Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 768: How old are you?

A ball of death has greatly reduced the strength of the warring parties at this moment. However, at this moment, Xiao Yu still has a considerable gap with the sweeper civilization. If there were only 150,000 conventional warships, Xiao Yu still had confidence to confront them, but it would not work if he added five ball warships.

"This is not possible." Xiao Yu was clearly aware of the problem, and quickly thought out countermeasures.

"Escape." What Xiao Yu can do now is just the way to escape. The 150,000 warships are no longer enough to break through Xiao Yu ’s defense line and destroy the towed spacecraft. Xiao Yu has regained its ability to sail with curvature.

"During the escape process, delaying time and doing my best to restore my industrial base and create a large number of battleships is the only way to escape. I hope that the follow-up support team of the cleaners civilization will come later. Twenty years It only takes me twenty years for the battleship I build to balance the current strength of the sweeper civilization. Forty years later, I will have the confidence to destroy all these ships. "

This is Xiao Yu's plan. At the moment, Xiao Yu is also firmly implementing this plan. After experiencing failed trials, withstanding the huge drop from the sixth-level peak civilization to only one rural-level spaceship, and seeing the tenacious life of red seaweed and white cockroaches in the solar system, Xiao Yu's mentality has completely precipitated Came down. Xiao Yu would not say to give up, because giving up is for the dead, as long as he is alive, there is hope. Even if there is only one line of vitality, you must do your best to fight for it!

"I don't believe that the luck in the deep can completely wipe out one's efforts. I don't believe that my destiny will be dominated by this nothingness. I want to survive, go back to the top, and clean up. Civilization. You are just stepping stones on my path ... "

Xiao Yu is advancing rapidly. In the space of curvature, fierce battles continue. After suffering the death ball attack, the fleet of the Sweeper Civilization appeared a period of chaos, but they quickly adjusted. They quickly analyzed the current comparison of combat capabilities, and immediately embarked on the road of catching up.

Because of pulling the universe, Xiao Yu couldn't run away. But running away will also hinder the hunt. The current situation depends on whether Xiao Yu first restored a certain degree of industrial foundation and obtained enough warships to destroy the sweeper civilization, or whether the sweeper civilization broke through Xiao Yu's defense first.

Fighting in curvature space is even more dangerous. Curvature sails into space. And curved spaces are undoubtedly more unstable. The use of space weapons in such an environment is like the use of space weapons in the bridge of space, which may cause many accidents. But neither side hesitated. This is a life-and-death battle. This small battle with less than 200,000 spaceships will determine the future of the two civilizations.

The sweeper civilization is also very clear. As long as Xiao Yu escapes from the galaxy, they can no longer catch up with Xiao Yu. This is not just because of losing Xiao Yu's location information. It's also because of development potential. It is clear. Xiao Yu's development potential is greater than the cleaner's civilization, giving both parties the same time, Xiao Yu will go farther than the cleaner's civilization. The advantage of the sweeper civilization is only temporary. After a period of time, in addition to the neutron war star, the sweeper civilization will be in a comprehensive disadvantage.

This is the last chance. This is true for Xiao Yu. The same is true for the sweeper civilization.

The space cracks staggered back and forth in the curved space. There was a continuous collapse of space, a continuous flow of space continued to appear, and a spaceship was constantly drawn into the space and was torn and shattered. Constantly some spacecraft have to leave the curvature space because of severe damage, and thus leave the large army. Leaving a large force means death and destruction for a severely damaged spacecraft that cannot conduct curvature. They will consume their last bit of energy in a long drift, and turn them into icy cosmic stones forever.

There are too many accidents that can occur in battles in curvature space, and there are even many phenomena that Xiao Yu cannot explain. For example, the emergence of spatial turbulence. Xiao Yu speculated that spatial turbulence is also a form of space converted into energy, the difference is that it is uncontrolled. Just as hydrogen bombs are uncontrolled fierce nuclear fusion, so are space turbulence. It releases huge energy, shreds everything within a certain range. It is precisely because of the uncontrolled existence of space turbulence, that the two belligerent parties generally do not choose to fight in the curvature space.

But the situation is too special now. Even turbulent space can no longer stop the battle of these two six-level peak civilizations.

Xiao Yu's towship was destroyed one after another, but like the soldiers responsible for defending the red flag in the ancient battlefield, one soldier fell, and another soldier immediately took over his task. . One spacecraft was destroyed, and the other spacecraft immediately stepped forward and resumed the responsibility of towing the small universe. Along the way, in any star field that passed, all stars within a certain range, the planets were all affected, just like the cavalry on the grassland came to the inland, where it passed, there was a mess.

After a year, more than a hundred light years have been crossed. At the moment, Xiao Yu's 40,000 warships have less than 20,000, while the 150,000 warships of the sweeper civilization have about 100,000 left at this moment. Most importantly, none of the five ball warships was destroyed.

The war situation is developing towards a situation that Xiao Yu does not want to see. Continue to develop according to this situation, not to mention that for 20 years, 10 years, or even 5 years, Xiao Yu could not persist. But Xiao Yu still does not intend to give up. Struggle to the last moment, as long as you live, you will not give up.

"Giving up is for the dead." Xiao Yu thought silently.

Two years have passed. Xiao Yu has less than 10,000 warships left, and only one national-level spacecraft remains. Even, the Asian spacecraft began to participate in the battle to a limited extent, taking on the responsibility of defending the small universe and blocking the invasion of the sweeper civilizational warship. At this moment, there are 50,000 warships left in the sweeper civilization. The ball-type battleship has not been destroyed.

Xiao Yu knew that the sweeper civilization was also very uncomfortable. Long-distance raids, long-term fierce battles, shrouded in death threats at all times, are also a torment for the soldiers of the sweeper civilization. Xiao Yu saw that the reserves of the sweeper civilization were obviously insufficient. When passing by the galaxy, even some spacecrafts would leave the large army to collect resources. In this way, the fleet was consumed.

"It depends on who can persist until the end." Xiao Yu thought silently. "Whoever can persist until the last moment is the winner."

Three years later, Xiao Yu's number of warships decreased again. Xiao Yu only had less than 4,000 warships left, and only about twenty provincial warships were left. By contrast, there are 30,000 warships in the sweeper civilization, and the number of ball warships has not decreased. Xiao Yu ’s universe has become so riddled with blemishes. Although Xiao Yu has given up his plan to continue to escape, he has replaced all the spaceships and all his forces into the universe. Offensive civilization. The Asian spacecraft has fully joined the battle and has become the leading battlefield force on Xiao Yu's side. The sweeper civilization clearly knew that the Asian spacecraft was the place where Xiao Yu lived, and the attack on the Asian spacecraft became increasingly fierce.

But Xiao Yu couldn't retreat. Because the rear is Xiao Yu's hometown, which once gave Xiao Yu two lives. The solar system is there, and the earth where humans once lived is there, although it is now fragmented. This is a sacred place in Xiao Yu's life. Xiao Yu does not allow any hostile forces to touch here, even if the price paid is death Xiao Yu is at his expense.

This is Xiao Yu's insistence, because there is the source of Xiao Yu's spiritual strength.

"I will never give up, I will resist the last minute. If God is destined to die here, I will also say to Heaven, go to your mother, you are the oldest."

Xiao Yu has been insisting ~ ~ never give up.

At this time, not far from Xiao Yu, about a hundred light years away, all the observation equipment of a life planet was tightly aligned here, observing here. Countless data were collected and transmitted to another planet far away. Looking at the data, Pegasus civilization leaders are discussing this issue with the rest of the leaders.

"There is no doubt that this is the Shenzhou civilization that once destroyed our civilization, but has saved our civilization several times. This can be seen from the construction style of these ships. The enemy of the Shenzhou civilization is supposedly the sweeper. Civilization. Because under the current circumstances, it is only the sweeper civilization that can compete with Shenzhou civilization and have the upper hand. Those weird ball warships also support this reasoning. "The Pegasus civilization leader slowly said, "So, I have a question, shall we, at the risk of opposing the absolute hegemony of the galaxy, go to rescue the Shenzhou civilization?"

"Shall we risk the destruction of thousands of years of development and rescue the Shenzhou civilization?"

There was silence in the venue.

At the same time, in the other direction, 30,000 heads of four-level peak beasts are sailing in curvature. A beast who looks like a human being led by the earth, murmured, "I feel it, brother Xiao Yu is ahead ..." (To be continued ...)

ps: Three more completed, ask for a monthly ticket! !! !! !!

Can't be so decadent anymore, the rainbow will erupt tomorrow, erupt! Four more guaranteed! !! !! !! Book next month ticket! !! !! !!

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