Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 2 Chapter 621: committed to

"Pegasus civilization? This, this ..." Xiao Yu's heart became a little bit ridiculous.

Xiao Yu was deeply impressed by the Pegasus civilization. Xiao Yu's dealings with Pegasus civilization are not small. From the beginning of the galaxy war, to later being conspired by the ghosts, and then rescued them from the embarrassment. In addition, the later level five civilization alliance, Xiao Yu and Pegasus civilization has dealt with several times.

"This Pegasus civilization is really unlucky. Even if the home is destroyed, there is still a black hole, and even if it encounters a black hole, it seems to be trapped somewhere, and it is sent from this purposelessly. Looking for help from the space broadcast, they seem to have reached the point where the mountains and rivers are exhausted. Eh? A little weird. "Xiao Yu suddenly thought of a doubt.

"The encounter of Pegasus civilization ... is it related to the so-called luck? Since Pegasus civilization was defeated by me, it seems that they have been carrying their luck. If not for me, Pegasus civilization should be It ’s already extinct. Luck ... is this illusory thing really so powerful? Can it affect the life and death of a fifth-level civilization? "

"The Pegasus civilization seems to have acquired the relics of a small universe. In the space broadcast, they indicated that only a sixth-level civilization can save them. With my current strength, although I am only a sixth-level primary civilization, I have no less. It ’s okay to save them once again at the sixth-level intermediate civilization ’s strength. Anyway, it ’s just a matter of hand, but if that kind of meditation, if it really exists, then will saving them cause me influences?"

Xiao Yu is silently thinking about this issue. After thinking for a while, Xiao Yu made up his mind.

"Let's save them again. If there is really so-called luck, then my luck should be very strong now, because the ghost and I have gone a long way and destroyed many civilizations. So much luck, even now The loss is nothing. Then, I am very interested to try it out. If the Pegasus civilization is rescued from peril due to my interference, can it change the end of their death due to luck? Rescue or not Saving the Pegasus civilization is just a trivial matter. It is a big deal for me to test the so-called rules of luck in the underworld. "

The space broadcast used by the Pegasus civilization cannot determine the source of the signal, and in the face of such a space broadcast where the signal source cannot be determined, Xiao Yu only used the same method to issue the broadcast to the entire universe. So Xiao Yu replied: "Hell Pegasus civilization, hello. I am Shenzhou civilization. We have received your distress signal and intend to rescue you. Can you tell us a little more about the situation you have encountered? And your current situation and location information, so that we can act as quickly as possible. "

After a while, Xiao Yu received a reply again: "Shenzhou civilization, hello. I am the current leader of the Pegasus civilization. We have many grudges, but we are still very grateful for your willingness to help us now. But you do n’t have this ability. We have obtained the remains of a sixth-level civilization, a complete small universe, but another primary sixth-level civilization that has not been able to create a small universe attempts to destroy us and take this small universe as its own. Hurry. Next, we all hid in the small universe, and closed the channel connecting the big and small universes. But this small universe is very empty, and our current material reserves can only support one year. In despair, we issued to the outside world. Help signal. Thank you very much for helping us, but you are only a fifth-level civilization, a fifth-level civilization, and cannot be an opponent of a sixth-level civilization. "

Xiao Yu's heart was faintly dignified. Xiao Yu's dignity is not because of that primary sixth-level civilization. Obviously, a primary sixth-level civilization that cannot be created by even a small universe cannot be Xiao Yu's opponent. The reason for the dignity is that Xiao Yu now has a faint feeling in his heart.

Xiao Yu replied immediately: "We are now communicating with you using the same space broadcasting technology. We have broken down the five-level civilization alliance and absorbed it into the Shenzhou civilization. We have completed the integration with our own The force created the small universe and entered the sixth-level civilization. Now, I have a few questions to ask you. These questions will affect whether our Shenzhou civilization is willing to give you a helping hand, and we must answer them carefully. "

"The first question is whether the small universe you are in has left some kind of connected equipment in the large universe? You should not know the specifics of the technology. You only need to answer me. Your small universe needs two large and small universes. Can the channel be opened only when the square instruments are launched together, or can the channel be opened by relying only on a small universe unilateral instrument? "

This question is very crucial for Xiao Yu. Because Xiao Yu now needs the cooperation of both the big and the small universe to open the channel. This means an insecure factor. What if Xiao Yu's most forces hide in the small universe, and then the Unicom instruments left in the large universe are destroyed by the enemy? Doesn't this mean that Xiao Yu can no longer escape from the universe? Although Xiao Yu can still cut the space to slow down the entire small universe and eventually merge with the large universe, wouldn't the small universe created so hard be destroyed?

Obviously, the safest way is to open or close the channel by relying only on the instrument of the small universe. In this way, the safety factor will be greatly increased.

After a while, Xiao Yu received a reply from the Pegasus civilization again: "Yes, the small universe we are in does not leave any connected instruments in the large universe. We can turn on or off with the instruments of the small universe. Connect with the Universe. "

Xiao Yu's heart began to get excited. Obviously, the sixth-level civilization technology that left this small universe is a little more advanced than itself. If you can study this small universe, you can gain a lot of things.

Xiao Yu quickly asked the second question: "So, can the small universe you are in now be able to move freely without the aid of instruments in the large universe? Does your small universe have the ability to move?"

After a few moments of silence, Xiao Yu received a reply: "No. If we want to move the small universe, we must first open the Unicom channel, and then place an instrument into the large universe, and we can move by this instrument. "

"This is a bit regrettable." Xiao Yu sighed. Obviously, the technology that can move the small universe freely without the aid of large-scale instruments is more valuable than the technology that opens the Unicom channel unilaterally.

But he didn't want to, a word that Xiao Yu casually said, but received a strong reaction from Pegasus civilization. Xiao Yu heard that in the reply of Pegasus civilization, the voice of the leader was full of sorrow and pleading.

"Is it because the technology of this small universe is not attractive enough for you to fight a junior sixth-level civilization for these technologies? I'm sorry we can't come up with more things that appeal to you, but please believe us, believe us The development potential of the Pegasus civilization, please also believe in the commitment of a civilization with perseverance. If you are willing to save us, we will certainly repay you in the future, even if the price of this repayment is a sacrifice For most of our people's lives, we are doing it. Please believe our promise, this is the most precious thing we can come up with. "

"Eh?" Xiao Yu sighed in his heart, and then replied: "Please rest assured, I believe in your commitments, although I don't care much about your commitments, your commitments have no meaning to me. But I Still intending to rescue you. Now, tell me your location information, I will set off now and destroy that primary sixth-level civilization ... "

For this unilateral technology that can open or close the Unicom channel ~ ~, and wage a war with a sixth-level primary civilization, this is completely worthwhile for Xiao Yu now. What's more, Xiao Yu has a faint intention in his heart. Xiao Yu intends to use the matter of helping the Pegasus civilization to test the rules of the underworld and explore what the luck is. The extent to which civilization has an impact. As for the pegasus civilization's commitment, Xiao Yu really didn't take it seriously. A civilization that is struggling in the dark universe and is on the verge of extinction several times. It must rely on itself to give a helping hand in order to continue to exist, saying that it will reward itself in the future? This is really ridiculous. In the future, the possibility of using Pegasus civilization is too small.

"Our position is ... Shenzhou civilization, please note that this is trying to seize our small universe and destroy our sixth-level primary civilization. There are about 30 million battleships stationed here, and there are a steady stream of battleships arriving here. During this period of time, we cannot observe external information, but we believe that the number of warships stationed by this sixth-level primary civilization at this moment will not be less than 100 million ... "

"Very well, we are very close, and I can arrive in a month, and you continue to insist. As for this sixth-level primary civilization, just leave it to us to deal with it." Xiao Yu replied.

At this time, Xiao Yu received a message again, this message was also sent using space broadcasting technology, but it is clear that this message was not sent by Pegasus civilization.

"Is Shenzhou civilization? A big tone ..."

ps: It will explode today, and the number of chapters will break. Depending on the enthusiasm of your monthly pass, hehe. If you have a monthly pass, hurry and vote. . . .

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