Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 2 Chapter 555: 1 formula

When on earth, someone once asked Xiao Yu, what do you think is the most beautiful thing?

Xiao Yu replied that the most beautiful thing is a mathematical formula. And, the more concise the formula, the more beautiful.

Two or two groups of characters with different meanings are connected by an equal sign and become a formula. This formula may be simple, as simple as a child in a kindergarten can easily say it, but the meaning behind it is definitely not simple.

It's like E = ^ 2. It is simply concise to the limit, so it is also beautiful to the limit. Until now, Xiao Yu couldn't describe the feeling of ecstasy in his heart when he thoroughly understood the meaning behind the formula and re-examined the formula again. It was a sudden and cheerful feeling, like the gloomy sky suddenly cleared, and once again saw the blue sky and white clouds, and once again saw the warm sun.

Xiao Yu hasn't passed this feeling for a long time. During this time, Xiao Yu experienced a lot and grew a lot. Xiao Yu has seen many formulas, and even many of them have been derived by himself. These formulas are also very concise and beautiful. With these simple and beautiful formulas, Xiao Yu has made great progress in science and technology, but that feeling is never found.

Now, Xiao Yu has found the feeling again. Because Xiao Yu once again saw a formula that was extremely simple and beautiful. Those complicated arithmetic symbols, jumping letters and characters, long calculation process. All are bedding, all are rhizomes and branches of flowers. After all these beddings were completed, the simple and beautiful formula finally jumped out in Xu Junpe's hands and appeared on Xu Junpe's personal computing terminal, like a branch, and finally bloomed beautifully. Flowers. Although Xiao Yu has no body. But at this time, Xiao Yu still felt a sense of suffocation.

No gorgeous rhetoric can describe the beauty of this concise formula. Xiao Yu watched the complicated changes of the characters involved in the calculation, and finally fixed the position in this formula. This simple formula seems to glow, illuminating Xiao Yu's path.

Xiao Yu knows the most important obstacle in front of him. Finally broke through.

Xiao Yu breathed a sigh of relief and regained his spirit. After writing this concise formula, Xu Junpo seemed to be relieved, and the previous spirit suddenly disappeared. He fell to his bed instantly and fell asleep.

"Sleep, sleep. I am waiting for you to announce the result yourself." Xiao Yu muttered to himself, and his heart was relaxed.

The most important obstacle has been broken, the road ahead. Although it can not be said to be a smooth road, but in the end it is a lot better, and it is no longer impossible to move forward, as it was before.

"Vicci's soul ... Vici's transformation. Sure enough, Xu Junpo was shaped into a genius. Scientific and technological thinking has nothing to do with computing power, and there is no doubt that on this aspect, Xu Junpe surpassed the scientific thinking. Mine. Genius, really a genius. "Xiao Yu sighed sincerely.

The night passed quickly, and Xu Junpo was awake from his deep sleep. He looked again at the letters and symbols that he had left on the personal computing terminal and the formula that he finally got, and breathed a sigh of relief. Then he picked up the communication equipment and reported the message directly to Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu knew the result very early, but now Xiao Yu still pretended to be surprised. Xiao Yu posted this message very quickly towards Luca III and V, and informed the relevant scientists, asking them to return to work immediately.

The scientists who finally got a vacation were very annoyed by this, but after learning about the major breakthroughs in related scientific research projects, they immediately put that bit of discomfort behind them. They drove back from various tourist attractions with great enthusiasm and returned to the institute.

"A breakthrough has been made in the study of gravity and curvature navigation? Which genius solved this problem? How was it solved?"

"I don't know, I guess it should be a breakthrough made by the master. The two scientific research teams led by adults No. 3 and No. 5 are all on vacation, and only the master can work without sleep."

"This problem has troubled me for a long time. How did I get the breakthrough? What is the method?"

In the conference room, a lot of scientists talked, and even Luca 3 and 5 had some doubts in their eyes. Only Xu Junbo, the young scientist, still sat quietly on his seat, his face was smooth and without any expression.

Xiao Yu once again disguised himself, and walked in with a kind smile on his face. Facing the many scientists in the conference room, Xiao Yu said, "Presumably everyone knows that there has been a major breakthrough in our related research, so we have to suspend your vacation. I am sorry for this. But I promise, After this scientific research project is over, I will give you at least half a year of vacation. "

"Master, I'm sorry, I'm not interested in vacation. I just want to know how this problem is solved. You have to know that this problem has troubled me for several years since I started this research, and even made me uneasy to enter Sleep. So, master, please take the results out quickly. "A scientist interrupted Xiao Yu's speech and asked directly.

In terms of science, Xiao Yu has always maintained a relaxed and free atmosphere. Of course, Xiao Yu does not account for the little offense of this scientist. Xiao Yu said with a smile: "It seems that everyone can't wait, then ... the relevant formula and derivation process are here."

Xiao Yu said, sending a command. As a result, a large message composed of various letters and symbols appeared on the personal computing terminals of scientists. Immediately, the murmuring in the conference room became silent, and all the scientists quieted down, all watching the message quietly. Even Luca 3 and 5 are no exception.

Scientists are watching carefully, thinking about the embedded relationships in various data transformations, and realizing the solution ideas in this transformation. From time to time, a scientist inputs a large series of data into his personal computing terminal, confirms a certain calculation process in this message, and after getting the exact result, he is addicted again.

The expressions on the scientists' faces became more excited. Finally, a scientist read all the data. He closed his personal computing terminal, closed his eyes, exhaled a long breath, and then exclaimed sincerely: "It's so beautiful, it's so beautiful. The scientific thoughts contained in this message are unbearable. Amazing. I just want to know, who is such perfect and wonderful scientific thinking? "

It wasn't just him who gave such a marvel. During his speech, several other scientists have also watched the entire process of the calculation. Among them were Luca III and V. The two scientific authorities glanced at each other, and they both saw a feeling called shock from the other's eyes.

"Who is it? Who solved this problem that has plagued us for years? Is it you, the master?"

Many scientists asked this question at the same time.

Xiao Yu shook his head with a smile: "Sorry, this answer was not submitted by me, nor was it told by some advanced civilization. This answer was submitted by one of us, relying on his outstanding scientific thinking. Yes, this scientist is the genius that everyone is familiar with, Xu Junpo. "

Xiao Yu pointed his finger at Xu Junpa, who was sitting in the back row and obscure. The eyes of a group of scientists then shifted and placed on Xu Junpa with a light face.

"I happened to have inspiration and solved this problem ~ ~ Seeing everyone's eyes are looking at themselves, Xu Junpo shook his head a bit shyly and said," Just luck, Along the way in science, I have a lot to ask you. "

"Congratulations." Luca III stood up, walked in front of him, and said solemnly: "This formula is enough to establish your scientific authority. From now on, you are no longer my student You already have enough strength to truly stand in front of me. "

"No, you have always been my teacher. The past was, is now, and will be in the future." Xu Junpo also answered very seriously.

"Master No. 3 has brought a good student." Senya No. 5 said enviously.

"Okay." Xiao Yu waved his hand and continued: "The biggest obstacle has been solved by us, but there are still many small difficulties. I believe everyone can solve it. Now don't be too busy congratulations, after we have actually made an instrument that allows a planet to enter the curvature of navigation, come to celebrate. "

A group of scientists have come to their jobs and started their busy work again. Xiao Yu's heart was sighing slightly.

"Honesty, simple, humble, knowing Entu, and at the same time a talented scientist with unparalleled potential. How could such a person favor such a name? So many stories, how good that should be. "

Xiao Yu felt very sorry. Xiao Yu didn't know if the so-called rebellion would happen, but for the sake of insurance, Xiao Yu could only do so, and could only give Xu Junpe the greatest caution.

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