Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 836: How are you still alive!

Presenting to Xiao Yu is a vast expanse of white glacier. It was originally a big mountain, but at the moment it was completely covered with snow. Some sporadic animals were shaking under the severe cold. Xiao Yu measured the current temperature, which is more than -20 degrees below zero.

Some species that only exist in Xiao Yu's database are exposed to Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu saw a fierce saber-toothed tiger crouching quietly not far from his landing robot. Its dry stomach means it is already hungry at the moment. Xiao Yu knew that a hungry saber-toothed tiger would not easily let go of the big silvery guy in front of him.

Sure enough, shortly after, this saber-toothed tiger rushed violently towards the landing robot. The landing robot ignored it, and still just stood there quietly. This saber-toothed tiger apparently tried to throw the landing robot, but did not expect that this slamming not only did not throw the landing robot, but it was hit by a follower.

Seems to notice that this silvery guy is not easy to mess with, this saber-toothed tiger whispered, left here and ran towards the distance. Xiao Yu's heart suddenly moved: "This is the age of the glaciers. Even if there were primitive apes, they must be very few and hidden in hidden corners. Even if I want to find them, it is not easy. Perhaps this saber-toothed tiger will lead me to the trail of the primitive ape-man. "

The landing robot immediately adopted the light-deflecting armor system, causing its entire body to disappear from the visible light band, and then vacated. The saber-toothed tiger followed in the air.

At the same time, hundreds of sophisticated satellites are monitoring the entire earth at any time in geosynchronous orbit. The biggest difference between Primitive Apes and Beasts is that they have mastered fire. Then you can find them by analyzing the fire and smoke above the ground. However, Xiao Yu completely eliminated hundreds of targets and did not find the primitive ape man. Those fires were either natural forest fires or smoke from volcanic materials.

Xiao Yu's body was still thousands of light years away. It was only Xiao Yu's detection fleet that came to the solar system. This detection fleet has insufficient power, and is now the largest search force that Xiao Yu can use.

This landing robot has been following the Saber-toothed Tiger, watching the Saber-toothed Tiger finally converge with the tiger group. It seemed to have received any task, and once again broke away from the tiger group. And following the direction of this saber-toothed tiger, Xiao Yu once again found the fire in front.

A cloud of smoke was drifting lightly with the wind. Always floated into the sky. Seeing this scene, Xiao Yu couldn't help shaking. The fires this time were different from the out-of-control fires that they had observed before. They were clearly under control. And in this era, what other species can intentionally control the size of the fire?

Only ancient apes.

Xiao Yu suppressed the excitement in his heart. Manipulating the landing robot came to this part of the cliff. Below the cliff is a canyon. Just at the bottom of the canyon, some ape-like animals with hair on their bodies were walking upright with rough stone tools, and gathered around a fire. A huge animal whose name is unknown has been killed and dismembered, and its limbs are being roasted on the fire by these primitive savages.

The moment of seeing these ancient savages, Xiao Yu's joy and encouragement could hardly be described. If the ancient apes are found, then as long as their genetic sequences are verified, as long as their genetic sequences match the human genes to a certain extent. Then it can prove that you are really born on earth, those that you have experienced or mighty. Or the vast story is not a false memory woven by some existence, but a real existence.

Xiao Yu sent the landing robot, and Volley flew towards this group of savages. This group of savages is not large, only about a dozen or so, among them there are a few savages that obviously belong to children. This should be a savage gathering group based on families, Xiao Yu thought.

The landing robot remained in a stealth state, so neither the Saber-toothed Tiger nor Ape-Man found its trace. So it came silently behind a savage, grabbed the savage's waist and abdomen with a powerful mechanical arm, and then pulled it to fly into the sky. Xiao Yu needs to bring it into his spacecraft for further inspection.

Xiao Yu's action immediately caused a strong reaction. The captured savage yelled in horror immediately. Its snarling sound has appeared in several different syllable changes. This is clearly the prototype of language. Those different syllables represent different meanings. Xiao Yu didn't know what it was talking about, and Xiao Yu didn't plan to bother.

It was desperately struggling, but still unable to escape the capture of the robot. It floated uncontrollably into the sky. At this time, the other dozen apes were all five-body, and fell down at the feet of the ape who rose up into the air.

"Is there an ignorance of religious consciousness?" Xiao Yu thought silently. "Without the support of strict and logical scientific weapons, the religion of what is not understood is the beginning of human beings trying to understand where they are The natural first step ... these apes have great potential. "

This ape-man was eventually captured by Xiao Yu into his experimental spacecraft. Subsequent genetic testing began immediately. This ape-man has been anesthetized by Xiao Yu in order to collect specimens on his body.

After enough samples have been collected, the test is performed. The results of the test made Xiao Yu relieved for a long time. The genetic sequence of this primitive ape-human is as high as 96% similar to that of later generations. This is a strong proof that there is a close relationship between future humans and such apes.

Xiao Yu's mood finally relaxed. Although the real reason for the matter of retrogression has not been figured out, one of the most terrible possibilities has been ruled out. Xiao Yu confirmed that the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies have undergone some weird changes only for some unknown reason. I am real and my memory is real.

"Continue to develop well above the earth." Xiao Yu muttered to himself, gently awakened the sleeping ape-man, then manipulated the landing robot again, and put it on the ground again, it Among the ethnic groups.

Xiao Yu did not make any genetic modification to it, nor did they make any changes to their living environment. It ’s just a wonderful journey, maybe this wonderful journey will make some changes in the hearts of the apes who have witnessed this scene, and even gave birth to some primitive religions, but Xiao Yu still does not intend to interfere they.

Even at this moment, a group of saber-toothed tigers has surrounded the group of apes, and launched a fierce hunting operation, Xiao Yu does not intend to interfere. Weak meat and strong food are the most fundamental principles of nature. The original ancestors of the humanity had passed these difficulties before they became eligible to evolve into adults. There is no reason for these apes to resist these blows.

"I still don't know what happened in the Andromeda galaxy and the Milky Way, but there is no doubt that at this moment, I don't have any ability to cope with this change, and I can't even explore it. Leaving the galaxy and continuing my journey to the universe, maybe, in the future, when my technology is more developed, I will find out the truth hidden behind all these events. "Xiao Yu thought silently, manipulating his own exploration fleet to begin Meet the main fleet.

Such things happen in many places in the galaxy at the same time. Since Xiao Yu has found what he wants in the exploration of the solar system, it is no longer necessary to stay here.

But just then, something unexpected happened. The fleet that Xiao Yu sent to explore the solar system was originally not large, and the dispersion was even more inconspicuous. It is because of this that Xiao Yu's exploration fleet did not attract the attention of the outsider. After Xiao Yu discovered them in advance, Xiao Yu immediately hidden the fleet more concealed, and only noticed their every move in the dark.

It was a ball of light. Together, they are about the size of a basketball. This basketball is just like floating on the water surface. With the fluctuation of the water pattern, it changes its position gently, and it is full of strange breath between a movement and a movement.

This light ball Xiao Yu is very familiar ~ ~ This guy has appeared when he tried to destroy the guardian civilization and when he destroyed the sweeper civilization. They are micro civilizations, and Xiao Yu is familiar with them.

At the moment of discovering micro civilization, Xiao Yu's mind was both confused and relaxed. Doubt is to wonder why micro civilizations appear here, to relax because another civilization exists in its own memory, and one more reason to rule out that most frightening guess.

Another emotion is excitement. The emergence of micro-civilization here is absolutely abnormal. As long as they are seized, it is possible to obtain much of the information Xiao Yu urgently needs at this moment.

"Micro-civilization is a non-combat civilization. Although my detection fleet is weak, there are always two provincial-level VII civilization ships in town. Even if it is impossible to capture all of the micro-civilization, it is enough to capture only a part." Thinking secretly, he began to make arrangements.

"Micro-civilization! What are you doing here!" After the arrangement was completed, Xiao Yu suddenly sent such a message.

The reaction to micro-civilization was unexpectedly strong. They seemed to recognize Xiao Yu's fleet at a glance, and a scared message was immediately received by Xiao Yu: "Xiao Yu! How are you still alive!" (To be continued ...)

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