Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 776: Air transport test body

Xiao Yu also noticed what Pegasus civilization leader said during this period. Xiao Yu found that in the reconstruction work, the people of Pegasus civilization always seemed absent-minded. There was a decadent, passing and passing atmosphere. When the rest time was off, some entertainment venues would be full, all kinds of spirits. Paralyzed drinks, things similar to the Earth's era, are sold in large quantities, drunks carrying bottles of wine are wandering on the streets at night, and even severely cracked things like the drugs of the Earth's era have spread, and crime rates It is also constantly rising.

All these things show a social mentality of being drunk and faint, paralyzed. People are impetuous, unwilling to make progress, and indulge in sensuality. As long as they can enjoy it today, they will die immediately. This seems abnormal to Xiao Yu, and a vibrant civilization should not look like this.

Xiao Yu found these things, but he didn't talk about them with the leaders of the Pegasus civilization. After all, Xiao Yu didn't know about Pegasus civilization. Maybe these situations are the normal state of Pegasus civilization? Now, the Pegasus civilization leader has personally addressed this issue to Xiao Yu, and Xiao Yu can't help but start to meditate.

Xiao Yu remembered a word again, luck.

"According to Qiyun, Qiyun will fall after the civilization is severely hit. For example, the Pegasus civilization was defeated by me in the first place. For example, the death of the associated ghost group was killed by the neutron war star, such as Now the Pegasus civilization was severely damaged by the sweeper civilization. Could it be that letting the civilization decadent and lose its initiative is also a manifestation of low luck? "

Xiao Yu was faintly aware that his previous understanding of air transport seemed to be a bit off.

"It seems that there is no absolute definition of whether a thing is good or bad. It can have different effects when it occurs at different time periods. That is to say, the same thing may be a good thing at a certain time period. And at another time it could be bad. So what is the benchmark that distinguishes the two cases? "

With its own scientific and technological support, the technology of Pegasus civilization has made a qualitative leap, which should be a good thing. However, Xiao Yu saw that this incident did not seem to bring too positive changes to the Pegasus civilization. More people use the latest technology to develop more exciting and fun entertainment equipment, to make more expensive and more exquisite clothing, decorations and the like, to create a more enjoyable living environment. It is even used to develop drugs that cause more damage to the body, but can bring more pleasure. This is abnormal. Xiao Yu feels that Pegasus civilization should not be like this.

"When the value of luck is high, bad things may become good things. When the value of luck is low, good things may also become bad things. So ... what is the decision of luck?" Xiao Yu was thinking silently.

The death of the associated ghost is no doubt a bad thing. but. If the negative effects of it are eliminated, if one has to struggle to survive in the dark universe because he has lost his dependence, and finally relies on his own abilities to reach the level VII civilization, then the death of the associated ghost family is not from one Bad things turn into good things?

And his strong technical support for the Pegasus civilization. It was a good thing, but Pegasus civilization turned this good thing into a bad thing.

Xiao Yu sighed slightly. Xiao Yu had to admit that he didn't understand the problem.

"Maybe what micro-civilization says. Qi Yun doesn't exist originally, and Qi Yun can be changed. These two words come from here. As long as I want to understand this problem, I have found a way to change Qi Yun. Method, I can eliminate the negative impact of the death of the accompanying ghost family. "

"So, how do you respond?" Xiao Yu asked the civilization leader of Pegasus.

"I haven't encountered such a problem." The Pegasus civilization leader sighed, "I don't know what to do. In terms of public opinion guidance, our government has always had such relevant departments, but now it seems that they have It seems that the role is not too big. We are propagating the spirit of aggressiveness, strict self-discipline, and courageous dedication, but with little effect. I have a hunch that the civilization of the cleaners is not the biggest crisis we encounter, this thing is. If If this matter is not handled well, the spirit of our entire civilization will collapse. If the spirit of civilization collapses, our Pegasus civilization will not survive. "

"Sometimes, even I have some doubts. The universe is so dark, so vast, and there are so many powerful beings. In a single galaxy, there are many more powerful beings than us. We have overcome all kinds of difficult obstacles along the way It has finally developed to today, and successfully entered the level 6 civilization. We thought we were strong enough, but only a small fleet of sweeper civilization defeated all the military forces of our civilization. The sweeper civilization is the sixth civilization. Just, how many more powerful civilizations exist above the sixth-level civilization? Does our struggle really make sense? Maybe we once again have the courage to rebuild the entire civilization, but who Can we guarantee that we will not encounter this situation again in the future? In the face of the unknown future, should we choose the enjoyment of the present, or the choice may still be nothing, hard work? "Pegasus civilization leader said quietly "This is the main problem that plagues our civilization."

"People can lose confidence. As the leader of the entire civilization, you can't lose confidence." Xiao Yu said, "even if you have lost confidence, you can't show it. This is the basic quality of a leader."

"I know." The Pegasus civilization leader said, "I will find a way to deal with this situation."

"I can think of the coping method I can think of, even if I didn't think of it, with your staff group, you should be able to find out." Xiao Yu said helplessly, "In the face of real enemies, I There are many plans that can be made, but I do n’t really have a good way to deal with this spiritual and spiritual level. This is an area that we have n’t touched before, and I hope you can make some positive and rely on your own strength. Meaningful exploration, to the extent that I can do it and within my ability, I will do my best to help you. "

"Okay." The Pegasus civilization leader also sighed and cut off his contact with Xiao Yu.

"Perhaps, I can see the Pegasus civilization at this moment as a test subject, and by observing their progress and changes, I can get some information about air transport." Xiao Yu thought about it.

At this moment Xiao Yu has reached the edge of the Milky Way. The stars here are very sparse, and most are aging red giants. Xiao Yu did not stop here, but continued to move forward, and finally entered the interstellar space between the river systems.

There is no clear boundary between the Milky Way and outer space, and the gas clusters inside the Milky Way may reach different positions as the Milky Way moves. However, there is an overall trend that is constant. The more Xiao Yu moves forward, the lower the gas concentration from the Milky Way. It was so low that Xiao Yu could no longer detect it. At this time, Xiao Yu knew that he had really left the galaxy.

At this moment, decades have elapsed since Xiao Yu's voyage. With the industrial foundation of Pegasus civilization, Xiao Yu is quickly recovering his industrial strength. The construction plan of the star-level spaceship has been put on the agenda. After the star-level spaceship, it is the star-level spaceship. Xiao Yu plans to make a star-shaped spacecraft when he arrives in the Ursa Major dwarf galaxy.

Compared to the booming development of Xiao Yu, the Pegasus civilization has not changed much. Xiao Yu originally proposed to use his huge computing power to help Pegasus civilization complete things such as cleaning up ruins and rebuilding after the disaster. However, the leader of Pegasus civilization rejected it: "Let ’s do these things. Mandatory Labor can temporarily delay the spread of that bad mentality, and if life is too easy, our people will sink faster. "

As a result, Xiao Yu only demarcated an area within his small universe as the home of the Pegasus civilization ~ ~ and then withdrew all his power from there. Xiao Yu was acting as a bystander Role, quietly watching the slightest change in Pegasus civilization.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Yu unexpectedly, the beasts were very interested in Mars in the solar system, and they unanimously requested to stay on Mars. Xiao Yu naturally agreed to this request. As a result, the beasts carried out a series of transformation activities on Mars, including reactivating the core of Mars to regain plate movement; with the help of Xiao Yu, a large number of ice comets were collected in the small universe, and Mars regained possession. Ocean; find your favorite animals and plants in Xiao Yu ’s gene bank, cultivate them, and then release them on Mars, change the landscape of Mars, and let it once again have the environment of mountains and canyons, plateaus, hills and the like To push Mars closer to the sun to enhance the solar radiation it receives, increase the mass of Mars, increase the concentration of atmospheric gases and so on.

The enthusiasm of the Yazos is in stark contrast to the increasingly decadent Pegasus civilization. In the same universe, the situation between these two civilizations is quite different.

"In the past, I had made a wish to transform Mars into a green life planet, and now I have fulfilled my promise. It was only done with the power of the beasts." Xiao Yu thought with a sigh, "Yeah, also OK, in the solar system, there should indeed be another planet of life. "(To be continued ...)

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