Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 853: Lost river system

The nine-thousand-character chapter is enshrined ... Today's and make-up yesterday are all in it.


During this period of copying the data, Xiao Yu has begun the preliminary analysis of the scientific and technological data of micro-civilization. Of course, the data stored in the central computer of micro-civilization is not only related to science and technology. The rest, including humanities, history, information, society, and so on, are also in it. Xiao Yu copied these materials together.

Since a seventh-level civilization possesses written characters and the ability to record the history of its own civilization, it has developed to the current historical process, which also has great reference significance for Xiao Yu. From these data, Xiao Yu learned that micro-civilization originally originated from another super galaxy cluster, that super galaxy cluster is more than 60 million light-years away from the Virgo super galaxy cluster in which Xiao Yu is located. Micro civilization has become a seventh-level advanced civilization for nearly ten million years. In the history of nearly ten million years, micro civilization has traveled tens of thousands of river systems, and has done for each of these river systems. Related records, these materials Xiao Yu is naturally very interested.

But Xiao Yu is more interested in another part of the material. That part of the data is a record of the civilizations that micro-civilizations encountered during these nearly ten million years of travel. Micro-civilizations have encountered many civilizations, and the level of science and technology encountered in these civilizations is high or low, and there are even several eight-level civilizations. However, the micro-civilized records of these eight civilizations are much less, and more of them are speculative. I think it is because the micro civilization cannot understand too much about these eight civilizations.

But one thing is a pity, that is. The information obtained by Xiao Yu is not complete, and there are many faults and omissions in these records. But this is also understandable. The micro-civilized fleet that I encountered is not the main fleet of this civilization-the micro-civilized main fleet is already in the Large Magellan Galaxy. Destroyed with the rebirth of the Large Magellanic Cloud.

However, the most critical technology part is not missing. Xiao Yu learned about the development of science and technology of micro-civilization, learned about the situation that micro-civilization chose when it became a seventh-level civilization, and learned how they evolved their bodies to such a small step by step.

"Technology is just a tool in the hands of intelligent creatures, but this tool has fundamentally changed the intelligent creatures themselves." Xiao Yu secretly sighed, "Step by step, start with the normal type of intelligent creatures to transform and make your body more It is getting smaller. Then it directly interferes with the evolution of the body through scientific and technological instruments. Eventually, only the organs responsible for thinking are transplanted into the machine, and then it develops slowly ... Every seventh-level civilization has a strong story. Micro The same is true of civilization. "

Although the micro-civilization belongs to the hostile camp, although the main body of the micro-civilization has been eliminated by itself, this does not affect Xiao Yu's sigh and respect for the development of a civilization.

"Seventh-level civilization is indeed a watershed. Before becoming a seventh-level civilization, the micro-level civilization is the same as the sixth-level or fifth-level civilization I have encountered. There is only a small difference-it is nothing more than a slight gap in technical details. But After becoming a seventh-level civilization, the development between civilizations began to spew bifurcated development, and the gap between different civilizations was so large that it was unimaginable. Just like this civilization recorded in micro-civilization-macro civilization? Within civilization Each of the intelligent creatures has a huge body, and some bodies are the size of a planet ... It is really difficult to imagine. I do n’t know if this macro civilization has been integrated in its own development process. The technology obtained from animal research? It's getting bigger and bigger, which seems to be similar to a strange animal. "

"Well ... Sure enough, there is civilization in the direction of the big universe. Specially, the development of the small universe is the direction of scientific and technological progress of their own civilization, and their small universe may include an entire river system. I do n’t know if the civilization in the direction of the big universe has rules about the small universe. Reconstruction research and progress? I am afraid that there is no such ability in the seventh-level universe civilization. Eighth-level ones are not good. "Xiao Yu thought silently.

Xiao Yu has been slightly exposed to the mysteries of the rules, since after destroying a small universe. If this small universe can be brought back into chaos together with its internal rules, then there must be a way to redefine the rules in it. Maybe, there will be a civilization that has built a small universe that operates completely according to its own wishes. In this small universe, all the rules can be changed by them according to their needs. Among the types of civilizations Xiao Yu currently knows, the civilization in the direction of the universe is closest to his own speculation.

"One more thing ... Civilizations are really similar in the bud period. The initial stage of the development of this micro-civilization, like the humans in the earth era, also experienced the steam age and electrical age, and finally reached the atomic age. These basic Technology is the same, but applied technology is a little different because of differences in civilization, customs and physical structure. "

"Let's take a look at their computer technology ... see what your computing technology is worth learning ..." Xiao Yu roughly flipped through the information obtained from micro-civilization, and finally set his sights on computing technology Above. Computing technology has always been the technology that Xiao Yu is most interested in, and it is also the foundation and fundamental of Xiao Yu's development of all other technologies.

With the release of an order in Xiao Yu's mind, immediately, all the micro-civilized scientific and technological information obtained by Xiao Yu was presented to Xiao Yu.

"Their computer technology is not more advanced than me, and even the overall performance is not as good as mine. But it doesn't matter. They take a different path from me. These things also inspired me a lot. Well? By continuously reducing the size of the computer To reduce the response time and indirectly increase the calculation speed? This method is good and it is worth my reference. "

"With your own micro-technology, you can directly engraving computing elements on micro-particles such as atoms or molecules? With different molecular and atomic structures of different substances, you have made corresponding arrangements for different uses? This is also a good way."

Xiao Yu only felt that his vision was widened. Just glanced over. Before carrying out a detailed scientific analysis, Xiao Yu has reached a preliminary conclusion, that is. After thoroughly digesting the micro-civilized technology, its computer performance will increase by at least 80%.

This is the power of combining the technologies of two different types of civilization. Eighty percent is only the most conservative estimate, and the final result is likely to far exceed this number. This is not a problem of one plus one equal to two. The combined power of the two civilizations is likely to exert its power. Will be much larger than two.

This is the first remaining level 7 civilization technology acquired by Xiao Yu. This point also caused Xiao Yu to think a bit.

"Micro-civilizations have said that defenders are maintaining peace between high-level civilizations by powerful means. It is for this reason that a large number of non-war-type civilizations have emerged among the seventh-level civilizations. Perhaps ... It is precisely because of the problem of one plus one greater than two that wars between high civilizations are strictly forbidden—because it is obvious. War is the best way to promote the integration of civilizations and science and technology. But it is also for this reason that it leads to Those interest-based civilizations have lost their combat effectiveness and lost their ability to protect themselves. If there is a war-type civilization that defeats the rest of the interest-based civilizations in large numbers and acquires a variety of different types of technology, Doesn't it mean that this war-type civilization can develop in an all-round way? "Xiao Yu thought silently on this question. This idea made Xiao Yu's heart tremble. However, Xiao Yu immediately denied the idea: "Seven-level civilizations of war type must be the top priority of the guardian's surveillance. The guardian cannot let this happen. But ... since the guardian has no ability to use force Defending peace between advanced civilizations, then. This seems to me an excellent opportunity. "

"Then ... what about the war between me and micro-civilization? This is also a war of the seventh-level civilization." Xiao Yu thought of another problem, and a little worried in his heart. But then it was cancelled: "There should be no problem. In this incident, after all, I assumed the responsibility of the performer and helped the guardian to perfect the law of cause and effect. Perhaps because it is also good for the guardian, all guardians default It gives me a little bit of benefit. "

This is very possible, but it also means that if Xiao Yu takes the initiative to attack the remaining interest civilizations in the future, Xiao Yu's luck may not be so good, Xiao Yu is very good. May be directly interfered by defenders.

"The future thing, let's talk about it later." Xiao Yu thought secretly, "If that civilization's technology is attractive enough for me, I don't mind taking a risk."

By this time, all the scientific and technological data of micro-civilization had been collected, and the nearly one million micro-civilized spacecraft had no value to Xiao Yu.

"Let's go." Xiao Yu said, "I keep my promise and won't hurt you any more. I'm going to go too. I want to continue my own journey. The universe is big. It is estimated that it will be difficult for us in the future. Met. "

Micro-civilization sounded in silence. Afterwards, Xiao Yu received an echo: "Finally, I sent you a sentence, Xiao Yu, which was not recorded in our central computer. Just thank you for keeping your promise and letting us go."

"What is it?" Xiao Yu asked.

The message of micro-civilization is full of sighs: "The development of war-type civilizations has always been suppressed by defenders. Every war-type civilization will encounter many and countless calamities. You must be careful in the future. "

Xiao Yu has opened the space maze and opened the way to let micro civilization go. After the passage was opened, nearly a million spacecraft of micro civilization left here immediately, and came into the outer space, and quickly disappeared.

But Xiao Yu knew that they hadn't left yet, and they still hovered outside their own spacecraft.

"Since it is a war-type civilization, then relying on war for development will also perish because of war. This is the fate of all war-type civilizations in the universe so far. War-type civilizations are like flying across the sky Although the meteor is gorgeous, it can't last long. You are only a seventh-level advanced civilization. After you become a seventh-level advanced civilization and have the qualifications to choose your own development direction, you need to think carefully about this issue. " Said micro civilization.

"Hum." Xiao Yu snorted slightly. "Don't tell me, the civilizations in the Rebel Alliance are all non-war interest civilizations. Why haven't they been destroyed according to your destiny?"

"What you don't understand, what you don't understand ..." responded to Xiao Yu. It is the sigh of sigh of micro-civilization, "You will understand in the future ... we are gone ... bye ..."

That faint spatial fluctuation disappeared. Xiao Yu knows that this is because the micro civilization has gone too far and is out of his scope of exploration.

"Pretend to be a god." Xiao Yu Leng hummed. "Even if I understand? I will not become a level 7 civilization of war type, or a level 7 civilization of interest type, I will become a civilization you can not imagine. Type ... I will develop in all aspects. Whether it is a war or interest civilization, the science and technology of all-round development is a comprehensive development civilization ... "

Xiao Yu has obtained a lot of micro-civilized scientific and technological information, but it is a pity that it is about defenders. Rebels and other cosmic secrets have less information. Come to think of it, this is also because this fleet is not the main fleet. However, the information obtained so far is also a great gain, enough for Xiao Yu to analyze and digest a lot of time.

"The last thing, it's time to go." Xiao Yu sighed secretly. Began slowly launching his fleet. Slowly increase your own speed and go towards the predetermined goal.

Waiting in front of Xiao Yu is a long journey of 7,000 years. Among all known local galaxy group civilizations, Xiao Yu is the second civilization to sail across the galaxy group after the Guardian civilization.

Xiao Yu is not interested in this title, and no one else will know about it anyway.

Hundreds of years after departure, Xiao Yu once again crossed the Andromeda Galaxy. However, this time Xiao Yu did not enter the Andromeda galaxy again. Passing the Andromeda galaxy is purely a route need.

After crossing the Andromeda galaxy, there will no longer be any large river system of the local galaxy group in front of Xiao Yu. Some are only a few faint satellite river systems of the Andromeda galaxy. For example, Andromeda i, Andromeda. m32, m110 and so on.

Xiao Yu changed his course slightly to make his route cross these river systems as much as possible. While crossing these river systems, Xiao Yu made some observations on these river systems. Some of these river systems are desolate, and some are young and energetic. Among these river systems, Xiao Yu also discovered some other civilizations, but the scientific and technological progress of these civilizations was not high enough. Xiao Yu has no interest in contacting these civilizations. No matter what they are doing at the moment, what kind of situation they are in, whether they are booming or alive, Xiao Yu has not appeared. When observing these river systems, Xiao Yu only played the role of a bystander.

These civilizations will certainly not know. Not long ago, there was just a seventh-level civilization that truly entered the stage of the universe passing through their territory.

After crossing the last Fairy in the direction of the Muffin Galaxy Group, the member of the Milky Way Galaxy Group, Andromeda IV, Xiao Yu completely left the group.

Andromeda iv is a dwarf irregular galaxy. Dwarf means that it is small, while irregular means that the stars inside it move, and the overall appearance of the river system, etc., all show irregular shapes. It does not form a few obvious cantilevers like a spiral or bar spiral galaxy, nor does it form a roughly circular appearance like an elliptical galaxy. It's just an irregular galaxy.

There are only less than 100 million stars inside, and the dust cloud content in the river system is very rare. This means that this river system's ability to make new stars is very weak. Without new stars, the original stars will inevitably fade with the passage of time, or become white dwarfs, neutron stars, or black holes. Going down, it finally becomes a desolate death place where only extreme stars exist.

If within a river system, various extreme stars occupy the majority, and after the number of stars representing survival and hope drops below a certain limit, the river system will be completely annihilated in the starry sky, and it is unlikely that there will be rest Civilization found it again. It is like a monster that hides in the darkness, waiting quietly for any accidental intrusion into its sphere of influence.

Or when a star dies, such as becoming a red giant, the outer layer of the star will diffuse into the universe. When it becomes a neutron star or a black hole, a supernova explosion will eventually spread out a large amount of stellar matter, but it is crucial. That's where these dusts distribute--the dust will slowly spread around the position of the parent star, making it difficult to merge with the rest of the dust. In other words, it is also very difficult to rely on these dust to form the next star.

It was a desolate, dead silence. A small river system without any hope. Just as the frontiers of those countries in the earth era were always desolate, the fairyland-the frontiers of the Milky Way galaxy are also desolate.

After crossing Andromeda IV, Xiao Yu was completely without large masses, and even without any macroscopic matter. No stars, no planets, and even galaxies and rivers.

Xiao Yu's environment. Poor material density. Compared to this, the stellar system, such as the so-called vacuum zone inside the solar system. Compared to here is almost like a rich man. Here, the density of matter has reached an unprecedented level of one atom per cubic meter. This is equivalent to the density of matter that evenly drops a drop of water into six million cubic kilometers of space.

This is why the distance from the Milky Way-Fairy Galaxy group is not too far away. Xiao Yu believes that as he gets farther and farther away from the local galaxy group, the density of matter will further decrease.

It seems that only Xiao Yu is left in the entire universe. In this boundless lonely universe. Only the fleet belonging to Xiao Yu was sailing. Ahead, there is a distant distance of tens of millions of light years, and in such a long distance, Xiao Yu cannot touch any macroscopic matter except his fleet.

Maybe, since the birth of the universe, no civilization has come to this place, and no star has come to this place.

Loneliness is the norm here, but after the phenomenon of extremely thin materials. But it may contain other mysteries, and some physical phenomena that Xiao Yu is very interested in.

The big universe is stable. Both stars and planets have their own orbits, and the chaos of certain river systems or certain star systems, such as the flying of meteorite, can not affect the overall stability of the universe. It seems the universe is predictable.

But after coming to this environment that is close to an absolute vacuum, part of the truth of the universe is exposed to Xiao Yu. Here, Xiao Yu can easily perceive one thing, that is, the universe is not peaceful, and some things here do not all obey the rules currently in the universe.

For example, virtual particle pairs. This is something that belongs to the micro world, and it happens that among the scientific and technological data obtained from micro civilization, there are many studies on these phenomena.

There is nothing in the vacuum, and it can be lively.

In a vacuum, there will be many particles suddenly appearing in an empty place. There is no reason and no law for their appearance. After they appear, they will only exist for a short time. Then both annihilated and disappeared. This can happen anywhere. It seems that the laws of the universe have failed here in general.

Here, mass and energy are not conserved. It is only because they exist for a relatively short time that they maintain the conservation of the mass and energy of the universe as a whole.

This kind of thing, even Xiao Yu has no ability to explain it perfectly. Xiao Yu speculated that perhaps after he has learned all these things, his technology will once again make a leap.

Time slipped away in this boundless open space. In a blink of an eye, thousands of years passed, and Xiao Yu finally reached the true edge of the fairy, the Milky Way galaxy.

The edge here is that after crossing this, the gravity from the fairy-galactic galaxy group will no longer dominate, but the gravity of the rest of the galaxy will start to dominate here, although there is nothing at all here.

For the first time, the gravitational force of the rest of the galaxy groups overwhelms the gravitational force of the local galaxy group. Maybe this kind of gravitational contest is not meaningful at all-you know, at this position, because the distance is too far, there are hundreds of river systems in the local galaxy group, countless stars, black holes, neutron stars and other various The gravity of the stars is not as good as that of a spaceship next to Xiao Yu, but this is after all a way to divide the territory of different galaxy groups.

"It was like when Armstrong first left the earth and set foot on the moon, like when I left the solar system for the first time to the Celestial Four Galaxy, just as when I left the galaxy for the first time into the Large Magellanic Cloud, now, Once I left the local galaxy group and entered the territory of another galaxy group, the Maffei galaxy group. I am here. "Xiao Yu said to himself silently in his heart.

"Maybe in the future, I will have the opportunity to leave the Virgo supercluster for the first time and enter the rest of the supercluster. Maybe I will also have the opportunity to leave the supercluster of the cluster for the first time and enter Into the rest of the super galaxy cluster complex ... this vast universe has unlimited possibilities, and my future is equally unlimited ... "

Here, it is six million light years from the Milky Way, 4.8 million light years from the Andromeda galaxy, and from the Maffei Galaxy cluster. The closest river system to us is over 4 million light years away.

The sky that Xiao Yu could observe entered the darkest period. If you look at it with naked eyes, it's in this position. No matter which direction you look, you can't see a few stars. A few dim light spots make up the entire field of vision.

Even these dim light spots are not unusual. Each dim light is not as bright as a light spot in the night sky above the earth, but it is actually a river system. And it's still a big, bright river. Millions of light years away hide all the details of these river systems. They will be fascinated and magnificent, and all of them will be eliminated in the darkness, and they will be shown to the observers with only a dim spot.

The Milky Way cannot be seen here with naked eyes, and the Andromeda Galaxy also requires people with good eyesight to see it. This distance is really too far. And Xiao Yu's goal, the Maffei galaxy group is even worse. The largest river system in the Maffei Galaxy Group, Maffei One is not as large as the Triangular Galaxy, and it cannot be seen in this unknown.

In front of Xiao Yu, there is a real nothingness, and nothing seems to be ahead. Some are just dark. Xiao Yu was marching toward this nothingness. The telescope is like the sharpest scalpel, allowing Xiao Yu to tear through the universe with all the obstructive methods deployed by long distances. Find what you want. Although you can't see anything ahead with your eyes, Xiao Yu knows that as long as he continues to sail, he will encounter another wonderful thing after thousands of years. There, there will be warm stars, friendly planets, huge river systems, everything you want.

In these thousands of years, with the help of scientific and technological data obtained from micro-civilization, Xiao Yu's science and technology began to progress again. Of course, the most obvious improvement is computing technology. The fact is exactly as Xiao Yu expected. After the integration of micro-civilized technology, the average performance of computer equipment manufactured by him has been improved by 300%.

With more computing power, Xiao Yu began to analyze the remaining technologies and research and development of his own technology with greater strength. Even after analyzing and digesting some micro-civilized science and technology, Xiao Yu made further research on the basis of micro-civilization. Xiao Yu is convinced that at this moment, even if micro civilization is compared with micro technology, he will definitely win.

This is Xiao Yu's excellence. Any technology can be immediately understood with one glance, digested, and truly become its own thing. This is also Xiao Yu's reliance on the future.

Time is still passing slowly, the starry sky in front of it is always the same, always so empty and dark. But in this darkness, Xiao Yu made a little new discovery.

Xiao Yu found a light spot. Perhaps it was because the observation power was only directed at Maffei and the other large river systems, and some of the more important targets in the celestial sphere. Until the distance decreased, the brightness of this light spot increased to a certain degree Later, it was discovered by Xiao Yu's uninterrupted sky survey system.

The Uninterrupted Sky Survey Observing System is observing the entire celestial sphere anytime, anywhere, and has never stopped. Through this system, Xiao Yu monitors any movement of the universe at any time, such as where a gamma ray storm has occurred, where there is an information storm, where there is a supernova explosion and the like. But since it is uninterrupted and celestial, the observation accuracy of this system must not be too strong. So Xiao Yu did not find this light spot until now. After discovering this unexpected light spot, Xiao Yu immediately mobilized his keen observation power and aimed at this position.

This light spot has never been seen in Xiao Yu's previous records. Although this area has been observed many times, Xiao Yu never found it before. This means that it must be small and dark.

Further observations confirmed Xiao Yu's guess. This is a very small and dim river system, or it is not a river system. It's just an independent star cluster.

It's really too small-inside it, there are only a few thousand stars, and it only takes up less than two hundred light years of space. Such a small thing. It is really inappropriate to say that it is a river system. Moreover, Xiao Yu discovered the most amazing point, that is, there is no black hole occupying absolute quality advantage in this little guy to dominate it. It seems that these thousands of stars rely solely on their mutual gravitation to maintain the stability of the group.

At this moment, this small group of stars is only a few hundred years away from Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu has always been very interested in such weird things. So Xiao Yu adjusted a little heading again and drove towards this small group.

The discovery of this little guy changed the name of the Maffei Galaxy group to the nearest river system from Xiao Yu. Transferred from another river system to the head of this small group. This small group is only a few hundred years away from Xiao Yu, and it is nearly a thousand years away from Ma Fei. It is scattered outside the Muffin Cluster, and is moving away from the Muffin Group at a very high speed, and is approaching the fairy, the Milky Way Galaxy Group.

This is a lost creek system. It's like in the Milky Way. Xiao Yu has encountered stray planets that do not belong to the stars. This is also a wandering river system.

After hundreds of years, Xiao Yu reached this river system. After Xiao Yu's voyage has been maintained for nearly 6,000 years, in this distant foreign land, Xiao Yu finally came into contact with macroscopic matter again—glowing stars, planets with stable orbits, vibrant asteroids, etc. .

Xiao Yu carried out detailed observations of this small river system. Anyway, it is so big in total, and detailed observation will not take Xiao Yu for a long time. Xiao Yu found out. There are almost no clouds of gas and dust in this river system, and most of the stars inside it have a history of more than 10 billion years.

this means. For at least eight billion years, no new star has been born in this stream. It is also very strange that Xiao Yu found that the stars in this stream seem to be divided into two groups, which have great differences in elemental composition and star types.

The two stars cannot be formed in the same place, and even they are unlikely to be formed in a river system.

Gradually, Xiao Yu had a guess in his mind about the formation of this river system.

It may be that more than 10 billion years or even more distant times, these stars were scattered in different parts, or in different river systems in accordance with their own orbits. But the river collision broke this peace. This is a gravitational battle between two river systems. In this collision, the black holes in the center of the river system will be affected by very gravitational influence, and they will even gradually approach, eventually merging into a larger black hole. In this fierce gravitational battle, these stars that originally did not belong to the same river system leaned together, bound by their own gravitation, forming an open star cluster.

The star cluster is a astronomical unit next to the river system and one level higher than the stellar system. The largest battleship manufactured by Xiao Yu at this moment is a starship-class battleship that is larger than the starship battleship. There may be several stars in a star cluster, or there may be tens of thousands of stars. For example, the Aung Su star cluster in the Milky Way ~ ~ Bi Su star cluster and the hive star cluster. Star clusters can be classified into globular clusters and open clusters according to their types. The small river system in front of it, in the Milky Way or the Andromeda galaxy, would belong to the category of open star clusters.

After this small river system formed an open star cluster, the gravitational battle between the two large river systems continued, and eventually this newly formed open star cluster was thrown out of the river system category. From this moment, it left its hometown and started wandering.

After some calculations, Xiao Yu came to the conclusion that after its infinite time in the future, if its luck is good enough, it may be captured by the triangle system and eventually merge with the triangle system.

"It's a very interesting little guy." Xiao Yu thought with regret. "Waiting for you, there are billions of time. Good luck. Unfortunately, I don't have enough time to stay here. "

Xiao Yu's fleet slowly left the lost river system and continued to sail forward. The Muffin 1 galaxy is ahead. (To be continued ...)

ps: I ran for thousands of miles today, and finally arrived at home. I didn't eat any food and started to hurry up the time code. At this time I finished writing ... Huh, Rainbow went to rest and eat.

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