Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 778: Record my life

Molly was brought into a darkened room by a few wicked big men. A big man also kicked the beggar who lacked a limb and said fiercely, "Old dog, you are doing well today. Something rewards you. "The beggar took it with a wink, and gorged.

Molly naturally knew what happened to him. This beggar is the bait that these guys put out, and he is the foolish stupid fish.

Ten or more minutes later, Mo Li, walking out of this place with a grin on his face, touched his pocket, which was originally thin, but still had something.

The next day, Morley passed by this place again and saw the beggar again. This time, the beggar's condition seemed a little worse than yesterday. Morley was almost certain that the beggar had never eaten anything else since he left yesterday. Morley sighed, grabbed a handful of dirt and rubbed a few on his face, and walked towards it again.


"Old dog, this is for you." A piece of poor food was thrown at the beggar again.

A moment later, a more angry voice came out of the room: "Dare you give alms to beggars without money? Brothers, give me a shot!"

A big man rushed out, just to see the beggar stuffing the last bite of food into his mouth. So he could not help but kick the beggar: "Old dog, eat so fast!"

Molly came out of the room with a swollen face and a swollen face. As he passed by the beggar, the beggar whispered, "I hurt you, why do you help me?"

Morley froze slightly and immediately brought a smile. His footsteps didn't stop, and he didn't turn back. He just said with a kind voice: "It is not the basis of our civilization to see the help of those who are in trouble. Guidelines? "

After Molly left, the beggar suddenly lay on the ground. Whimpering and crying.


The tired figure of the Pegasus civilization leader once again appeared in front of Xiao Yu. It seems that every time a Pegasus civilization leader appeared in front of Xiao Yu, he was more sloppy and tired than the last time Xiao Yu had seen it. So Xiao Yu immediately knew that the situation had not improved. In this regard, Xiao Yu didn't know what to say, only sighed softly: "My friend, you need a good body to have more energy to solve these things. Accept my help. I The biotechnology is much more advanced than your Pegasus civilization, and I can bring you back to life at any time. "

The Pegasus civilization leader shook his head resolutely: "If only I accepted your biotechnology transformation, wouldn't I be taking the lead in pursuing an unfair national strategy? This would arouse more anger within the civilization. Let us All people in the Pegasus civilization accept biotechnology transformation, which is not suitable now. "

"I can secretly transform your body so that you still maintain the status quo ..." Xiao Yu said.

"No, my code of ethics requires me not to do so." The Pegasus civilization leader shook his head more firmly: "If even the supreme leader of a civilization has given up his insistence on the spirit of civilization. Then this spirit still has What is the meaning of existence? Isn't it a complete decoration? "

Xiao Yu sighed and didn't know what to say.

The Ursa Major dwarf galaxy is only about 100,000 light-years away from the Milky Way. This distance is calculated according to Xiao Yu's navigation at this moment, and it only takes less than 700 years to reach it. Time passed by little by little, Pegasus civilization still did not improve, and the leader still lingered on little by little.

With the joint efforts of Xiao Yu and the Beasts, Mars has completely turned into a green planet. A dense and warm atmosphere covers the planet. The sun at a suitable distance provides Mars with warm but not hot sunlight. The shift of the rotation axis brings seasonal changes to Mars throughout the year, mountains, canyons, rivers, and the sea, all of which provide Mars with a good The carrier of the ecological cycle makes life on Mars alive. Life is everywhere.

The vector beasts have made Mars their second home. Xiao Yu's universe is very quiet. Out of the trust in Xiao Yu, the Yazos can live here peacefully, without having to worry about the day when they will be invaded by outsiders.

At the moment, Xiao Yu also fully recovered to the level of science and technology at his peak. The quality of industrial facilities is sufficient, but the number is still inferior. Therefore, at the moment, Xiao Yu can only build star-rated battleships, but cannot manufacture star-rated battleships. It doesn't matter. The shipbuilding dock for stellar warships is already under planning. It is expected that the construction of stellar warships can officially begin when they reach the Ursa Major dwarf galaxy.

Xiao Yu is recovering his strength little by little.

The planet-class starship has been completed, and Xiao Yu smoothly relocated from the Asian spacecraft to the earth spacecraft. At this moment, Xiao Yu already has more than 30 million warships of various types. And this number is still increasing rapidly.

Five hundred years have passed, and there is still less than two hundred years to reach the destination.

"I don't know how the Shenzhou civilization has been exhibited now." Xiao Yu thought a little sadly, "Maybe I don't need to worry about them. It should be that they worry about me. When I leave, I leave everything behind. Give them, technology, resources, industrial foundation, leave everything to them, and there are outstanding scientists such as Ares, Ruto, Luca III, IV, and well-functioning social committees and military committees. They should There is no problem. The sweeper civilization should not have the strength to harass the Shenzhou civilization at this moment. In fact, whether they can find the Shenzhou civilization is a question ... "

"Hope, we have a day to meet again." Xiao Yu thought silently.

A small universe, Xiao Yu, Yaju, Pegasus civilization, three existences, each with their own different ideas. Xiao Yu is worrying about his future, the Yazos are enjoying life carefree, and the Pegasus civilization is declining.

Hundreds of years had passed, and Morley had aged from the old boy to an old man. Although after the collapse of civilization, the biological transformation that was originally used as social welfare has now become the exclusive right of the privileged class, but without accident, the lowest class people will still have a life span of nearly two thousand years. Morley wasn't supposed to be so old. Only Molly knew that because he had suffered too much suffering and experienced too much cold, he had aged early.

But the sweet smile on Molly's face never changed. In such a ridiculous society, he has never changed his original intention. He has done his best to help anyone in need and never care about his gains and losses. He has been deceived, beaten, and beaten again and again. Injury, the worst time he even lost his life. One of his legs was disabled in a cheated accident. Although he had collected enough money to go to the hospital for surgery at the beginning, judging from the current medical level, his leg had great hopes to keep it. But before the hospital, when he saw a little girl dying because he had no money for treatment, he did not hesitate to take out the money for his leg treatment and gave it to the little girl.

The little girl finally survived, but his leg was disabled. When he was dragging his stump with a gift to visit the little girl, the little girl's family thought he was asking for the money, so he beat him hard and drove him again Come out. The little girl's father even threatened to say that he didn't recognize the disability at all, and if the disability dared to come, he would break Morley's other leg.

Molly had to leave the hospital.

A stranger came over and asked, "Molly, do you regret it?"

Morley smiled and said, "Why should I regret it? I gave them my money in the hope that this little girl could survive. Now that this little girl has recovered, I should be happy."

The stranger sighed ~ ~ and left.

Molly was running out of money, and the gift for the little girl had spent his last bit of money. He has no food to eat, he is hungry; he has no complete clothes to wear, he is cold, he has no place to rest, no place to sleep.

He eventually found an abandoned room and sat down there. The crippled leg again came with pain in the heart. He knew that the wound was infected again, and he knew that he might not live long.

"Fool Molly, you have helped people throughout your life, but you have n’t received anything in return. Now you are going to die, but you ca n’t even drink a bite of hot water. No one is there to accompany you and take care of you. Is that stranger again? He asked before standing in front of Molly.

"No, I don't regret it." Morley said with a smile. "I'm practicing the spirit of our civilization with my life. As long as someone like me can exist for one day, the spirit of our civilization will not be destroyed."

"But you will die after all, what after you die?" The stranger asked.

"I can record my life and write it into a book, let our spirit of civilization pass forever." Morley said.

"This is a good idea, not bad," said the stranger. "Well, write down your life and write it in a book."

There was a flash of light, and inside the room, Morley and the stranger disappeared, and the place was quiet again. After a while, two sphere-like things fell down and rolled on the floor with bones.

If you look closely, you can tell that these two spherical things turned out to be the head of the little girl's parents.

ps: Put your words here today, tomorrow Rainbow will have three more changes! !! !! !! !! !!

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