Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 786: Star Gate

As Xiao Yu embarked on the journey to the Magellanic Cloud, some strange things were happening in the galaxy, about 10,000 light-years away from Yinxin.

The densely packed battleships stood motionless in the void, and in the center of these battleships, there was a very strange object. If Xiao Yu could see here, Xiao Yu would immediately recognize the thing in front of him. Its diameter is small, but its mass is large. It is not visible in the visible light band. It has powerful radiation ...

This is a neutron war star. I don't know why, the neutron battle star appeared here, and there were more than 30 million warships beside it. Obviously, after the loss of conventional power in the first battle with Xiao Yu, and after more than two thousand years of recuperation, the sweeper civilization once again has considerable conventional combat power.

A total of more than 30 million battleships stay here, in front of them is a somewhat illusory space, as if there is a black hole there. As the light passes through this space, it will bend, so it looks a little fuzzy and distorted, as if it was enveloped in a layer of mist.

"Shenzhou civilization, since you have separated from Xiao Yu, then we have no reason for you. As long as you leave the gate and give up control of the gate, we can let you leave freely and will not interfere with you." Amidst this distant confrontation, such a message was sent from a flagship spacecraft of the sweeper civilization.

The front of the Sweeper's Civilization Fleet is still a vague one. I don't know what is there, or if there is anything in it. But the sweeper civilization seems to have known something there.

After a while, the sweeper civilization was answered: "Do n’t be delusional. Believe that you have also touched the seventh-level barrier in some aspects. If you want to be promoted to the seventh-level civilization, you should honestly strike yourself, and do n’t delusionally rely on the analysis of stars Door to get the air energy formula. "

"It's useless to say more. If you don't want to give up the Star Gate, then we will only drive you away ... Neutron Battle Star, dispatch it." This voice, representing the civilized will of the sweeper, said quietly.

Within the distorted space, Ares stood in front of the huge display screen, carefully watching every subtle scene above, and watching every data. Behind him are densely packed staff, each staff carrying an electronic computer system directly connected to the nerves, and at least tens of thousands of staff are busy processing various instructions.

"It's been more than 2,000 years since Xiao Yu left here, I don't know if you are okay at this moment ... Well." Aris sighed softly. For Xiao Yu, he didn't know what it was like. When he became the leader of the entire Shenzhou civilization. When he personally led a huge sixth-level peak civilization struggling to survive in the dark universe, he only knew how difficult it was.

His previous wish was to lead his civilization to become a sixth-level civilization. Now, his wish has been realized to a certain extent. The entire Shenzhou civilization belongs to his leadership. Only then did he feel the difference between the sixth-level civilization and the fifth-level civilization. Now he. Even quite missed what kind of idle life he had while Xiao Yu was still.

He is not alone in having this idea. Because Xiao Yu left. Some huge computing tasks require scientists to write programs to perform calculations themselves. Without Xiao Yu, many subtle things need to be solved by themselves. They can no longer just focus on researching science as before, and Xiao Yu will handle everything else.

There is no longer a spectacular situation in which tens of millions of robots work together. Robots can only adapt to certain repetitive, less technical tasks. Without Xiao Yu, some complicated work must be done by intelligent creatures themselves.

Without the large amount of data provided by Xiao Yu, managing a regime has become complicated. After all, apart from Xiao Yu. No one has the energy to watch so many surveillance devices at the same time. Lost surveillance, so some inevitable problems within civilizations were exposed, such as crime.

A large-scale survey showed that after Xiao Yu's departure, the living happiness index of the people of Shenzhou civilization dropped by at least one-third. This does not include those who are assigned to work in more difficult conditions. You know, before, these things were all done by Xiao Yu.

Under these circumstances, the idea that Xiao Yu could return has dominated the mainstream. After Qi Yun's theory was announced in detail, and he learned that Xiao Yu's value of Qi Yun had been reduced to a certain degree due to the death of the associated ghost family, in the Shenzhou civilization, there were large-scale mass gatherings for Xiao Yu every day. Although this is not very useful, it can give them psychological comfort after all.

When Xiao Yu left, he left a huge intelligent program based on himself, but after all, the program is a program, it is dead, but the intelligent creature is alive. So it gradually stopped adapting to the development of civilization. Eventually, it was abolished about five hundred years ago, and only some modules such as weather maintenance systems and ecological cycle systems were still in use.

The people of Shenzhou Civilization are learning how to live on their own power, to independently complete scientific research experiments on their own, to independently build various types of spacecraft, to build various huge machinery, and to determine their own destiny. Decide on future plans and more.

In this life, more than two thousand years have passed. The war with the sweeper civilization has left too many psychological shadows on people, so in the two thousand years, people have never relaxed the manufacture of warships. Without Xiao Yu, these warships could only be manipulated by intelligent creatures themselves, so a large army was established, and the Military Commission finally had power commensurate with its specifications in this era.

Until now, Shenzhou civilization has more than 10 million warships of various types, of which there are two star-rated warships. There are 20 billion active-duty soldiers and about 3 billion reserve soldiers. The reborn Shenzhou civilization still maintains the basic policy of multi-ethnic coexistence and peaceful coexistence. The supreme leading body is still the Social Committee, and Ares served as the first chairman.

The huge military power reserve is only for the protection of the Shenzhou civilization. The Shenzhou civilization has not actively invaded any other civilization. This situation has been maintained for more than two thousand years, until now.

In the view of the solar system, the direction of Cygnus is about 10,000 light-years away from Yinxin, and the Shenzhou civilization found a relic of the seventh-level civilization. This ruin was originally well hidden, but a gamma-ray burst caused by a photodegradation supernova explosion of a supermassive star destroyed the ruin and was discovered by the Shenzhou civilization.

After a preliminary analysis, the scientific research personnel of the Shenzhou civilization determined that this was a relic of the seventh-level civilization in the direction of travel. This is a star gate, which is an ultra-long-range instant transmission device. It is speculated that the seventh-level civilization in the direction of travel uses this star gate to complete distant journeys across countless river systems.

Although the star gate has been damaged by a gamma ray storm, a considerable part of the instrument remains intact. This means that the sixth-level civilization may still analyze a lot of technology here. So Shenzhou civilization was stationed here immediately, trying to use these intact seventh-level civilization creations to peek into the mystery of seventh-level civilization.

However, after a period of scientific and technological analysis, the scientific research personnel of the Shenzhou civilization found that although these scientific and technological creations can bring a certain level of technological improvement to the sixth-level civilization, it is impossible to take a peek at the mysteries of the seventh-level civilization. At this time, the sweeper civilization did not know how to find this place. The neutron battle star led more than 30 million warships to personally dispatch, trying to drive away the Shenzhou civilization and occupy the ruins of the seventh-level civilization by itself.

The Shenzhou civilization is undoubtedly not the opponent of the sweeper civilization, but the current leader Ares does not intend to let this ruin out. At the joint meeting of the Social Committee and the Military Committee, Ares said: "We Shenzhou civilization cannot use this relic to be promoted to level seven civilization, but the sweepers are not necessarily. If the sweeper civilization is promoted to level seven civilization, For us, Xiao Yu who has left is a disaster ~ ~ We cannot take this risk. Even if we are not the opponents of the sweeper civilization, we can support at least 1,500 with this ruin. Years. So let us fight for this time for the departing Xiao Yu. "

"However, we don't know if Xiao Yu is still alive now, or whether he can develop enough to fight against the civilization of the cleaners for 1,500 years. I am worried that everything we do is Useless. "

"Even if it is useless, we must do it." Ares said faintly: "Even if there is no way for the sweeper civilization to be promoted to the level VII civilization with this relic, their strength will definitely increase significantly again. And I do n’t believe it The sweeper civilization will let us who have close ties with Xiao Yu. So we can only do this, not let the sweeper civilization get this ruin. "

That's the whole thing. After the initial negotiation was invalid, the sweeper civilization seemed to be ready to start the offensive and forcibly occupied the ruins.

At this moment, Ares, who was standing in front of the huge display, gave orders lightly.

"The space distortion protection system is turned on at full power ... Each combat squad has its own position and is ready to attack the warship of the sweeper civilization ..."

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