Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 774: We are comrades-in-arms

No one expected that the war would come to an end in such a way. The fleet of sweeper civilization has left. As for whether they left or secretly lurked around, Xiao Yu didn't know. At the moment, Xiao Yu has no ability to detect this. But Xiao Yu knew that the sweeper civilization would definitely come again.

But Xiao Yu was not afraid. Because Xiao Yu knows that he has greater development potential than the sweeper civilization. This comparison, in terms of numbers, is to build 200 billion warships yourself, and the sweeper civilization may not be able to build 200 million warships. The sweeper civilization is proud of itself, only neutron war stars.

"You didn't grasp the opportunity to destroy me this time, then, the two of us have entered into the stalemate phase. After the stalemate phase, it should be my counterattack phase ..." Xiao Yu thought silently.

"Leader, I need to know the situation of your Pegasus civilization at this moment, which will provide a reference for my future plans." Under the **** of tens of thousands of warships, the Asia and Yabes, and Xiao Yu ’s cosmic universe Quickly approaching the station of Pegasus civilization. During the voyage, Xiao Yu asked this question to the Pegasus civilization leader.

"Our civilization is very badly damaged." The Pegasus civilization leader answered Xiao Yu's voice with some bitterness: "I have mobilized all the military forces of our civilization to help you, which has led to emptiness and cleanup behind us A combat squadron of the Civilizations raided our home base and caused the death of at least tens of billions of our people. "

"Popular losses have exceeded 60%, industrial foundations have been damaged by more than 70%, social order has collapsed, government power has been almost wiped out, and most people in the region have elected temporary regional leaders and are in an autonomous state."

Xiao Yu's heart tightened slightly. Pegasus civilization is an important boost for Xiao Yu's revival. Xiao Yu also plans to lead the Pegasus civilization to revive at the same time as his revival, but if the Pegasus civilization is in turmoil at this time, the situation will be very bad.

"I need to know if you have enough public support to make your decision to rescue me, and now you still have enough prestige to lead the Pegasus civilization." Xiao Yu asked.

"You can rest assured about this." The Pegasus civilization leader replied, "The decision to rescue you was made by our civilization after a referendum. We have long been mentally prepared to sacrifice for this. At the same time, I still have Sufficient prestige. The reason for the phenomenon of regional autonomy is only because the government is insufficient at this moment and the people are organizing self-help. "

After hearing this answer, Xiao Yu felt a little emotion in his heart. When encountering disasters such as natural disasters, intelligent creatures can easily fall into anarchy. Attacking each other for survival resources leads to many unnecessary secondary losses. For example, the age of the earth. It was not a chaos after the earthquake.

And Pegasus civilization is in a disaster. Shows a very different approach. When the social order collapsed, they did not choose to rob the living resources, but elected temporary regional leaders to protect the existence of the basic order. At this point, Xiao Yu during the Shenzhou civilization was not sure.

Another point is also very unexpected by Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu did not expect that the decision to rescue himself turned out to be made by the Pegasus civilization through a referendum. Xiao Yu believes. The people of Pegasus civilization should be well aware of the consequences of doing so. This not only means that all military forces of civilization may be swept away, but also that the homeland of civilization may be subject to the brutal blow of the sweeper civilization. This means countless blood and war. But they still chose that way.

Xiao Yu has a deeper understanding of the spirit of Pegasus civilization. Xiao Yu knew that in this blow again and again, whether it was a black hole. Still being blocked by the sixth-level civilization in the small universe, or being attacked by the sweeper civilization at the moment, these blows can only be turned into a bridge for Pegasus civilization.

"Very good, you still have the prestige." Xiao Yujing said, "I want to discuss with you the next response plan. First, this attack that repelled the sweeper civilization does not mean that we are restless in this regard. The cleaner civilization may come again at any time. This time the cleaner civilization comes from a conventional battleship, and the next one may be a neutron battle star. With our current strength, we absolutely have no ability to resist the neutron battle star. Then I It is recommended that you immediately relocate your entire Pegasus civilization into my cosmos, and we will work together to give the cosmos the ability to sail across the river as soon as possible and then leave the galaxy. The galaxy is too dangerous and we cannot stay here.

Xiao Yu's statement silenced the Pegasus civilization leader. After a while, he replied: "This is a major event that affects our entire civilization. I have no right to agree or reject your proposal. After our civilization resumes basic communications, I will again hold a referendum to determine this issue. but……"

After a pause, the leader of the Pegasus civilization continued: "I hope you understand that even if our civilization passes the proposal to enter your small universe and leave the galaxy, our Pegasus civilization is still an independent individual. We are allies Relationship, not subordination. Our Pegasus civilization pursues the spirit of independence and self-reliance, and we do not depend on anyone, any civilization or force. "

Xiao Yu said with a bitter smile: "Relax, we are allies, we are comrades in arms, but I have absolutely no intention of annexing your civilization. I have this proposal only because the galaxy is too dangerous. Upon reaching the Dwarf galaxy, After you have restored your civilization, you can decide for yourself to stay and I will only give advice and never interfere with any of your actions. "

"That's fine," said the Pegasus civilization leader quietly.

Xiao Yu's cosmos is also a mess, but because it is not the main battlefield, the damage is not too serious, that is, most of the industrial foundation, the navigation equipment has been destroyed, and more than a hundred stars Still safe and sound. This means that as long as there are enough instruments to actuate and supplement some stars, Xiao Yu will soon be able to start the voyage of the river system and leave this dangerous place.

The vector animals have all entered Xiao Yu's universe. The fourth-level pinnacle beast already has the ability to survive in cosmic space, so it doesn't care about the harsh planets in the small universe at this moment. They are enthusiastically transforming a planet. Xiao Yu also provided convenience to them within their own ability.

The Asia spacecraft towed the small universe has reached the station of the Pegasus civilization under the **** of tens of thousands of spacecraft. The horrible sight in front of Xiao Yu also felt a little palpitations. Dozens of life planets are full of ruins, countless buildings have collapsed because of attacks, strong earthquakes and volcanoes raged on the planet, and the bodies of Pegasus civilized people are everywhere on the planet. Breath of sorrow, depression and destruction.

"That's all our civilized people ..." the Pegasus civilization leader said sadly, "They are all dead, all dead."

"I believe the Pegasus civilization will definitely be revived, definitely." Xiao Yujingjing said, "I will provide you with all-round support in terms of technology and computing power, but at the initial stage, I need to rely on some of your industries. Basic ... let's start the reconstruction work. After I wipe out the sweeper civilization, the galaxy will be a paradise for your Pegasus civilization. "

"Okay," said the Pegasus civilization leader. "After restoring the initial communication foundation, I will start a referendum to decide whether to follow your footsteps and leave the galaxy ..."

At this moment, on a planet in the Pegasus civilization station, a teenager is busy shuttle. Presenting to him was a ruin of death. The towering high-rise buildings of the past had collapsed at this moment, and countless ethnic people were buried in the ruins. Because the volcano has just erupted, the sky is gray at this moment, the air is full of the volcanic smell of volcanic ash, aftershocks continue to occur, and the ground beneath your feet is like a trampoline.

Under the direction of the Provisional Regional Leader, busy relief efforts are under way. The people buried in the ruins need to be rescued ~ ~ People who are still living need food and drinking water. When they rest at night, people need a safe place to sleep, and injured people need treatment ... There are many things, Very complicated.

The Pegasus civilized people who walked with this teenager all looked sad. Many people suddenly put down their tools at work, crying while squatting on the ground, and some people saw it turned into a piece. The ruined home was dumbfounded, wondering what it was thinking. The teenager knew that many people had lost faith at the moment. The blow this time is too big for the Pegasus civilization.

Thousands of years of accumulation, thousands of years of struggle, and thousands of years of hard work have been destroyed once, nothing, nothing.

But this young boy never seemed to lose his confidence. He is enthusiastically encouraging his companions to fight with enthusiasm, encouraging people who have lost confidence to continue the sail of hope, and sending warmth from the bottom of the heart to those in need.

"My dear people, don't feel sad, I believe that our Pegasus civilization will definitely be revived again, it will be ..." (To be continued ...)

ps: I finally wrote this chapter before 12 o'clock ... Tomorrow will be updated on time

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