Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 832: All gone

Presenting to Xiao Yu is a vast and mysterious picture of starry sky. There are hundreds of billions of stars here, and countless planets, comets, asteroids, gravel, and interstellar dust gather here. Here is quiet and deep, a vast river system is running quietly here. In these millions of years of history, there are countless vicissitudes of life, sorrow and joy, or heroic or lingering things happen in this vast river system, but now, the traces of all these things have been erased.

Xiao Yu is familiar with this place, because Xiao Yu has lived here for more than 100,000 years. But Xiao Yu felt strange here again. Everything here is different from what I remember. Above this distance, through precise long-range measurement instruments, Xiao Yu can clearly see the sun that should not exist long ago, can see the Crab Nebula supernova that should have exploded long ago, and can see that it has been destroyed The four stars in Tianyuan, and many things that should not exist.

Xiao Yu entered the Milky Way with a little blankness, and sent a message by means of space broadcasting.

"Shenzhou civilization, I am Xiao Yu, because I noticed something unusual happening in the Milky Way, and I came back from the distant Andromeda galaxy. Can you receive this message? If you can receive , Then please respond to me, I would love to hear from you. "

Any advanced civilization in the galaxy can receive this message, but because in this message, Xiao Yu has adopted some encryption measures, Xiao Yu believes. Only Shenzhou civilization can decrypt this information, and finally obtain the information loaded on this space broadcast.

Xiao Yu is very much looking forward to a response from the Shenzhou civilization, even if he cannot obtain information about these strange changes from the Shenzhou civilization. Only let Xiao Yu know that Shenzhou civilization still exists in peace. But after waiting for a few days, Xiao Yu finally gave up this thought.

In the deep universe, Xinghe still keeps his quiet face, no echo is received by Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu can be sure that if the Shenzhou civilization still exists, then the Shenzhou civilization must be able to receive messages sent by itself. And if the Shenzhou civilization can receive this information, they have no reason not to respond to themselves. Since I can't hear back. It can only prove that the Shenzhou civilization is not in the galaxy at this moment.

So where did Shenzhou civilization go? Xiao Yu didn't know. Has Shenzhou civilization been destroyed? Xiao Yu still doesn't know. The news of Shenzhou civilization is unknown, but what about Zhang Shengya? When I leave. What about the Pegasus civilization in the Magellanic Cloud? Xiao Yu also didn't know. Xiao Yu didn't know anything.

"Sweeper civilization, we are a Shenzhou civilization from a distant river galaxy. We come here in accordance with our mission and give you some things. These things will help improve the combat power of the neutron star. If you can receive this message ... then please respond. "After Shenzhou civilization has never responded. Xiao Yu tried to send a message to the sweeper civilization.

But Xiao Yu was still disappointed. Xiao Yu still didn't get a reply. After that, Xiao Yu sent messages to the Guardian Civilization, Tollor Civilization, Taihao, Haotai of Technology, Taihao of Spectre, Taihao of Anaconda, etc. all who knew the existence of their names. But without exception, Xiao Yu did not get a response.

Xiao Yu at the moment. It's like a traveler who has been away from home for many years, after returning home again. The traveler was greeted not by the smiling villagers, but by the run-down houses and deserted fields. It's empty and no one is here. Those inanimate stars and planets knew what was going on here, but they couldn't tell Xiao Yu what they saw, and Xiao Yu couldn't get what they wanted from them.

With a slight sigh, Xiao Yu began to prepare for a comprehensive river survey. Through this detection method, Xiao Yu can know if there is any spacecraft at this moment in the Milky Way galaxy with a curvature above a certain speed. Xiao Yu needs to find a more advanced science and technology civilization, and hopes that they can get some information about the Milky Way from their mouths.

This detection method is very troublesome, for which Xiao Yu fully prepared for more than a year. In the course of this year, Xiao Yu has steered his fleet to a distance of more than a thousand light years. On this route, Xiao Yu deployed enough instruments. Spaces are interconnected and affect each other. By measuring the spatial fluctuations in this range, Xiao Yu can grasp the distortion of the entire river system.

With a little anxiety, Xiao Yu activated these instruments. Immediately, a huge amount of data flowed into Xiao Yu's mind, and Xiao Yu launched his huge computing power to digest these data one by one.

Accurate results require a minimum of three days of continuous collection of this information. After three days, the final monitoring results appeared in Xiao Yu's mind. This result made Xiao Yu's heart sink again.

The end result is zero. The scope set by Xiao Yu for this monitoring is that any curvature sailing speed above ten times the speed of light will be observed by Xiao Yu. But even if the conditions are so wide, Xiao Yu's final conclusion is still zero. This means that during these three days, no spacecraft in the entire Milky Way galaxy was sailing with a curvature of more than ten times the speed of light. It is obvious that any normal science and technology level IV civilization, whether in war or peace, will definitely have a spaceship, even if it is not for military needs, but normal civilian needs. In a voyage of curvature. It's like the age of the earth. When there were no fighters flying, there were civil airliners flying in the sky.

But the data is all zero. This basically means that in the galaxy at this moment, there is no civilization of level 4 or above. This is a terrible result. In fact, Xiao Yu believes that the actual situation should be a little scarier than this. It is very likely that not only Level 4 or higher civilizations, but in the entire galaxy, it is quite possible that even Level 3 civilizations or Level 2 civilizations or even Level 1 civilizations are gone.

"Where have all the intelligent creatures gone?" Xiao Yu thought coldly in his heart.

Everything Xiao Yu saw and what she detected was telling Xiao Yu unambiguously that the Milky Way's time was indeed turned over. This time is different from the last time, the last incident, the lost formations laid out by the Taihao civilization could not bear the scrutiny at all, but this time, no matter how hard Xiao Yu tried, he could not find any clue.

"Go to Yinxin. Yinxin's super-massive black hole may tell me a little bit of information about what happened here ..." Xiao Yu thought silently, once again changed his course and sailed towards Yinxin . At the same time, Xiao Yu also launched some detectors, sailing towards the position of the sun, the position of Tianyuan IV, the original Crab Nebula and the Sky Eagle Nebula.

Xiao Yu's scientific and technological theory at the moment tells him that black holes are the most difficult to change. Then, by observing some data of Yinxin black hole and comparing it with his previous data, he may find some information to study the Milky Way what's going on.

While walking freely between the vast galaxy, Xiao Yu was still trying to observe every starry sky he passed, and every star object that was recorded by himself. Some stars that should not have existed, such as the star in the Crab Nebula. The supernova explosion of this star was observed in the Song Dynasty on Earth, and it has not yet exploded after it is suspected that time has been flipped. It maintains its state of the last year of the star and is wafting a lot of material.

Some stars that should have existed have not yet appeared. Xiao Yu once observed a very young new star. At this moment, it is still in the protostar stage. A large number of interstellar dust clouds fall on it like raindrops, increasing its mass. Around it, another Some protoplanets are forming ...

The fleet of Xiao Yu's body has reached the position of Yinxin. At this moment, the detector has not reached the position of the sun. Because the Sun is at the other end of the Milky Way at this moment, the distance to reach it is far longer than the distance to Yinxin ~ ~ During this process, Xiao Yu did not find any scientific and technological civilization or received any technology No information about civilization has seen the existence of any scientific and technological civilization.

Of course, Silver Heart will not have any traces of the last many powerful battles here. After arriving at the Yinxin, Xiao Yu carried out detailed observations of the central black hole of the Milky Way galaxy, and analyzed it from various aspects such as mass, accretion disk, angular momentum, gravitation, electric charge, and the stars rotating around it. The final conclusion disappointed Xiao Yu again. This black hole is exactly what it was 2.5 million years ago, and this is exactly the same as the data derived by Xiao Yu from the previously known data. This means that Xiao Yu's hopes of trying to find clues from the silver heart black hole have failed.

"What happened here, where did Shenzhou Civilization go, and where did Zhang Shengya go?" Xiao Yu thought in a loss, "what happened, what happened?"

Just then, Xiao Yu once again discovered something that shocked him inexplicably.

Xiao Yu observed a burst of gamma rays from a specific location in the Andromeda galaxy. According to Xiao Yu's records, the gamma-ray burst at that location should have happened five million years ago. (To be continued ...)

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