Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 842: Abandoned galaxy

Compared to ordinary war-related civilizations, Xiao Yu has undoubtedly gone a little further. For Xiao Yu, as long as it is technology, there is a possibility of being transformed into weapon use. Xiao Yu's thinking is no longer limited to one point. Under such circumstances, developing a new weapon to face a new enemy is not a big deal for Xiao Yu.

In order to target micro civilization, Xiao Yu developed this new type of weapon.

After receiving the slightly panic-stricken message from micro-civilization, Xiao Yu knew that the new weapon he had developed had a very good effect. Although invisible to the naked eye, Xiao Yu knew that at this moment, in the vast void in front of him, countless high-energy particle beams were moving at the speed of light.

There is nothing wrong, it is a high-energy particle beam. The principle of this weapon is no different from that of particle colliders. Its mode of attacking micro civilization is similar to that of Xiao Yu's use of large particle colliders to destroy water droplet detectors.

"Aren't you famous for being small? I use the same micro particles to deal with you ..." Xiao Yu said lightly, "Give up resistance and open your data channel!"

"This is impossible!" Micro-Civilization replied again.

In these ten years, with the huge space inside the seventh-class civilization ship, Xiao Yu created countless particle acceleration devices to accelerate particles, and made some space modifications to make these The emitted particles can carry huge kinetic energy while advancing in a way of curvature. And the needle-like protrusions on the outside of the spacecraft are the emission devices for these particles.

The micro-civilized spacecraft is small. Usually only microscopic particle size. Although it is certain that there is a lot of space inside these tiny spaceships, the hull structure is always only this point-just like Xiao Yu's spaceship, although the space inside a spacecraft with a length of only ten kilometers can put a sun down. But taking a meteorite with a diameter of ten kilometers hit the spacecraft at a speed very close to the speed of light, the spacecraft still couldn't bear it.

So the same reason, with extremely high kinetic energy, while maintaining the curvature of navigation, particles with a normal speed that is very close to the speed of light hit the micro-civilized particle spacecraft, and the micro-civilized spacecraft can also not bear it. The only obstacle to using this weapon is that the target is too small and it is very difficult to aim. But this. Also made up by the quantity. Xiao Yu's spaceships have billions of ships. This time, it is not a large-scale war. It needs Xiao Yu to give full play to the spaceships. Xiao Yu only needs to operate some basic modules of these ships. And these particle emission devices will do.

Billions of spacecraft, each of which has millions to hundreds of millions of particle beam emission devices, what a huge number? With such a huge amount of support, Xiao Yu didn't need to aim at all. Just confirm the approximate location of micro civilization. A direct carpet cover attack is sufficient. In the endless stream of high-energy particles, there will always be some particle beams that hit the micro-civilized spacecraft.

This attack is very funny. Although the attack at this moment is very fierce, it is estimated that even if a six-level civilization ship is in the middle of the battlefield, these attack strengths cannot destroy it. However, things are so wonderful that they can't threaten the attack methods of the sixth-level civilization ship, but they can just cause major casualties to the seventh-level micro civilization ship. That's the power of targeted weapons.

After lasting several hours, Xiao Yu temporarily stopped the attack on micro civilization. After the crisscross microscopic particles disappeared, the trace of micro civilization appeared again in Xiao Yu's space network monitoring instrument. Xiao Yu observed. The intensity of spatial fluctuations caused by micro-civilization has decreased by a few tenths of a percentage point, which means. During the confrontation in the previous hours, at least 100,000 micro-civilized spacecraft were destroyed by themselves.

At this moment, the fleets of both sides have completely left the Milky Way and entered the void space between the rivers. The material here is so thin that it is unimaginable. Usually, there is less than one atom per cubic meter of space. It is also because of this open environment that the weapon specially developed by Xiao Yu can play its biggest role. Otherwise, where there is a large amount of material, these micro-particles emitted by Xiao Yu have not been hit by the target, but have been intercepted by the remaining material.

"You have no hope, open the data channel, I can let you go." Xiao Yu made this request again.

"As a technological civilization, Xiao Yu, you will not know the importance of a central computer to a civilization." Micro-Civilization replied, "This is the key device that affects the survival of the entire civilization. If you are allowed to enter our central computer China, then our entire civilization will be under your control. At that time, we will not be able to do it even if we want to die. This is absolutely unacceptable to us. Trust us and tell you what we have told you Now, the rest of things are not what you can reach now. "

"As long as I want to know, it is all that I can reach. There is nothing that cannot be known to me." Xiao Yu said faintly. "This will be the last chance. If you still refuse, then I will not Will ask again. "

"We still refuse. The fate of our civilization cannot be controlled by an outsider." Micro-civilization replied.


After a brief exchange, micro-particle torrents once again appeared in this void. Xiao Yu couldn't detect the details of this weird war, but could know that his own attack methods were causing a lot of casualties to micro civilization. But the more this happened, the stranger Xiao Yu's heart became.

Because it is impossible for micro-civilization to know that a place with abundant material is the best place to deal with this attack method. It is not far away from the galaxy. As long as micro-civilization turns around and returns to the galaxy, micro-civilization can reduce many casualties. But micro-civilizations have never done so. They have been far away from the Milky Way, and have been escaping towards the Large Magellanic Cloud.

At the current rate, it only takes sixty years for micro-civilization to flee into the Large Magellanic Cloud. According to the current war situation, after sixty years, the number of members of micro-civilization will drop by more than half.

"I would rather consume half of the population, but also flee to the Large Magellanic Cloud. What is it for? Could it be that in the Large Magellanic Cloud, there is enough to change the war situation? It should not be like this ..." Xiao Yu Mo silently thought, "My vanguard has already set off, and it only takes 40 years to reach the Large Magellanic Cloud. Let my vanguard advance to explore the Large Magellanic Cloud."

The war between the two parties is still going on in such a weird situation. Every time, Xiao Yu's weapon system will rest for a while, and every time the micro-civilization reappears, Xiao Yu can observe that their number of members is a little smaller. So far, this situation has been going on for decades, and at least 3 billion micro-civilized spacecraft have been killed by Xiao Yu. At this time, Xiao Yu's vanguard finally reached the Large Magellan Galaxy.

The Large Magellanic Cloud at this moment is completely different from the Large Magellanic Cloud in Xiao Yu's memory. The Large Magellanic Cloud originally had one billion stars with a diameter of 10,000 light years, but now there are less than 100 million stars, and the diameter has been reduced to less than 2,000 light years. Its stellar orbit is completely different from the previous one. If it was not for the element composition and the overall position of the river system, Xiao Yu would have thought that he had come into a new river system.

A small river wash with a diameter of only two thousand light-years is really nothing compared to Xiao Yu's huge exploration ability at the moment. It will take 20 years for micro-civilization to reach here, and it will be enough for Xiao Yu to explore the Large Magellanic Cloud several times.

"Microcosmic civilization says that the energy of the Milky Way's decomposition and reorganization comes from the Large Magellanic Cloud. It is for this reason that the Large Magellanic Cloud has shrunk so much. Then, in the Large Magellanic Cloud, I may find a little bit about this event. Clues ... "Xiao Yu silently pondered the question.

Regardless of whether the originator of this incident is a defender or a rebel alliance ~ ~ Xiao Yu is trying to pry into the mystery of this almost anti-sky means. Only by seeing this mystery can Xiao Yu make a strength rating for defenders or rebel alliances in his heart and understand the gap between himself and them.

But in the end Xiao Yu was disappointed. At this moment, the Large Magellanic Cloud is very chaotic and very chaotic. There are dense clouds everywhere in this river system, just like the general gas clouds before the stars were born. Most of the stars that already exist also show abnormally intense activities. Their orbits are very chaotic, just like a newly born star system that is still active.

It is clear that in the past, some very great change took place in the Large Magellanic Cloud. This is in line with the message Xiao Yu has learned.

In a word, the Large Magellan Galaxy at this moment is like an abandoned site, messy.

But one thing Xiao Yu can be sure of is that he didn't find anything valuable here. No pitfalls were found, and no devices that could be targeted were found.

"So ... what is the purpose of micro-civilization, and will you flee here if you are desperate?" (To be continued ...)

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