Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 797: Reinforcements

At this moment, the neutron battle star became Xiao Yu's experimental specimen. Xiao Yu has realized the conversion between space and matter in the laboratory, but he cannot use weapons to achieve this. So Xiao Yu built a huge laboratory, and directly included the neutron war star into the laboratory environment.

Inside the laboratory, the neutron battle star still hovered quietly without any movement. Not that it doesn't want to move, but at the moment it can't move. It can only quietly receive a variety of high-energy rays and extreme baptism here.

Xiao Yu is using various means to destroy this neutron war star. In a certain environment, space will be converted into energy, space bombs, space starbursts, and space energy engines are manufactured based on this principle. Then, in another environment, matter or energy can naturally be transformed into space.

If the neutron war star cannot be converted into energy, then turning it into space can also achieve the purpose of destroying it.

The neutron battle star in the space laboratory has begun a slow rotation at this moment. But its rotation did not take place autonomously, but started under the control of Xiao Yu. There is a big difference between the two.

Various unknown high-energy rays carry extremely high energy onto the neutron battle star. In its rotation, it shines everywhere in its body. It was like a roast duck being roasted in the oven.

The diameter of the neutron battle star is about 20 kilometers. After one rotation, a point on the equator will move equal to its perimeter, which is about 63 kilometers. Since it is a regular movement, it is bound to be limited by the speed of light, and circular movement is no exception.

The rotation of the neutron battle star is slowly accelerating. Outside the space laboratory, more than 150 star-rated battleships, three star-rated battleships, and thousands of continent-class battleships have come together. The energy of the spacecraft itself was input into the space laboratory through different energy transport equipment. The rotation speed of the neutron battle star is being accelerated, and has been accelerated to a speed of nearly 8,000 revolutions per second. Calculated at this speed, the speed of motion at a certain point on the equator of the neutron star has reached a level of more than 240,000 kilometers per second.

This is already a speed of motion in the sub-light speed category. As long as it is accelerated by tens of thousands of kilometers, due to too strong centrifugal force, the neutron battle star itself will fall apart. But to achieve this point is already the limit of Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu can no longer make the neutron battle star spin faster and can no longer increase this speed. Obviously, this speed is not fast enough to meet Xiao Yu's requirements. But Xiao Yu has other ways to make up.

With the cooperation of various high-energy rays and extreme environments, a special change has occurred above the equator of the neutron war star. In this extreme environment. A large number of photons were generated, but the propagation of light was severely bent-this bending was not caused by the gravitational force of the neutron star, but was caused by the expansion of space.

Why does space expand? This is because there is new space being created. Obviously, in this extreme environment, neutron war stars are rapidly losing mass. Its quality is being transformed into space.

Attacks from the Cleaner Civilization's regular fleet were even more violent. But this is nothing. They cannot break Xiao Yu's defense. In Xiao Yu's view, this is just a pointless sacrifice.

"You see. The destruction of the neutron war star is a foregone conclusion. It is only a matter of time before the wiper civilization is destroyed. After the wiper civilization is destroyed, I will leave the galaxy. Aya, I hope you will go with me. You Is my only clan, taking good care of you is my responsibility. But I respect your choice. If you are sure to stay in the galaxy, I will also make proper arrangements for you. "Xiao Yu turned his back to the sky The vast picture of the war was slowly spoken.

Zhang Shengya buried her head between her legs. Seems to be crying silently. At half a moment, she raised her head, looked at Xiao Yu with blurry tears, and asked with a trembling voice: "Are you sure you would not stay with me. Are you sure you want to leave?"

Xiao Yu bowed his head a bit sadly, without looking into Zhang Shengya's eyes: "Sorry, I'm sure."

"Okay, okay, let's go, you go, I want to stay in the galaxy. I just hope you can remember, I'm still waiting for you in the galaxy." Zhang Shengya stood up and hugged Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu also stretched out her arms and held Zhang Shengya in her arms.

In the universe, the space laboratory is still suspended in space without any movement. But inside it, some extremely violent reactions are happening. The neutron battle star is continuously rotating at high speed. As it rotates, the extra space is continuously thrown out by it. It's like an umbrella, and those spaces are the water drops thrown out by the rotating umbrella.

The size of neutron battle stars is constantly expanding. For a neutron star, an increase in volume means a decrease in mass and a constant flow of neutron star formations. This obviously has a certain effect on the structure of the neutron battle star.

Xiao Yu is slowly depriving the vitality of the neutron war star. According to the current progress, three hours, at most three hours, the neutron battle star will be destroyed.

The conventional fleet of sweeper civilization has been completely destroyed by Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu didn't know where the base of the sweeper civilization was hidden, but it didn't matter. Eliminating the neutron war star is the big thing. After destroying the neutron war star, Xiao Yu has enough time to find it out.

Shenzhou civilization was waiting anxiously, waiting for the final result to come out. At their present level of technology, they still can't understand what this boxy box is. They did not deliberately ask Xiao Yu. Because they knew that if they could tell them, Xiao Yu would naturally tell them.

Xiao Yu's huge fleet has assembled, and is fully protecting the space laboratory from being disturbed by other factors. The more such a critical moment, the more cautious you must be. Xiao Yu didn't want to lose ground.

At this moment, the situation in the space laboratory has reached its most critical moment. Based on Xiao Yu's understanding of neutron war stars, Xiao Yu can measure how much damage has been done to the instruments inside the neutron star under the flow of neutron star formation material. The damage to the neutron battle star is not enough, and it is still within the self-repair ability of the neutron battle star.

So Xiao Yu still didn't relax his vigilance. The neutron battle star's volume is expanding, it is still rotating at high speed, but because of the principle of conservation of angular momentum, its rotation speed has been reduced at this moment.

An hour has passed. Xiao Yu knew that soon the neutron battle star would enter the stage of irreversible damage.

It was at this time that Xiao Yu once again received a somewhat familiar message.

"Let the sweeper civilization pass ... We promise that after you let them go, they will farther away from the rest of the river system and will never meet you again ..."

Xiao Yu was shocked. The moment he received this message, a name emerged from Xiao Yu's mind.

Seven levels of civilization in the micro direction. The seventh-level civilization that saved the Guardian civilization from its own hands thousands of years ago. At that time, they said they were going on a long voyage, but they did not expect that at the critical moment of their civilized war with the sweepers, this seventh-level civilization appeared again in their eyes.

In front of him is a familiar light and shadow. Numerous tiny light spots are entangled in the void, dancing, and gradually converging into a ball shape, only about the size of a basketball. At the same time, another message came to Xiao Yu's mind: "You are about to become a seventh-level civilization. Eliminating the sweeper civilization has no practical benefit to you. If you need the science and technology information of the sweeper civilization, we microcosmic Civilization can give you. "

"Xiao Yu, answer us." This basketball with a slight fluorescence slowly fluctuated, slowly speaking to Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu's mind turned ten million times at this instant. Xiao Yu is thinking about how to deal with this matter. Just a moment later, Xiao Yu answered: "Did you not go on a long voyage? Why did you come here again at this time?"

"We want to come naturally," micro-civilization replied.

"Tell me exactly what you want to do. You saved the Guardian Civilization in my hands ~ ~ Now it is time to save the Cleaner Civilization. Why are you always fighting me?"

"No, we are not against you. We just ask you to make a small concession without harming your interests, and we have the rest of the compensation. As for what we want to do, you It is not necessary to know these things. "Micro civilization replied.

"I need to think about it," Xiao Yu said.

"Do n’t think about delaying time, this trick is not useful to us. Now, either let the neutron war star come out or bear our attack. You are not a level seven civilization now after all, you should know that you have not dealt with our attack ability."

Xiao Yu sneered in his heart.

"Do you think you are doing something right? But I don't think so. Leaving the sweeper civilization does not have any substantial loss of interest to me. However, I just don't want the sweeper civilization to continue. Not only I don't agree. , My dead comrades will not agree. If you want to attack me, then come. Understand that in another two hours, the neutron war star will be completely destroyed by me, but I want to see, in During these two hours, have you broken my defense and rescued the neutron war star ... "(To be continued ...)

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