Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 849: Maffei Group

Xiao Yu is farther and farther away from the Milky Way galaxy, the Large Magellanic Cloud that has been destroyed and reborn. Xiao Yu is about to start another long voyage. Waiting in front of Xiao Yu will be a long voyage of 7,000 years.

That's right, even if Xiao Yu was traveling at an average speed of 1,500 times the speed of light at this moment, it would take nearly 7,000 years to reach Xiao Yu's destination this time. Xiao Yu will leave the fairy, the Milky Way Galaxy Group, and go to the other galaxy group closest to it, the Muffin Galaxy Group. Among the Maffei galaxy group, there is a river system named by Xiao Yu as Mafei One. This river system is the goal of Xiao Yu's voyage.

The position of the Muffin 1 galaxy in the Muffin galaxy group is equivalent to the position of the Andromeda galaxy in the local galaxy group. Mafeiyi is the largest and most massive river system in the Maffei Galaxy group. It has a diameter of about 60,000 light years. This diameter is slightly larger than half of the Milky Way galaxy and larger than the Triangular Galaxy.

There are about 80 billion stars in the Muffin 1 galaxy. In general, it is a fairly ordinary river system, but its location can be a springboard for Xiao Yu to go to the Virgo galaxy group in the future. With Xiao Yu's technology at this moment, although he can directly obtain energy from the void, the various materials needed to transform himself into space are still limited by capacity. In this case, look for a river system as a springboard, as It is quite necessary to supplement the supplies during the journey.

The three giants of the Andromeda galaxy, the Milky Way galaxy, and the Triangulum galaxy, as well as many tiny dim satellite galaxies form the Andromeda-Galactic cluster. Because this group of galaxies is the birthplace of human beings and the location of the earth. So this galaxy group is also called the local galaxy group. The local galaxy group is a larger astronomical unit than the river system, and the nearest neighbor to the local galaxy group is this Muffin galaxy group.

Fairy-the Milky Way galaxy. The Maffei Galaxy Group, the Celestial Galaxy Group, the Auriga Galaxy Group, the Virgo Galaxy Group, etc., together form a higher-level astronomical unit, the Virgo Super Galaxy Cluster. The Virgo supercluster is also known as this supercluster because it is the birthplace of humans. Then the Virgo super galaxy cluster, and Pisces-the whale super galaxy cluster. The Immortal-Pisces super galaxy, as well as the Auriga super galaxy cluster and the Wuxian super galaxy cluster, etc., once again constitute a higher level of astronomy. Pisces-Whales Super Galaxy Cluster Complex.

The astronomical structure of the super galaxy cluster complex is still far from the current visible universe. The vastness of the universe is evident. It is a great existence that has transcended the imaginary limits of all intelligent creatures. Here, endless stars. Black hole. River systems, galaxy groups, super galaxy groups, and so on, follow the rules in the meditation, and run here for billions of years.

There are endless mysteries hidden here, and endless wonders and beauty are waiting for intelligent creatures to explore.

Sometimes, just thinking about these dazzling large-scale structures, Xiao Yu will feel a blood surge in his heart. I can't help feeling dizzy for a while. This is so vast that it is so desperate. Even if Xiao Yu is already a seventh-level civilization at this moment. Already able to sail at a speed of 1,500 times the speed of light, Xiao Yu still felt that he was so small. Just leaving the local galaxy group and heading to the nearest Muffin galaxy group will take nearly seven thousand years, not to mention leaving the local super galaxy cluster or leaving the local super galaxy cluster complex.

"The universe is so vast, and the scope of activity of the seventh-level civilization is only a little bit compared to this. I don't know what heights the eighth-level and nine-level civilizations can reach ... Think about it is really fascinating." I sighed silently in my heart.

At this time, Xiao Yu began to understand the significance of the existence of a seventh or eighth civilization in the direction of travel. Simply speaking, it seems that it is a great waste, or an insult to life, to put infinite life on things like travel. However, the universe is so endless, so magnificent and moving, that there is nothing wrong with using time for travel?

Even if Xiao Yu was not burdened with so many mysteries and missions, Xiao Yu also had the urge to develop himself into a civilization of travel. It takes millions and millions of years to complete a long journey, and it seems to be a good idea. Sometimes, Xiao Yu really wanted to disregard all this, just choose a direction and sail for 1.8 million years. Anyway, it has become a seventh-level civilization, so there is no need to worry about the source of energy.

Every time this impulse comes to mind, Xiao Yu needs great self-control to suppress this idea. Xiao Yu kept telling himself to keep down to earth and develop step by step. As long as your technology is developed, you can start your own universe journey in a more energy-saving and time-saving way.

Every time at this time, Xiao Yu would feel some emotions when he was still on the earth. Just a small planet. In this vast universe, even a particle of dust cannot match. However, there are so many of their own, in order to make things so small that they can no longer be small, the authorities are exhausted there.

It was a ridiculous group of creatures, a ridiculous time.

After more than 1,500 years of voyage, Xiao Yu reached the Andromeda Galaxy. After a rough exploration of the Andromeda galaxy, Xiao Yu confirmed that the Andromeda galaxy has indeed experienced the phenomenon of retrograde time, just like what happened in the Milky Way. The flame civilization has disappeared, and the members of the Andromeda Galaxy Alliance have all disappeared. Even the Andromeda Galaxy does not have any technological civilization. Xiao Yu had anticipated this for a long time, and Xiao Yu didn't feel too frightened by this.

After staying in the Andromeda galaxy for about four hundred years, Xiao Yu passed through the Andromeda galaxy, came to the other side of the Andromeda galaxy, and began to set off for the triangle galaxy.

The Triangulum galaxy is one of the three giants of the local galaxy group, and it is also the only large river system that Xiao Yu has not explored. At this moment, before leaving the local galaxy group, Xiao Yu must explore it anyway.

"The Guardian Civilization started the voyage across the river system with the scientific and technological strength of the sixth-level civilization. This move has to be said to be very courageous. However, according to their technological level and speed at that time, they calculated It takes more than 20,000 years to reach the triangle from the Milky Way galaxy. At this time, their voyage was only halfway. "Xiao Yu thought silently," Well, let them develop, a sixth-level civilization. It ’s not worth my time to look for them in this starry sky. Or ... I can leave something in the triangle to help them a little bit. Or I ’ll explore it in the triangle first Fan, if there are too powerful civilizations, destroy them first, and clear up a little obstacle for their arrival. After all, all civilizations come out of the galaxy. I want to leave the local galaxy group and help them make sense. "

There is a grudge between Xiao Yu and the guardian civilization, but those things seem to be nothing at this moment. It's like when people grow up, the grievances between childhood disappear. Even if it is necessary to let Xiao Yu help the guardian civilization, Xiao Yu is also willing.

With this in mind, Xiao Yu once again spent about 700 years in the Triangulum galaxy. There is no time-lapse phenomenon in the Triangulum galaxy. This is what Xiao Yu knows. Unexpectedly, there is no intelligent creature in the Triangulum galaxy. If that's the case, Xiao Yu hasn't been so surprised. What surprised Xiao Yu is that there are so many civilization relics in the triangle system.

Xiao Yu is exploring here, and many conclusions appear in Xiao Yu's mind.

"Here is a resident of a third-level civilization. They obviously have not mastered the technology of curvature navigation, but it is strange why there is a remnant of a fourth-level civilization at such a close place. Is this a third-level civilization? The vassal of this fourth-level civilization? No, no, there are still the remnants of fifth-level civilization here, as well as the sixth-level civilization ... This is an empty place, and it is obvious that what is there has intentionally erased the trace of existence. Although there is no direct evidence , But I believe there must have been a Level 7 civilization here. "

"Does there exist other seventh-level civilizations besides me in this group of galaxies?" Xiao Yu was thinking puzzled about this question. "A seventh-level civilization, a large number of lower-level civilizations of sixth or lower How does this look like a form of existence of the Alliance of Civilizations? Also, the relics here are not too far away, and they are apparently shortly after they have just left—at most not more than 2,000 years, for what they have left in a hurry ~ www.wuxiaspot. com ~ And, it seems to intentionally cover up the trace of his departure? "

The sight here made Xiao Yu very confused. But no one is destined to solve this confusion for Xiao Yu. After thinking about it, Xiao Yu still decided not to delve into it.

"Whatever it is, it has nothing to do with me anyway. Let's go, leave here, and go to the Muffy One Galaxy ..."

Xiao Yu shifted the fleet's course and headed for the distant river system in the void. However, he did not expect that at this time, a little sign of spatial fluctuations was detected by Xiao Yu.

"Space fluctuations? Curvature sailing? In the vicinity, the spacecraft with intelligent creatures is sailing with curvature!" Xiao Yu confirmed this in an instant. (To be continued ...)

ps: Five more is over ... tired ... go drinking.

Hey, very depressed. For some last resort, even though I know something is wrong, I still have to do it, I have to hurt my dearest person, this feeling ...

No talk, no choice but to say something here, I hope not to affect everyone's reading mood.

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