Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 793: Space exploration

Xiao Yu only stayed in the Ursa Major dwarf galaxy for a short period of time. After receiving Zhang Shengya and the Yasui family, he embarked on his journey to the Milky Way again.

This will be the last time Xiao Yu returns to the Galaxy. At least, in the foreseeable future, Xiao Yu has no plans to return to the Galaxy again. Now Xiao Yu, although unable to draw energy directly from space, but advances in science and technology have allowed Xiao Yu to break through the restriction that sixth-level civilization cannot sail across rivers, relying solely on the stars stored in his small universe , Enough to sail from the Milky Way into the Andromeda Galaxy.

After becoming a seventh-level civilization, Xiao Yu will be abandoned by Xiao Yu. The small universe is meaningless to the seventh civilization. Because the seventh-level civilization has almost fully grasped the mysteries of space, such things as accepting the mustard seed Yu Xumi are not difficult for the seventh-level civilization. The seventh-level civilization can completely create a spaceship that looks extremely small, but the interior space is extremely large.

The Ursa Major dwarf galaxy is 100,000 light-years away from the Milky Way, and it takes less than 500 years to cross this journey at Xiao Yu's current speed. During this time, Xiao Yu will complete a large-scale industrial construction and build a spacecraft sufficient to destroy the entire sweeper civilization. The theoretical development of space conversion weapons has been completed and will be put into actual production. Xiao Yu will use this weapon to destroy the cleaner's most powerful war weapon, the neutron war star.

"After destroying the sweeper civilization, are you leaving the galaxy?" On Mars, Zhang Shengya and Xiao Yu's phantom sat side by side, Zhang Shengya asked softly.

"Yes," Xiao Yu said.

"I don't want to go." Zhang Shengya docilely leaned her head on Xiao Yu's shoulder and said gently, "I'm tired of wandering, I just want to find a place. I live quietly with you . "

"You can always live on Mars. Here, the starry sky you see will always be so magnificent. The sun will rise every day. There will be a fixed spring, summer, autumn and winter, and there will be rain and snow. You will not feel the journey. Distant and lonely. "Xiao Yu replied," The vector animals will also live here and be with you. "

"It's different." Zhang Shengya shook her head and said, "I think you stay with me in the galaxy. After the sweeper civilization was destroyed by you. You are the most powerful being in the galaxy, no one You can come and disturb us. The time controlled by the Taihao civilization made me have a fear of the dark cosmic starry sky. I was afraid of the unknown and liked stability. "

"Did you never think about it?". Zhang Shengya turned her head and fixedly looked at Xiao Yu with her own eyes: "We are the last two human beings in the universe. You really haven't thought about staying with me. The plan to rejuvenate our human civilization I can be Eve, as long as you are willing to be Adam. "

Xiao Yu shook his head bitterly. "I have always seen you as my sister. If you like it. If you want more people to accompany me, I can always create a large number of humans through biotechnology."

"Don't forget, in our ancient Chinese legend, the founding father, son-in-law and Fuxi are also brothers and sisters." Zhang Shengya continued. "Not to mention, we are not real siblings."

Xiao Yu stood up: "Have a good rest, Noah, Lina has come to you."

Xiao Yu closed the ghost show. Zhang Shengya looked at the place where Xiao Yu disappeared, where she stunned. Lina had already come to Zhang Shengya and asked with concern: "What's wrong with you?"

"I'm fine." She shook her head slightly. "I don't want to leave. I want to stay in the galaxy."

"Me too," said Lina. "We, the Yazos, have the same thoughts. The unknown dark universe scares us. We like a stable life and we don't like wandering. Although I really want to be with Brother Xiao Yu, But I am also the leader of our race, and I cannot make my personal feelings the basis for determining the future of the race. "

"Do you like your brother Xiao Yu?". At this time, Zhang Shengya asked suddenly.

Lina froze slightly and replied, "I like it."

"What kind of like?"

Lina said with a smile: "Do you like it?"

"Oh." Zhang Shengya answered a little bit lost.

Yasu and humans have different body structures. Yasu has only one sex, so naturally there is no such thing as love in the Yasu group. Lina's feelings for Xiao Yu are naturally not love. Because Yajuku doesn't even know what love is.

"My friend, rest assured, even if Brother Xiao Yu finally leaves, our Yazu family will stay here to accompany you. I have a good relationship with the leader of the Pegasus civilization. After Brother Xiao Yu left, the Milky Way Their world, they will take good care of us properly. "Lina seemed to see Zhang Shengya's loss, so she comforted softly.

There was silence above Mars. The sun has set, and the boundless darkness envelopes the whole land. The night breeze blew slightly cool.

In the rest of the small universe, busy construction is underway. New ships have been built one after another, and the renovation of the old ones has been underway. These ships will be the most powerful weapons in the war against the civilization of sweepers.

Hundreds of years passed in a hurry, Xiao Yu's fleet had reached the edge of the Milky Way, and once again detected those gases that escaped from the Milky Way.

"Shenzhou civilization, are you okay?" Xiao Yu thought silently, "Where are you?"

Xiao Yu can now use some detection technology within the scope of seven civilizations. Xiao Yu intends to find out the Shenzhou civilization first, and after converging with the Shenzhou civilization, he will look for the trace of the sweeper civilization and eventually destroy the sweeper civilization.

Hundreds of thousands of extremely sensitive detection instruments have been scattered into an open space with a radius of tens of millions of kilometers. The entire galaxy's space is like a huge spider web, and Xiao Yu's detection instruments are like spiders lying on this spider web. Any slight fluctuations in the spider web will be noticed by the spider. Similarly, in the category of the Milky Way, any small spatial fluctuations will also be noticed by Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu believes that, a long time ago, the technology that the sweeper civilization found out was similar to the technology that it uses now. The only difference is that the sweeper civilization achieved this with the help of the legacy technology of the seventh-level civilization, and Xiao Yu achieved it through his own abilities.

The huge spatial data flowed into Xiao Yu's mind like a tide. A large number of spatial fluctuations with certain characteristics were immediately eliminated by Xiao Yu. These excluded data are undoubtedly caused by natural phenomena, and they have no meaning to Xiao Yu.

After these data are excluded, there are far fewer suspicious targets left. After analyzing them one by one, Xiao Yu finally locked a suspicious target.

"In this area, a large number of high-speed curvature cruises are taking place. At the same time, space seems to be distorting at a strange frequency. Through this distortion, a maze similar to this will appear in this space. This is a relic of the seventh-level civilization. And the large amount of curvature navigational fluctuations and other fluctuations that appear in this space should be caused by the battle between the two sixth-level peak civilizations. "

"Eh? What kind of fluctuation is this? It is so strong? Alas, it should be a neutron war star. Is it ... the sweeper civilization is fighting the Shenzhou civilization, so that the sweeper civilization has used the neutron war star? Isn't Shenzhou civilization very dangerous at this moment? "Xiao Yu, aware of this, suddenly felt tight. The Shenzhou civilization with its own is not yet the opponent of the sweeper civilization. How can the Shenzhou civilization be the opponent of the sweeper civilization after leaving?

"Shenzhou civilization is very dangerous at this moment." Xiao Yu quickly determined this matter. "Shenzhou civilization cannot take the initiative to attack the sweeper civilization. Then it is only possible that the sweeper civilization is actively attacking the Shenzhou civilization. There is no Shenzhou civilization at this moment. Run away, is it because of the ruins of that seventh civilization? "

Xiao Yu quickly determined a speculation in his heart, "No, you must not let the sweeper civilization get the relics of the seventh-level civilization. The neutron battle star is already a weapon of the seventh-level civilization. If you get the relics of the seventh-level civilization again, , Then there is a high possibility that some accidents will occur. "

"Shenzhou civilization occupies this relic, and is based on this relic against the sweeper civilization. Chi Ze changed, I cannot allow accidents to happen." After confirming this ~ ~ Xiao Yu has no more Staying, maneuvering his fleet, at a speed of at least one hundred and eighty times the speed of light, toward the position among the detection targets.

That location is thousands of light-years away from where Xiao Yu is now. It takes about ten years for Xiao Yu to arrive.

For more than ten years, Xiao Yu has been closely watching the movement there. Fortunately, during this time, there have been no other changes there.

Xiao Yu finally arrived here. The moment he saw the situation, Xiao Yu was relieved: "Finally, I caught up. If we come later, the consequences will be unthinkable."

"Shenzhou civilization, I'm Xiao Yu. Don't worry, let me clean up the civilization of the sweeper ..."

Looking at the neutron battle star quietly suspended in front, Xiao Yu sent this message lightly.

"Neutron Battle Star, today is the day you were destroyed ..." (to be continued ...)

ps: Chapter 3 is finally completed ... It looks like it's the end of the month, please ask for a monthly ticket ...

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