Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 851: Performers and compensation

"We already knew that the Large Magellanic Cloud would be destroyed, but we did n’t know that the ultimate executor would be you, nor did we know that it was because the main body of our micro civilization escaped into the Large Magellanic Cloud. Only urge you to become the executor of this matter. "The micro civilization said slowly, in his tone, there was an unspeakable sense of sadness.

"What makes me the executor of destroying the Large Magellanic Cloud? What does it mean that the Large Magellanic Cloud was not destroyed by me?" Xiao Yu's mind was full of question marks at this moment. Xiao Yu couldn't think of it anyway. After the micro-civilization decided to confess to himself, the first sentence turned out to have such a meaning.

Xiao Yu remembers clearly, after finding that he has no way to find traces of micro civilization, he made precise calculations in the Large Magellan Galaxy, and arranged high-power chain reactions on tens of millions of calculated points. Space bombs, and then personally issued orders, detonating these bombs, destroying the Large Magellanic Cloud ...

"Yes, long before you arrived at the Large Magellanic Cloud, we knew that the Large Magellanic Cloud was bound to be destroyed." Micro-Civilization continued to sigh, "You probably don't quite understand this thing. This is the thing Prior to this incident, we received an order. The Rebel Alliance ordered our civilization to perform some tasks in the Milky Way. As we passed the Triangulum galaxy, we found some unusual signs here ... "

"Order of the Rebel Alliance? Go on a mission in the galaxy?" Xiao Yu silently pondered the meaning of these two sentences, but did not interrupt the micro civilization. Xiao Yu knows. Many of my doubts can be answered today.

Xiao Yu is waiting for micro-civilization to continue.

"We found that there is a sixth-level peak scientific and technological civilization in the triangle galaxy. And this sixth-level civilization is in the process of preparing for the seventh-level civilization. After further observation, we found an order What we are very shocked is that this sixth-level civilization is actually the guardian civilization that our micro civilization saved from you! Yes, they are the guardian civilization of the galaxy civilization with you! "

"Guardian civilization!" Xiao Yu's mind quickly turned again. "From the perspective of time, the guardian civilization along the vast star road should not have completed half of the journey at that time. They cannot reach the Triangular galaxy so soon. But now, according to micro civilization Say, why did the Guardian civilization at that time have reached the Triangulum galaxy, and seemed to have been prepared for a lot of time-at least they have integrated the entire river system. Are we going to start preparing to impact the seventh civilization? In the middle of the journey of the guardian civilization, there was another advanced civilization that gave some help to the guardian civilization? "

Xiao Yu still didn't ask, he was still listening quietly, waiting.

"We were very weird at the time, but although weird, this was not enough to justify our stay. The most important thing is that we are in the guardian civilization. We found a strange thing ..."

"This thing has the highest level of confidentiality among the guardian civilization. The guardian civilization uses everything they can imagine to keep this thing secret. But we are micro-civilized. We finally have something about this thing through some means. With some understanding, we have concluded that this thing is most likely a legendary causal weapon ... "

"Causal weapon!" These simple five words in Xiao Yu's mind were tantamount to blasting a thunder. Xiao Yu was thinking quickly, "Causal weapon is just something in my inference, but I did not expect that in this universe, it really exists, and it is in the hands of the guardian civilization ..."

Xiao Yu remembered when he was still in the galaxy. At that time, facing the dispute between the guardian civilization and the sweeper civilization, and some weird clues, Xiao Yu at that time speculated that there was still a very important thing in the guardian civilization. Now, Xiao Yu's speculation has been confirmed. Such a thing really exists in the guardian civilization, and it will be the most mysterious causal weapon in Xiao Yu's inference!

"Causal weapon, causal weapon ..." Xiao Yu muttered these five words to himself, wondering what it was like in his heart.

"At the time, we did not act lightly. We found that the Guardian civilization is also very mysterious, so although we are a Level 7 civilization, we have not exposed traces in front of them for the time being. But the task has to be performed, so our micro civilization is the first time Division, we stay here to monitor the guardian civilization and wait for the follow-up development of the thing, the main body of civilization goes to the galaxy to perform tasks ... this is why we stay here. "Said micro civilization.

"It turned out so," Xiao Yu thought secretly, "this explanation makes sense."

"Because the distance is too far away, and our micro-civilization is not a civilization with expertise in communication, we have lost contact with the subject of civilization in the future. We are recording everything about the guardian civilization, here silently Watched them, watched them grow and develop, and finally became a seventh-level civilization, with the ability to activate this causal weapon ... In the process, we also made some efforts. Although there are rules and restrictions , We can not give them the technology of Level 7 civilization, but in some details that are not important to us, but are very important for Level 6, we have given them some help. It seems that there are other advanced civilizations , Guardian civilizations were not restricted by the defenders when conducting super particle accelerated experiments. They successfully became Level 7 civilizations. "

"The Guardian civilization has become a seventh-level civilization and possesses a weapon of causality, which is something worth noting." Xiao Yu thought secretly.

"After becoming a seventh-level civilization, the Guardian civilization finally decided to test the power of this causal weapon. The target they chose was the Large Magellanic Cloud, and their order was to destroy the Large Magellanic Cloud ..." He said, "At that time, the time was more than a thousand years ago. At that time, you have not yet reached the Large Magellanic Cloud ..."

"At that time, we already knew that the Large Magellanic Cloud was bound to be destroyed, but we don't know what the Large Magellanic Cloud would be destroyed for. Because this law of causality cannot break the cause and effect, but only I can specify the result first, and then let the big universe develop its own reasons ... but we didn't expect that the big universe actually developed this kind of reason, it would be because the main body of civilization of our micro civilization fled into the Large Magellanic Cloud, so Xiao You just want to destroy the Large Magellanic Cloud ... If we knew this already, we would prevent the guardian civilization even if we die hard. "The message sent by the micro civilization is full of sadness.

Xiao Yu was once again in thought. The matter of micro-civilization lifting a stone and smashing his own foot was ignored by Xiao Yu. "So, who was destroyed by the Magellan galaxy? Is it mine? The space bomb was blown up, or was it destroyed by the causal weapon of the Guardian civilization? Well, this question doesn't matter, anyway, the Large Magellan Galaxy has been destroyed. But ... this weapon is really so powerful Power? Does n’t it have any restrictions on its use? No, there must be, otherwise, the guardian civilization would have killed me through it ... ”

"After the Guardian Civilization used the causal weapon, members of the Rebel Alliance actually came forward to communicate with the Guardian Civilization. We did n’t know what specific communication was between them. At that time, we hid because of fear. Hiding is more than a thousand years. When we noticed that the rebels had left, we tried to leave here, but we didn't expect to meet you as soon as we came out, and then you were caught ... this is the whole thing Process. "Micro civilization said.

"What? You came out because the rebels left? Doesn't that mean ~ ~ Before you came out, the rebels were watching here, they were watching me, and when I got here Then did they leave? "Xiao Yu suddenly felt a bit cold all over the body, and there was a feeling of being peered in secret.

"That's the way it is," said Micro-Civilization. "Because of misunderstanding and misunderstanding, we just met you and were trapped by you. This may be the luck of our civilization is too bad, or maybe you became Perfect the cause and effect of the executors, so luck is better. We may be the universe to give you the perfect compensation for cause and effect. "

Xiao Yu can understand this sentence of micro civilization. The law of cause and effect is the cornerstone of the existence of the universe. If the universe is conscious, then any attempt to break the law of cause and effect is unforgivable and intolerable. The causal weapon uses this to specify the result, and then forces the big universe to develop its own reasons. Of course, it is impossible for the big universe to interfere in causal development by itself, so an executor is needed. Obviously, in the matter of causal weapons destroying the Large Magellan Galaxy, he is the executor selected by the universe.

It is equivalent to helping the universe, and perhaps because of this, the universe has arranged follow-up things so that it can meet and grasp the micro civilization. (To be continued ...)

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