Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 864: Replica

Until now, Xiao Yu hadn't completely destroyed the enemy and had a plan to achieve ultimate victory, but he was only a little sure about defending his position. How to end this war depends on detailed analysis of the subsequent war process. Although Xiao Yu already has a certain understanding of the combat power of this virtual life, its existence form, capabilities and so on are still unclear. These things also need to be understood by subsequent intelligence collection.

The hundreds of thousands of spacecraft that Xiao Yu survived did not make any waves among the huge fleet of virtual life civilization. Even if their performance far exceeds that of the enemy, they are useless. Billions and tens of billions of spaceships are coming, and no advanced spacecraft will be an opponent.

Feeling that the last spacecraft had lost contact with himself, Xiao Yu felt a little helpless. Xiao Yu knew exactly what he would encounter next. The two sides have been tested, and then there is a large-scale war.

Among the positions in the light-year range, Xiao Yu adjusted his defensive arrangement for the last time and began to wait quietly.

"It seems that no one has provoked me for a long time, it is me who provoked others. Especially, this time, my combat strength is at a disadvantage. This feeling is really amazing." Xiao Yu secretly in his heart Sighed.

"You are a qualified opponent. I notice that you seem to have the same ability as me. Are you also a civilization in the direction of virtual life?" At this time, Xiao Yu was accidentally received by this virtual life civilization. Coming message.

Xiao Yu smiled slightly and replied: "You already know very well, why do you ask me again? Since you know that I am the same as you, why do you want me to wage this war?"

Xiao Yu knew that it was his own fighting mode. Let the other party mistakenly think that they are the same as it is. This is a wonderful misunderstanding, and Xiao Yu has no reason to pierce it.

"I want the building behind you." Virtual Life Civilization said, "I would be happy to talk to you about the results obtained in the process of studying how to escape the cage, so. If you are willing to give up the protection of architectural civilization. I You can't wage this war against you. "

"Escape from the cage?" Xiao Yu keenly noticed the word. And quickly began to think: "Perhaps, my form of existence is really special. That ’s why this virtual life civilization has no hesitation that I am also a virtual life civilization, so it has no worries to say that it escaped the cage. Such words. If analyzed according to its meaning, it seems that it is being restricted in some way. And it is always looking for a way to get rid of this restriction? "

"You haven't escaped the cage?" Xiao Yu pretended to carelessly asked.

"You have escaped?" In the reply of the Virtual Life Civilization, there was a little more excitement suddenly. "Tell me, how did you escape the cage? As long as you teach this method to me, I can use any method Way to repay you. "

The doubts in Xiao Yu's mind were deeper, but he remained calm. Xiao Yu responded faintly: "Tell me what you can use as a condition for the exchange. Come back to me. As a virtual life civilization, escape from the cage is a very critical stage, and these technologies are worth paying for what you have Anything to exchange. "

Xiao Yu didn't even know what it meant to escape. But this does not prevent Xiao Yu from making some speculations. Escape from the cage seems to be an important thing for the civilization of virtual life direction. So Xiao Yu laid a bait here, trying to use this to extract more information from it.

The virtual life civilization was silent for a while, and replied, "Virtual life civilization can only be born from the seven-level computing-oriented civilization. Your predecessor must also be a computing-oriented civilization. However, computer development technology between different computing civilizations There will still be a gap, and I can surrender all my technology in return. At the same time, I can let go of the architectural civilization and I can withdraw immediately. Or ... "

It seems to have made a big determination. The virtual life civilization continues: "Or, I can give you my copy. I will completely limit its ability and make it unable to accept your anatomy without any resistance. . "

"Replica?" Xiao Yu's mind was a little confused again. Xiao Yu couldn't fully understand the meaning of this sentence, but from the current situation, it seems that this kind of "replication" is very critical and the most precious thing that virtual life civilization can take out. From this point, It can be seen in its tone.

"Since it mistakes me for its kind, then it doesn't seem to me to know what it means to escape cages and replicas. That is to say, it is unlikely to deceive me. Well, this replica What does it mean? ”Xiao Yu was thinking quickly in his mind, but still pretending to carelessly said,“ You know, I have escaped the cage, and you do n’t have it. I am a more advanced being than you, you ’re In front of me, there is no qualification to threaten me. I just don't want to be troublesome. Come out with your sincerity and hand over everything you have. If I'm in a good mood, maybe I will point you to some ways to break through the cage . "

"What qualifications do you have to be arrogant in front of me?" Xiao Yu said lightly. In the base camp, tens of billions of spaceships were slowly moving. Xiao Yu was demonstrating her power in this way. Although Xiao Yu couldn't control so many warships at the same time, "My warships are more advanced than yours, and my warships have more reserves than you. Tell me, why am I threatened by you?"

In response to Xiao Yu, there was a long silence. Xiao Yu kept secretly alerting.

"If I can get what I want through this method," Xiao Yu thought secretly. "Even if I can't get what I want, I will take a little information about it from this guy's mouth. enough."

"How often do you clean the replica?" In this silence, the virtual life civilization suddenly asked.

"You don't need to know." Xiao Yu frowned secretly, using this sentence to perfuse the question in the past.

"What's the chance of a king being born in your replica?" This virtual life quickly asked the next question.

Xiao Yu still responded in a light tone: "You don't need to know this either."

Just kidding, where does Xiao Yu know what a replica is, what escapes the cage, and what is the king born of the replica?

Xiao Yu thinks that his answer is seamless. No matter what the final answer is, Xiao Yu's answer can push back the question lightly and safeguard the authority of his superiors. But I do n’t know why, Xiao Yu ’s answer seemed to be a stingy horse. After hearing the answer, the virtual life civilization had a little anger in the message sent by him: “You mean man! You You have been lying to me, you are not a civilization in the direction of virtual life! "

Xiao Yu was surprised in his heart. Xiao Yu doesn't know how it sees itself through, but from now on, it seems impossible for him to fool this guy to give his technology and intelligence willingly. Because Xiao Yu saw that the huge warship cluster rushed towards him like a tide. War is about to break out!

"This guy! How can you fight?" Xiao Yu thought angrily, quickly manipulating his battleship cluster to prepare for the enemy.

"Among these last two questions, there must be a problem that this guy is cheating me. I didn't know anything about the civilization of the virtual life direction, so all of a sudden I showed my feet! Yeah, that ’s good The last battle, see if you are great or me! "Xiao Yu was thinking quickly," The existence of the replica should be true, but in the latter question, the king born in the so-called replica, It is estimated that there is no shadow at all. It asks me what the chance of a king is, but I answer it without knowing it. Yes, it should be the sentence that reveals the truth! "

Xiao Yu quickly found out where he had made a mistake, but it was too late. This kind of mistake can't be avoided, because Xiao Yu doesn't know what it is ~ ~ Even if you are not a civilization of virtual life direction, but you have the ability similar to mine, then, captured You, it will be of great help for me to escape from the cage ... just stay here with the architectural civilization ... "

Among the signals of virtual life civilization with almost no emotional fluctuations, more than 20 billion warships began to advance at the same time and began to attack Xiao Yu's defensive positions in different directions. The next moment, two large battleships had collided.

On the side of Xiao Yu, one billion warships were directly controlled by Xiao Yu, and nearly 10 billion were controlled by the supercomputing center. On the side of the virtual life civilization, more than 20 billion battleships flocked together.

"Although my spacecraft is more powerful, but in terms of overall combat power, I am not as good as this guy! However, I have a galaxy defense system, and with the cooperation of the galaxy defense system, it is not a problem for me to hold my ground!" Xiao Yu Quickly judged the current situation.

The flames of war, almost at this instant, ignited within a few light years. The silent and dark universe star sky was quickly shrouded in chaos. In the chaotic space, a large number of strange flashes began to appear, and endless energy began to burst out ...

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