Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 826: Star Warship

These are two different universes, so no matter how intense the explosion in the small universe cannot affect the big universe.

Finally became a true seventh-level civilization, and also wiped out all members of the Fairy Galaxy Alliance, Xiao Yu stayed here for nothing. However, Xiao Yu still intends to stay in the Andromeda galaxy for a while, explore the entire Andromeda galaxy, and enjoy the exotic atmosphere different from the Milky Way. After exploring the Andromeda galaxy, go to the rest of the river system, or continue to explore, or find the remaining seven civilizations to communicate with each other.

The battleships manufactured by Xiao Yu, the most advanced stellar warships can reach a speed of 1,500 times the speed of light, and the slowest has a speed of 1,200 times the speed of light. It doesn't take Xiao Yu much time to explore the entire Andromeda galaxy at this speed.

"Flame civilization, from this moment on, the entire Andromeda galaxy is yours. You should go." Xiao Yu said.

The time of separation has arrived, and Xiao Yu is not interested in starting his own universe exploration journey with the flame civilization. Every civilization should have its own development path, and Xiao Yu has no intention to change this situation.

The flame civilization also seems to know that separation is inevitable. After a moment of silence, the flame civilization leader replied: "Thank you, the great sweeper civilization, if not yours, our civilization is now extinct. What you will do is once Great universe journey, at present our flame civilization does not have the ability to follow your footsteps. We have gone, I hope you have a smooth journey. At some time in the future, maybe we will follow your footsteps. On the steps you have taken Journey. "

"I wait for that day." Xiao Yu replied with a smile.

The flame civilization controlled the fleet of its civilization, slowly separated from Xiao Yu's fleet, and sailed into the vast depths of the universe by way of curvature, disappearing from Xiao Yu's eyes.

Xiao Yu is in a good mood at the moment. A new door was completely open to Xiao Yu. Inside this gate, there are endless mysteries and wealth waiting for Xiao Yu to explore.

"Maybe I shouldn't leave here in such a hurry." Xiao Yu thought, "Energy may exist in different forms, whether it exists in the form of space or matter, it will only transform from one form to another This form will not disappear for no reason. So, after I have detonated the entire space of the small universe. What will this small universe look like? This is an interesting question, I might as well stay here and wait in the small universe Explode when the explosion has subsided. "

There seems to be a bit of a contradiction in saying so. Because the explosion happened in space. Just as people usually say that an explosion occurred somewhere, somewhere is a space concept. At this moment, in this small universe, the detonated itself is space. Space is gone. What more explosion?

But Xiao Yu couldn't find the right words to describe this situation. after all. The space and matter of the small universe are both energy. Although it has been transformed into other forms, it must still exist. What Xiao Yu wants to know is what kind of state it will exist in. Xiao Yu speculated that the three-dimensional universe might have experienced a similar situation when it was formed. Exploring the follow-up situation of this small universe will help Xiao Yu understand the true face of the three-dimensional big universe.

When the small universe was stable, the time flow rate in the small universe was the same as in the large universe, but now it has been destroyed. Even if space exists or does not exist, it must be said, let alone time.

"Perhaps the explosion there has already produced results." Xiao Yusi stunned. Began to explore the existence of that small universe through various precision instruments, through gravitation and space fluctuations.

But the result disappointed Xiao Yu. That small universe is like disappearing out of thin air. It is impossible to detect any trace of its existence in the big universe.

This is an incredible situation. Xiao Yu thought about this question secretly: "The four basic forces are innate properties of matter, and it cannot disappear. Pure energy does not exist, there must be space for energy, and there must be material, so it must be There will be gravity. But now I can't find any traces? This is counterintuitive. "

Xiao Yu thought about many unexpected situations, such as the small universe was displaced in the four-dimensional direction due to a strong explosion, and it has left its original position, but because the distance is too far away, Xiao Yu couldn't explore the trace, or what else Happening. The possibilities are endless, but Xiao Yu does not intend to give up. Discovering the unknown, understanding the unknown, and resolving the unknown are standard procedures for scientific and technological progress, and finding unexplainable conditions is a good thing for a scientific and technological civilization. If there is no unknown in this world, it can only mean two things. One is that the technology of this civilization has reached the peak of the universe. He has fully understood the universe. The other is that the development of science and technology of this civilization has entered. Stray.

When there is an unknown, there is an incentive to explore. Xiao Yu discovered the unknown this time, how could he easily let it go. At this moment there is nothing urgent about Xiao Yu's shoulders. Xiao Yu has a lot of time to explore here. Waiting until there is no harvest will not let Xiao Yu lose anything. On the contrary, if something is found, it is significant. Xiao Yu's technology is likely to once again make a leap and enter a higher level of civilization.

So Xiao Yu's fleet stopped here. In order to verify whether it was not detected due to the position deviation, Xiao Yu expanded his search range and explored a vast area of ​​thousands of light-years. In order to verify whether such a phenomenon was caused by other reasons, Xiao Yu also made many other attempts, but the results were always the same, and Xiao Yu always found nothing.

"It's impossible." Xiao Yu muttered to himself, "How could a small universe with a thousand light-year diameter disappear for no reason? Here, something must have happened that I haven't understood yet."

Xiao Yu simply abandoned the plan to explore the Andromeda galaxy for the time being, but stationed here while researching and developing the star-class battleship, while looking for the trace of this small universe.

With the new starship battleships as the basis, Xiao Yu's new warship manufacturing theory has basically matured. Creating a star-class battleship is a technical problem for Xiao Yu, not a scientific problem.

Quantitative changes can also cause qualitative changes. In this respect, star-class battleships are fundamentally different from the various types of warships under them. Because the interior space of a star-class battleship is too large to fit an entire galaxy.

The seventh-level civilization has no small universe. This was realized when Xiao Yu first became a seventh-level civilization. The reason why the seventh-level civilization does not have a small universe like the sixth-level civilization is obviously not that the seventh-level civilization does not have the ability to create a small universe, but that the seventh-level civilization does not have the need to create a small universe at all. It's like a star-class battleship. The space inside is so huge. What else is necessary to make a small universe?

However, this is only a general case, and there may be special cases in this universe. Maybe there will be a seven-level civilization dedicated to the development of the small universe. These are bad things. What strange things will not happen in this universe?

The manufacturing requirements of star-class warships are much more complicated than that of star-level warships. This is not only reflected in the higher requirements for construction materials, but it also means that there must be a deep enough understanding of space. The current Xiao Yu is still a little bit behind.

So Xiao Yu turned to perfect his own space model and explore more space. The scientific starship once again became the place that devoured Xiao Yu's most computing power. In the huge interior space of the scientific starship, a large number of scientific instruments are in operation at all times, and huge scientific data is generated every minute and second for Xiao Yu's analysis and research.

Xiao Yu's technological foundation is steadily improving, and finally a key breakthrough has been achieved after thirty years. With this technological breakthrough, Xiao Yu's last obstacle to building a star-level battleship disappeared.

So Xiao Yu sent a voyage fleet ~ ~, carrying dozens of stars from the surrounding starry sky, and with the help of abundant material resources, Xiao Yu officially started the manufacturing of star-class battleships.

The star-class battleship planned by Xiao Yu has a hull roughly the size of a star-level spaceship, with a maximum speed of 1,600 times the speed of light. In addition, in many aspects such as defensive power, attack power, instantaneous mobility, etc., it has greatly improved compared to star warships.

In the manufacturing process of the star group warship, Xiao Yu once again noticed one of the most serious restrictions on his scientific and technological progress.

"My computing power is still inadequate ..." Xiao Yu sighed silently. "Although in the past 100,000 years, my computing technology has made many big breakthroughs, but facing the new situation now However, the lack of computing power has still become the biggest shortcoming that restricts my development. At present, I have not selected the direction of my development, and there has been a lack of computing power, let alone reached the level of advanced civilization, when I choose all-round development Now. "

"The research and development of computing technology should be in the first place. This is the foundation of all my scientific development. Without it, everything is okay. I don't know if there is a seventh-level civilization in this universe that does not have a computing direction. If there is such a type of civilization, Exist, if I can get their computing science ... "Xiao Yu thought secretly. (To be continued ...)

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