drop detectors may come over, or his own line may not be exposed. These water drop detectors were just arranged here by the guardian civilization in the morning, and they just happened to encounter That's it. Xiao Yu doesn't know which one it is, but Xiao Yu can only speculate on the second possibility. Because if it is the first possibility, whatever you do is meaningless.

The dead horse is regarded as a living horse doctor. This is Xiao Yu's current code of conduct. Until the moment of death, you cannot despair.

Every time he encounters a drop of water, Xiao Yu changes his orbit. So far, Xiao Yu has changed his trajectory three times.

The atmosphere in the Chinese spacecraft was dignified. Xiao Yu's current situation is basically a dead end. The reason is very simple. As long as the guardian civilization irons against Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu will never escape. This is the general trend, and it cannot be changed by some intriguing and small means. Facing this situation, Luka II was silent, the other outstanding social psychology scientists were silent, and Xiao Yu was silent.

"Maybe ... the only way to live is on your companion ghost family." Luca II said, "At the time of the Four Stars in Tianyuan. Your companion ghost family suddenly appeared, wrapping you out of six. Thousands of years of distance have escaped the pursuit of the Guardian civilization. The ghosts have their unique escape methods, but basically they are sure. The guardian civilization does not have the ability to track the ghosts. "

"But we can't contact my associated ghost family." Xiao Yu said, "I don't know where it is in the galaxy at the moment, maybe it doesn't know that I am here at the moment."

This is a very helpless thing.

Actually there is one more thing, Xiao Yu didn't say. That is, there is a second hope for my own survival. Xiao Yu is convinced that in the speculation, he is a Taihao civilization who regards himself as an experiment. Will not give up so easily. A guardian civilization that has been hit hard may not be an opponent of Taihao civilization. It's just that Xiao Yu doesn't want to let his subordinates know about their entanglement with Taihao civilization.

"Maybe, there is still a third hope." Xiao Yu thought silently. "When I was with the aging ghost clan seniors, my companion ghost clan said that they sensed that I had encountered a crisis of life and death, so I went forward. Come to rescue me. Maybe, they also feel my situation at the moment, and they are not necessarily on the way at the moment. Well? Right. There is another possibility, that is, I am not actually in danger now, so They didn't come. "

Xiao Yu naturally hopes this is true, but even Xiao Yu himself is very clear. This hope is basically very slim. No danger? How could it be without danger? Facing myself, but the old-fashioned level 6 civilization, the guardian civilization! And the sweeper civilization can fight for tens of millions of years. It has not been destroyed. Instead, there is a growing guardian civilization.

Compared with the Tollor civilization destroyed by the Guardian civilization, the Guardian civilization is undoubtedly superior. Means of Tolol civilization. I have already let myself have a feeling of high mountains, not to mention the guardian civilization.

Through these thousands of years of what he has seen and heard, Xiao Yu has probably ranked a powerful presence in the galaxy. In this ranking. The sweeper civilization is undoubtedly the first. With a neutron war star, all the way, as far as it knows, was wiped out by the sweeper civilization, there is MSI civilization, half-four-dimensional Taihao civilization, Tolol Civilization, and the ghosts of the previous generation, in this list, any name, all exist. Even in the face of the siege of all advanced civilizations in the galaxy, they can win in one battle. What a powerful force.

Xiao Yu didn't know which one ranked second. The three Taihao civilizations in the Milky Way galaxy, the half-four-dimensional Taihao civilizations from the Large Magellan Galaxy, and three alien civilizations promoted to the sixth level have been wiped out by the sweepers The dropped MSI civilization, the ghosts of the previous generation, the guardian civilization, etc. all have the strength to occupy this ranking, but Xiao Yu still tends to take the guardian civilization to occupy the second place. The reason is very simple. In this list, only the guardian civilization exists, entangled with the sweeper for so long, and has not been eliminated. This is very telling in itself.

With the scientific and technological strength of the fifth-level civilization, to provoke the No. 2 figure in the galaxy, this is clearly looking for death. That's why Xiao Yu's heart is bitter.

"I haven't thought of provoking you. I just want to develop in peace and peace, how could it be so unlucky." Xiao Yu sighed secretly and continued his escape journey.

"I have eliminated three water droplet detectors in a row. My meaning has been clear enough. It is absolutely impossible to belong to the Guardian Alliance. The guardian civilization also knows what I mean. In the following, they should not Will drop water again to try to persuade me. Well, the biggest possibility is to send a drop detector to hide in the dark and follow me secretly, after I got rid of the stumbling block and freed up my hands, he launched the fleet to round me. It is very important to find out and eliminate the water drops that follow me. "

Xiao Yu thought secretly and made a decision.

The fast communication technology has completely solved the problem that it cannot receive external signals and cannot be detected during curvature navigation. As a result, tens of millions of detectors were scattered by Xiao Yu. All of these detectors have the ability to follow the main fleet's ability to conduct curvature navigation. They are thus loosely distributed around the main fleet, monitoring all within a few billion kilometers of the main fleet. With such an arrangement, Xiao Yu was confident to find it out the first time the water droplet detector appeared, and then kill it.

But the fact once again exceeded Xiao Yu's expectations. After making this arrangement, Xiao Yu really found the fourth water droplet detector soon. No, it is inappropriate to be discovered by Xiao Yu, because this water droplet detector has taken the initiative to come into being. It broke into Xiaoyu's detection network and appeared in front of Xiao Yu.

"This guy, isn't it still trying to convince me? What exactly is the guardian civilization doing?" Xiao Yu thought with some annoyance, and waited for this water droplet detector to post a message to himself, and then manipulated the one closest to it. A municipal ship launched a decisive attack.

A water drop detector is nothing to Xiao Yu now. Even a city-level spacecraft has the ability to destroy it in a very short time. Then, with a torrent of negative material tachytons flowing past, this water droplet disappeared again.

Xiao Yu's fleet changed course again.

With the fourth, there will be the fifth, and even the sixth and the seventh. Over the next two months, Xiao Yu wiped out more than twenty water drop detectors. Each time, these water droplet detectors just appeared in the body, they were directly killed by Xiao Yu, leaving no time for them to speak.

The continuously appearing water droplet detectors once again made Xiao Yu into doubt. Xiao Yu really couldn't figure out what the guardian civilization wanted to do. Is it to master your own trajectory ~ ~ to facilitate future tracking? But if so, why do they have to be in front of themselves? Isn't tracking better? Is it to convince yourself to belong to the Guardian Alliance? Isn't it enough to eliminate so many water droplet detectors one by one to show your firmness? Guardian civilization is not stupid enough to understand what it means?

"What are they trying to do?" Xiao Yu thought silently, but still couldn't draw a conclusion.

In front of him, another water droplet detector appeared. This time, Xiao Yu did not control the spacecraft to directly destroy it, but was temporarily silent, and began to wait for the water droplet detector to respond.

"Perhaps, through their words, I can roughly guess what they want to do," Xiao Yu thought.

The water drop detector was still swaying, broke into Xiao Yu's monitoring network without concealment, and then a message was sent over.

"Stupid Shenzhou civilization, you are challenging the patience of the guardian civilization. Our guardian civilization is a peace-loving civilization, so when we have no choice but to do so, we do not want to destroy you like this. You are after all The fifth-level civilization with great potential to destroy you in this way is a serious loss of the scientific and technological civilization camp. Don't be obsessed anymore, and belong to the Guardian Alliance, your only way out! "

"The patience of our guardian civilization is limited. Don't continue to be stubborn. Make your right choice. Follow me and return to the guardian alliance. Otherwise, our guardian alliance will surely bring you all Extinct! "

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