Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 810: Ignored card

Xiao Yu has long noticed something wrong. For example, the small universe is too large. For example, in the offensive and defensive battle of the small universe, the number of spaceships of the sixth-level civilization is too small. Although Xiao Yu was aware of it, Xiao Yu did not make any precautions or countermeasures. Xiao Yu just watched quietly. Because Xiao Yu has absolute confidence to win the guardian civilization.

Now, the guardian civilization finally took out his hole cards, at the same time, everything that was wrong before was all explained at this time.

Xiao Yu already knows what the guardian civilization's hole cards are. Guardian civilization's hole card is the little universe itself. Because this little universe was not created by the guardian civilization. According to Xiao Yu's observation, this small universe should be written by a seventh-level civilization, and the biggest one is probably the seventh-level civilization.

The seven-level civilization in space is undoubtedly a stronger existence than Xiao Yu, but Xiao Yu doesn't care. If it is a real level seven civilization standing in front of Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu might escape immediately, but in the hands of a level six civilization, then forget it. The neutron war stars have been destroyed by themselves, a little universe, what else?

It is precisely because the guardian civilization ’s hole card is the small universe itself that they intentionally retained their strength in the offensive and defensive battles of the small universe. While saving their own warships, they also achieved the purpose of introducing Xiao Yu without any trace. As for those Tier 5 or Tier 4 civilized warships destroyed by Xiao Yu, those things are not worth the money, and they do n’t feel bad at all.

Or maybe Xiao Yu entered a little earlier, so the fourth civilization emerged. They tried to explain why Xiao Yu did not immediately launch an attack, but they also procrastinated. As for the destruction of civilization # 4, it was just an accident. Besides. Who cares?

Now, the guardian civilization has been laid out. The high-level civilization settlement was completely protected by the space-distorting shield, and the space where Xiao Yu's fleet was located already showed some signs of instability.

The seventh-level civilization in this space was building this small universe. Certain special techniques must have been used. Through this technique. Within a certain control room, the guardian civilization will be able to control the space of the entire small universe. You can distort the space of a specified area. Or let it explode into energy, let it fold.

"The humble low-level civilization, the alliance provides you with a safe living environment, you do not want to contribute to the alliance. At this time you want to escape from the alliance. Your behavior is unforgivable." A spooky message spread throughout the small universe Before Xiao Yu's space was transformed into an energy explosion, many space explosions had already occurred. Countless low-level star stars, the spacecraft was involved in the explosion and was destroyed.

"Please, stop the guardian civilization and stop letting it indiscriminately kill the innocent." Flame civilization begged. "Those low-level civilizations are innocent. They were coerced to join the Guardian Alliance."

"I will destroy the Guardian civilization, but this has nothing to do with saving them." Xiao Yu said, "What does their life have to do with me? My purpose. It is just to destroy the Guardian civilization."

The space in which Xiao Yu's fleet is located has begun to explode continuously. The energy directly transformed from space is very huge. At least, if Xiao Yu was still the scientific and technological strength of the Shenzhou civilization era, then Xiao Yu's fleet would have been destroyed here. But things are different now. Although Xiao Yu is not yet a seventh-level civilization, he always surpasses the existence of a sixth-level civilization.

"I don't know where you come from ..." Xiao Yu thought with amusement, "My body is not among these 300 million warships at all, and my large army is also outside your small universe. Don't say Your hole cards are useless to me, even if it is useful, even if these 300 million warships are completely destroyed, then what? In the big universe, I have hundreds of times more warships that have not been taken out. The reason why I follow you It ’s only because of ... I want to see if, when I destroy you, there will be something similar to micro-civilization to save you. If I kill you all at once, the rest will be too late to save What do you do? Really think I'm a fool? "

Some small warships were inevitably destroyed by these space explosions. But Xiao Yu didn't care. The large battleships were still intact, and were constantly advancing towards the high-level civilization settlement surrounded by the warped shield of space.

The continuous space explosion has completely distorted the space, and any detection method in the visible or invisible light band has failed. However, Xiao Yu has a means of space exploration. Xiao Yu is accurately observing the fluctuations of the entire cosmic space, and he has perfectly reproduced this process in his mind through mathematical tools. Many feasible routes have been calculated. Xiao Yu chose a route and set out.

Constant space explosion, beside Xiao Yu's fleet, all up and down, left, right, and left are all fragmented spaces. The transmission of light in it is constantly blocked, and constant refractions and reflections transform this space into a kaleidoscope-like existence. But Xiao Yu didn't care. Here, nothing can hurt Xiao Yu.

Flame civilization was protected by Xiao Yu. In such an environment, even if they are Level VI civilizations, they would die miserably without Xiao Yu's protection.

In this chaotic space, Xiao Yu's attack was launched. Space attacks were sent out one after another, reaching into the invisible depths of the universe. A moment after they were launched, they disappeared and seemed to hit the air. But Xiao Yu knew that every attack he made was not wasted. They all hit the layer of warped shield that protected the high-level civilization settlement.

Xiao Yu's fleet had arrived before the space warp shield, and then broke into it without hesitation. At first, in the battle between Shenzhou civilization and the neutron war star, the neutron war star broke into the space warp shield, and it took more than a thousand years to destroy it. At this moment, Xiao Yu entered the space-distorting shield, but it took only less than a day to penetrate it, and came to a peaceful high-level civilization settlement.

The space warp shield is, after all, a kind of labyrinth-like shield created by continuous distortion, flipping, coincidence, and other methods. In this small universe, is there a better understanding of the existence of space than Xiao Yu? ? The answer is no.

Space exploration can easily allow Xiao Yu to observe any one of his own parameters, and then find the way forward. If it is a seventh-level civilization that controls the space warp shield, then they naturally have the ability to prevent this from happening, but unfortunately, it is only a sixth-level civilization that confronts Xiao Yu.

In the advanced civilization defense circle, several different small circles are divided, each of which has a different layer of shield ~ ~ Xiao Yu did not waste time with the remaining six civilizations. In fact, Xiao Yu simply dismissed them and was too lazy to care about them. Xiao Yu came directly to the defensive circle of the guardian civilization, and then broke into without hesitation.

After Xiao Yu spent only a short time, with minimal casualties breaking through the protection of the space-distorting shield, several civilizations inside created great panic. After all his hole cards were taken out and still being dismissed by his opponent, fear finally prevailed. Xiao Yu saw that countless spacecraft began to rush out of the other several defensive circles, and fled towards the channel connecting the universe. Even from the defensive circle of the guardian civilization, escaped ships appeared.

Xiao Yu only destroyed the spacecraft that escaped from the guardian's civilization defense circle, and ignored the other escaped spacecraft. Although Xiao Yu didn't have any compassion, he didn't bother to expend effort to kill some civilizations that had nothing to do with himself.

"The guardian civilization, I have to say, your hole cards are really disappointing. I thought you could give me some surprises, but I didn't expect that your hole cards were so bad." Xiao Yu spent a little time and broke Chapter 857 I have made up, well, debt-free.

Weakly ask for a monthly ticket and encourage Rainbow to persist in writing under such difficult circumstances ...

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