Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 866: Crazy

In this war, the virtual life civilization undoubtedly showed a stronger control of battleships and a stronger combat power than Xiao Yu. In fact, if Xiao Yu did not rely on geographical advantage, relying on a long-established defensive system of the galaxy, relying on those interstellar turrets that would not have been shot, and would have hit the shots, Xiao Yu would not be able to support it to this day.

Even if Xiao Yu finally supports to the present, the current situation is very unfavorable for Xiao Yu. After all, if the computing power of virtual life is more powerful than itself, then it is not only manifested in combat, it should also be superior to itself in terms of war potential. At present, it has not begun logistic-related construction, but it is just that it has not begun. When it detects a stalemate in the war, it will definitely begin to move stars around, build a spacecraft base, and rely on greater computing power to devour itself. . This is very bad for Xiao Yu.

Therefore, in the battlefield, Xiao Yu did not hesitate to allocate 1% of the huge computing power, relying on the perfect intelligence network that he had built up long ago, trying his best to observe and analyze all the actions of the virtual life civilization, trying to find out Its weakness comes.

After searching this time, Xiao Yu really found something suspicious.

It should be said that these warships under the control of the virtual life civilization have the same characteristics as those of the warships under their control-tight coordination, complete coordination, and mutual cooperation, as if they are different arms of the same person. This is the biggest difference between a computing civilization and an ordinary intelligent civilization, because no matter how much ordinary scientific and technological civilization is trained, it is impossible for the army to achieve such a tight coordination.

This is not surprising, but Xiao Yu noticed some alien ships. These alien ships still exhibited these characteristics when they were fighting, but before they were destroyed. They behaved strangely.

They show a certain tendency to escape and avoid. Even some spacecraft put this tendency into practice-they really escaped, although they didn't really escape.

Their escape even affected the entire army that cooperated with the attack. Just like the escape incident that Xiao Yu just encountered. A spaceship showed signs of escaping in the face of Xiao Yu's violent attack. It did not take into account that there were dozens of other spaceships around it that were cooperating with the attack. If it did not escape, cooperate with this one. The formation was likely to win this battle, but it escaped. Its escape caused the dozens of spaceships to be affected, and the formation was severely damaged, allowing Xiao Yu's spacecraft to completely destroy the formation in the first place.

What's even more weird is that the first time they showed a tendency to escape, these ships suddenly didn't move. That is. Their escape action can only last for a moment, after a moment, these spaceships seem to have lost all energy and remain motionless in space. Then Xiao Yu was completely destroyed.

This phenomenon is very rare, but because of the huge spaceship base in the entire battlefield, within the entire battlefield, only a few days have passed since the beginning of the war, and Xiao Yu has noticed at least 500 such incidents. This cannot but arouse Xiao Yu's attention. We must know that any strange behavior shown by the side of the virtual life civilization may be an indirect manifestation of their weaknesses. In war. Finding enemy weaknesses is the magic weapon for Xiao Yuke's victory.

"What does this mean?" Xiao Yu was thinking nervously, "the coordination and cooperation of their spacecraft cannot be falsified, their spacecraft cannot be controlled by intelligent creatures, and intelligent creatures cannot do this anyway. However, if they are not controlled by intelligent creatures, how could their spacecrafts have a tendency to escape? Just like my spaceships, I may let my spacecraft destroy the formation and incur a greater risk of damage and let them Escape? The value of each spaceship is the same to me. How can I sacrifice more spaceships for a spaceship without a special combat goal? What does this tendency to escape mean? What? "

This is a very contradictory issue, and Xiao Yu couldn't find any reasonable explanation. Perhaps these accidental phenomena are just that the virtual life civilization is convulsing, and it is only because of its internal program calculation errors that these escape events are caused. Once the escape event occurs, the spacecraft will quickly move, or it may be only within its program. The error correction mechanism is just working.

But Xiao Yu always felt something was wrong. It is already a life, a life that exists in the computer world, and a life that is always different from the program. Xiao Yu knows this well. This kind of phenomenon caused by internal program errors, this Xiao Yu is really unacceptable.

Suddenly, Xiao Yu's heart moved slightly, a new idea came up, "Escape from the cage, copy? Is this escape phenomenon related to these two words? But what is the relationship? "What does the cage mean, is there something restricting it from succeeding? What is the replica? Is it copying its own program once more to make a second self?"

Xiao Yu thought silently, running an instruction in his mind. Immediately, a program was copied and started running. However, at the first moment of operation, Xiao Yu received an error prompt. There are too many contradictions in this copied program. It is not a legal program that can run smoothly at all.

What Xiao Yu copied was himself. But this time the attempt failed. Prior to this, Xiao Yu did not make such an attempt. Every attempt to greet Xiao Yu failed. Xiao Yu has analyzed this situation and reached a conclusion that is logically reasonable and supported by actual conditions.

Again, the program is dead, and people are alive. There is only one Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu copied the program composed by himself, and only copied the program. He couldn't copy his life. It's a copy of itself, but it's just a program. It freezes at the moment it issues a copy instruction and the copy is complete, it can no longer produce any changes. Life is the most changeable. For example, in terms of feelings, feelings are full of contradictions. There are endless loops and logical loopholes everywhere, but Xiao Yu's ontology runs smoothly because of Xiao Yu's existence. Replicas have no life, just a simple program. It naturally cannot operate with so many infinite loops and logical loopholes.

"Perhaps, there is a certain difference between the replica of virtual life and this replica." Xiao Yu shook his head, throwing this idea out of his mind. Now that the information is insufficient, Xiao Yu has no way to proceed with the next analysis. However, this weird escape phenomenon has been noticed by Xiao Yu. In the subsequent wars, Xiao Yu will pay more attention to this situation and try to find more available clues.

It has been almost a month since the collision between the two civilizations. The two sides are still deadlocked, and neither side has shown a tendency to fail. During this time, Xiao Yu noticed more of the tendency to escape, and has been analyzing these events silently. In addition, Xiao Yu also noticed other situations.

That is to say, this virtual life civilization has begun to build a system supporting war support. Xiao Yu noticed that a huge fleet had begun to leave the battlefield and set off into the void of the universe, and they were clearly heading for the stars. Xiao Yu knows that it has also started to move stars and planets. After moving these stars, it will begin the construction of war-related infrastructure. There will also be huge factories on those planets, and there will also be a huge number of spacecraft sources Endless births.

This is also the case inside Xiao Yu's galaxy defense system. At the core of the defensive position, beside the architectural civilization, Xiao Yu's war base has been working there for more than 900 years, and has been running to the present. It was a huge base made up of hundreds of stars and more than 5,000 planets. Every star is surrounded by dense instruments ~ ~ These instruments are constantly extracting the mass of the stars as the source of power for the construction base. Above the planet, numerous huge mining bases are the Xiao Yu war system The most basic support, the processing plant is the second support, and the space dock built in space is making new spacecraft day and night, ready to supplement frontline losses.

These bases meant that Xiao Yu's war potential was theirs, giving Xiao Yu the confidence to fight a protracted war.

However, what made Xiao Yu's heart even heavier was a **** reality, that is, his opponent, the seventh-level civilization in the direction of this virtual life, also had no less than his own war potential. It is even very likely that its computing power is greater than itself, and its construction speed is also greater than itself.

Xiao Yu can't imagine that one day, in the constant wear and tear, all his own ships will be destroyed, the new ships have not yet been built, and the overwhelming enemy fleet has rushed to their core ...

This is something Xiao Yu cannot tolerate. At this time, a somewhat crazy idea came to Xiao Yu's mind.

"Why ... destroy this river system? There aren't enough stars, not enough material. I see what you use as raw materials for construction ..."

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