Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 781: The truth of luck

After listening to Molly's words, Xiao Yu froze slightly and asked, "Qiyun? What do you want to tell me about Qiyun?"

Morley was silent for a while and said, "As a six-level civilization intelligent creature, I have heard about air transport. In this century, I have thought deeply about air transport. . I can tell you what I think, but I'm not sure what I'm saying is correct, I just give you a reference. "

"You said." Xiao Yu replied.

"Air transport does not exist. If it has to be said, it can be changed, and I have found a way to change air transport." Morley said.

Xiao Yu's mind was slightly tense. Xiao Yu found that what Morley said was surprisingly similar to what the seventh-level micro civilization told him. It was impossible for Morley to know what the seventh-level micro civilization had told himself, but they said similar things. This shows that Morley's thinking is really rewarding.

"I don't quite understand." Xiao Yu said slowly, "Since I left my mother planet, what I have seen and heard has confirmed the true existence of luck. Far away from it for the time being, just fly with you. Take the Sagittarius civilization as an example. After being attacked by me and your civilization was broken up, your experience is not tragic enough. "

Morley shook his head with a smile: "Our experience is miserable enough, but it is a good thing for our civilization. Have you not seen it? It is because of encountering black holes and being blocked in the small universe by the sixth-level primary civilization. Two things, our civilization has erected a national spirit of perseverance. "

"But, in the course of confronting the civilization of the sweepers, your civilization is almost going to sink ..."

"This is still a good thing. Because this thing has triggered the bad traits of our nation, such as daze, such as covetous enjoyment, in advance. Let us in a more peaceful environment Its solution. You also see that we finally solved it, so our civilization will no longer be troubled by these negative emotions in the future, and our civilization will go further. "Morley said," We are equal to After a major operation, the early stage of sinking is nothing more than an analgesic operation. After the pain, we will be healthier. So this is still a good thing for us. "

Xiao Yu pondered.

"You said, it is under your protection. There is no foreign enemy. It is better to perform this operation in a calm environment, or is it better to do it when the enemy is around?" Morley asked.

Xiao Yu was silent. Xiao Yu looked again at Pegasus civilization. After nearly two hundred years of struggle, the Pegasus civilization at this moment has wiped out the previous slump and is even more prosperous than before. People are polite. Honest and trustworthy, everyone is fighting for the future of civilization. of course. The future of civilization is the future of the individual.

"You said. Killing can increase the value of luck in civilization. So, in principle, saving civilization should lead to loss of luck, but have you ever felt that you have lost luck in saving civilization?" Morley smiled. The author said, "No, right? The reason why you feel that extinct civilizations will lead to an increase in luck. It is only because all the materials and all the scientific and technological materials of the civilizations that you have extinct belong to you."

At this moment, a ray of wisdom was beating in Molly's eyes: "Qi Yun is nowhere to be determined from where it came from. But it seems that our Milky Way galaxy, no, I believe that the civilizations of other galaxies are also It ’s strange to think of Qi Yun as the golden rule. I think you should check to see if there is any conspiracy in it. ”

"If a concept is preconceived in your thinking, then in the events you encounter next, you will subconsciously and involuntarily find evidence for this concept, and eventually believe more and more Its existence, in the end, it will affect your subconsciousness, to a certain extent, dominate your behavior, so you will believe it more and more. This is just a psychological phenomenon. If you have to say that luck exists, then It only exists in the heart of intelligent beings. "Morley said.

Xiao Yu sighed slightly. Xiao Yu found that Morley's statement was impeccable. Luck seems to be a psychological effect. It's like religion in the age of the earth. People preconceived and believed in the existence of the gods, so anything you see next will prove the existence of the gods. For example, when believers see a boat floating on the water, they believe that it is God ’s power, which proves God ’s greatness. When they feel the wind, they think they are God ’s power. When they feel the sun, they think they are God ’s power. ... Everything is the power of God.

There are many religions on Earth that are this model. This is a kind of habitual thinking that is difficult to break. In the age of the earth, Xiao Yu encountered stubborn religious believers, often staying away from it and not wasting words on those people.

If ... it is true that the higher the value of luck, the easier it is to promote the seventh-level civilization, then why hasn't the sweeper civilization been promoted?

However, if this statement is false, then the science and technology Tai Hao told himself that the invigilator was judged by the value of luck when determining whether a civilization can be promoted to the seventh level. Isn't this wrong?

Xiao Yu remembered the existence of a seven-level barrier. Gradually, an idea appeared in Xiao Yu's mind.

"In the universe, there was no proctor teacher. Later, when there were more civilizations, there was a proctor teacher. The proctor teacher may be a relatively advanced civilization. It artificially created a seven-level barrier to prevent further changes. Many civilizations have become Level 7 civilizations. Fortunately, luck may just be a false trick made by the proctor. It does not really exist in the universe, and it does not have that magical power. "

"You see, our Pegasus civilization has changed our luck." Moley pointed to the image of the Pegasus civilization. "Gas exists in the hearts of each of us. When we think that civilization has no hope, civilization It will decline, just like we did before, people will start to become despicable, not enterprising, but covet the present enjoyment. When we think that civilization is full of hope, civilization will flourish, and luck will rise. It's the truth of luck. "

Xiao Yu exhaled softly in his mind.

"It's ridiculous that I've been looking for a way to change my own luck ... It turned out that I had already found this way and implemented it. The impact of the death of the associated ghosts has long been gone. In the solar system, When I started to fight for the future and started industrial construction, I have gotten rid of this haze. "

For the Pegasus civilization, the way to change luck is to make people realize that their civilization is still full of hope and cannot give up lightly. Morley accomplishes this through a book. For Xiao Yu, the way to change luck is to realize that turning grief into motivation. Inherit the wishes of the associated ghost family, while continuing to go firmly according to their own wishes.

In the solar system, Xiao Yu has successfully changed his luck. Because of this, Xiao Yu was able to persevere with the will and the spirit of indomitable defeat when encountering the civilized pursuit of the sweeper. It persisted until the emergence of Pegasus civilization and Yasui tribe, and eventually fled.

Xiao Yu suddenly felt it. The yoke pressed tightly on him was gone. The haze that Xiao Yu brought to the death of the associated ghost clan also disappeared.

"Molly. Thank you, you have solved a big doubt in my heart." Xiao Yu murmured, "You are not only the savior of Pegasus civilization, but my savior."

"As an ally of our civilization, I also hope that you can have more development. I am also happy to solve the doubts in your heart." Moli waved at Xiao Yu with a smile and said, "Send me back . I can't wait to return to our civilization. Feel the atmosphere of a sincere and friendly society again. "

"As you wish." Xiao Yu laughed, "Goodbye, I hope we can have a chance to see you again."

Morley left here and returned to his civilization. there. Xiao Yu has prepared complete information for Moli in the core database of Pegasus civilization through his superb computer technology. Morrie, whose appearance has been changed, will have a new identity and a new name in the new life. He will be the sole heir of a deceased wealthy businessman. After returning to Pegasus civilization, Morley will have a noble social status and great wealth-after all, to help others, not enough money is not enough. Xiao Yu didn't want to see Morley's leg mutilation happen again because of helping others.

"Xiao Yu, goodbye. Our Pegasus civilization will find a suitable place to live in the Ursa Major dwarf galaxy, where it will develop quietly. Anyway, the Ursa Major Dwarf galaxy is also so large, if you want to contact us, you can Contact us. My dear ally, looking forward to our next reunion. "The Pegasus civilization leader sent such a message to Xiao Yu.

"Okay, goodbye." Xiao Yu also made his own response.

Pegasus civilization has left. Looking at the empty little universe with only tens of thousands of beasts, Xiao Yu said to himself: "It's time to do my thing, continue to improve my industrial foundation and upgrade my technology. Level, impact the seventh-level civilization, destroy the sweeper civilization ... "

"Also, Zhang Shengya, it's time to resurrect you ... my only clan, who has been asleep for nearly 100,000 years, wake up again ..." (To be continued ...)

ps: Outside the article:

Xiao Yu: Sunlight is mixed light ~ ~ Prisms can separate light into the original seven colors, so it will form a rainbow.

Believers: Ah, how great God is, he would make such a delicate arrangement to mix the seven kinds of light into white, and then use the fog after the rain to separate the lights to create a rainbow. God is really great.

Xiao Yu: Strong, weak, electromagnetic, and gravitational forces are the four basic forces. Some of these four basic forces repel and attract.

Believers: Ah, how great God is, and he has made such a delicate arrangement. Do you think that if God arranges all four forces into repulsion or all into gravity, will the world be destroyed?

Xiao Yu: ... you are busy first, I leave a little bit in advance. There is a guy on the earth called the Rainbow Gate who is coding. I will help him get a monthly pass first.

Xiao Yu: I've decided that anyone who casts a monthly ticket for the Rainbow Gate will send a first-tier star-rated battleship to everyone on February 29 next year. Limited to 500 ships, first come first served!

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