Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 822: Death of the Sun

The Andromeda Galaxy Alliance is like a hard-working flower keeper. Under the hard watering of the Andromeda Galaxy Alliance, Xiao Yu's scientific and technological achievements finally bear beautiful flowers. Battleships in the category VII civilization technology have matured and have become sufficient to meet the needs of large-scale fierce warfare. At this time, the Andromeda Galaxy Alliance has no value in existence.

Nothing should be here. What's more, the Andromeda Galaxy Alliance has always been bad for Xiao Yuju.

"Let you meet the last point of hope for victory." Xiao Yu sneered in his heart and issued a new order.

Xiao Yu already has a sufficient number of Tier VII civil warships-one billion. There are five star-rated battleships. Xiao Yu has moved into the new Sun spacecraft, manipulating the entire huge fleet.

Xiao Yu's computing power has made great breakthroughs compared with before, but correspondingly, the computing power required to operate a Tier VII civil warship is also increasing. Therefore, Xiao Yu's number of controllable warships has not changed much compared with before. Now Xiao Yu can control about 300 million warships at the same time.

With these one billion Tier VII civilization battleships, there are currently less than 50 million Tier IX civilization-level battleships left. There is no value at all—reconstruction is too troublesome, and dismantling and reconstruction, Xiao Yu ’s current warships are all controlled However, there is really no need to waste computing power to create more warships.

"In order to repay you for helping me improve so many defects, I decided to give you these 50 million battleships." Xiao Yu thought lightly, manipulating the last batch of old battleships. Including the spacecraft Sun, all invested in the battlefield.

The abnormal situation in the battlefield immediately attracted Aotian's attention. Aotian's mind became tense at this moment because of ecstasy. A command full of excitement was issued: "Look at it, the sweeper civilization has exhausted all its power! Their last batch of warships have also been put into the battlefield. As long as these warships are destroyed, we will get The final victory! You see, that spaceship must be their flagship! I ordered that all members launch, total attack, total attack! "

"Total offense, to total offense!" Countless cheers resounded throughout the battlefield. Tens of billions of battleships are searched. There are less than thirty individual civilizations left at this moment with all their fighting enthusiasm and strength, and rushed forward violently.

After the battle began, something more surprising appeared for them. It was as if Xiao Yu was suddenly crazy. The close cooperation between the original warships disappeared at this moment. The cooperation between the spaceships is like a novice with no experience. There is no rule at all, and even frequent accidental injuries occur between the spaceships.

"The sweeper civilization has exhausted its own war potential, I'm sure. These warships are being manipulated at this moment. There must be novices without much training. They cannot be our opponents! Attack, attack!" Aotian was directing The room screamed loudly, "I ordered the allocation of ten individual civilizations and three billion battleships to besiege the flagship of their civilization. We must take this battleship down!"

The old Sunship rushed into the Alliance battleship group with ridicule. Of course, this mockery. In Aotian's opinion, it became tragic. He murmured to himself: "Are you ready to be destroyed? Unfortunately, even if you are so desperate, you still can't save the whole civilization. You want to die, and I satisfy you."

The dense spaceship and the powerful single civilization completely surrounded the Sun spacecraft ...

After a brief stalemate, the front became a downside situation. Xiao Yu lost ground. The flame civilization watched this scene in horror, watched the galaxy defense line was breached, watched the starship battleships representing civilization's highest combat power be surrounded, watched the starship battleships destroyed one after the other The next spacecraft Sun is still struggling ...

"No, we can't just sit back and watch this happen. How many warships are there in our civilization? ... Are there 30,000 ships? All are sent, all are sent! As much as we can share for the sweeper civilization!"

"Be calm and restless, be calm and restless." At the moment, Xiao Yu was in a mood. Xiao Yu smiled and refused the flame civilization's request for support. "Wait a moment, the old will not go to the new. We will not be in danger."

At this moment, the last starship ship is the Sun spacecraft, which once represented Xiao Yu's glory. At this moment, there are only less than 300,000 frigates of the Sunship, and there are more than a billion warships involved in the siege of the Sunship ...

"A glorious end is another glorious beginning." Xiao Yu sighed. "The Sunship, you were my most powerful battleship in the previous stage, but I did not let you participate in even one battle. Body For the battleship, it is the best place to die in the battlefield. I give you this honor, go, go, and exert your full power ... "

Under the siege of the battleship ocean, the last frigate was also destroyed. In the battle circle of the Sun, there is only one battleship left.

Under the endless siege of warships, Xiao Yu, as the brilliant achievement of Level VI civilization, represented Xiao Yu's most powerful force. Countless space cracks are raging in space. Space smashing, space collapse, space folds and other space weapons are used to the extreme. Never before has Xiao Yu poured so much computing power and spirit into a single battleship. Because it is the Sunship, it has this qualification.

Xiao Yu fully focused on maneuvering the Sun spacecraft in the battle circle. At this moment, it has wiped out the previous slump and exerted the prestige of the strongest warship of the sixth-level scientific and technological civilization. An enemy star-rated battleship was severely injured and had to withdraw from the battle. As a price, a level 6 alien beast slammed its thick tentacles on the spacecraft Sun, and another star-rated battleship launched fiercely A space attack also struck it.

The shield on the Sunship flickered a few times. These attacks have already caused some damage to the Sunship. But the Sun was not afraid and was still in battle.

There are too many enemy warships. Except for being hit by high-end combat power, the attacks from other small and medium-sized ships are like raindrops, and they have not stopped for a moment.

Even the Sun spacecraft is still under tremendous pressure when facing hundreds of millions of spacecraft siege. The gap in quantity has reached a point where it can't be made up by relying on quality. The gap between ants and dinosaurs is huge enough, but if there are hundreds of billions of ants besieging a dinosaur, I am afraid that even Tyrannosaurus Rex will end with hate.

The Sun spacecraft has suffered considerable damage at this moment. Of course, at this moment, it can still do it if it wants to escape. With a speed of two hundred times the speed of light, no one except Xiao Yu can catch up with it. However, Xiao Yu was unwilling to dismantle the Sun spacecraft, which has carried its glory for thousands of years. Death on the battlefield is its best destination.

The situation is getting worse. The protective cover of the Sun spacecraft has been broken. The modular protection system design keeps the rest of it still defensive. The holographic defense and holographic attack technology allow the enemy to try to break through the damage to the interior of the Sun spacecraft. Out of the bubble. The Sun spacecraft has reached the limit of level six civilization, but this is still not enough.

The Sun spacecraft is weakening unstoppably. Its movements started slowly, the counterattack began to be weak, and the damage it suffered when it was attacked became even greater. At this time, Xiao Yu knew that the spacecraft Sun was no longer far away from death.

So far, millions of ships, large and small, have been killed by the Sun. These included two star-rated battleships, including a six-tiered beast withdrawn from the injury.

This is the price to pay for destroying the Sun. The Sunship proved its status with its strength.

"All combat units pay attention to the attack intensity. Don't destroy the Sunship, but captive it! Captive!" Aotian issued a command with a hissing exhaustion. With the issuing of this order, the alliance's combat arrangements changed again. Their high-end combat power began to not confront the Sun spacecraft, but chose to contain and wander.

Xiao Yu knew that this was the energy they were consuming in the spacecraft Sun. They tried to consume the energy of the Sun spacecraft and then captured it.

Xiao Yu knew that from this moment on, the Sun was already very difficult to achieve great results.

"Only the Sun that died in battle ~ ~ The Sun that was not captured." Xiao Yu thought with contempt. "The Sun, die in the most powerful way."

The Sun spacecraft turned into a dazzling flash of light. At this last moment, Xiao Yu manipulated it to end his life with a self-explosion.

Looking at the self-exploding Sun spacecraft, Aotian's fist hit the table fiercely.

"Come on, let's go, this is the end of the old era and the beginning of the new era." Xiao Yu muttered to himself, unable to tell in his heart whether it was sadness or joy.

With the destruction of the Sun spacecraft, Xiao Yu's defensive circle arranged at the edge of the galaxy was completely broken. At this moment, each spacecraft chose a suicide attack method, and also ended its own life in the most powerful way.

"Chong! Destroy the sweeper civilization and plunder their resources and technology!" Aotian again ordered. However, just before the order came to an end, an unexpected situation arose.

He saw the spaceship again. Lots of spacecraft rushed out from the center of the galaxy ... (to be continued ...)

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