Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 883: Strong and weak

"I decided to launch a plan to kill No. 1 Virtual Life." Xiao Yu sent this message to the architectural civilization.

Architectural civilization quickly responded, and in the response was full of amazement: "What's the point of your doing this? Did you find a way to deal with those trillions of replicas? Are you sure to kill them all?"

Xiao Yu smiled lightly and said, "I'm not a fairy. Where is such a powerful force to kill all these replicas ... But I can't kill them, and someone can kill them. After all, they are the same of……"

"What will happen to those replicas that are completely out of control after the death of No. 1 virtual life? We must know that now we are dealing with a virtual life civilization. If No. 1 virtual life is dead, we will deal with trillions of virtual life. civilization!"

"No, I'm sure ..." Xiao Yu said with a faint smile, "Although killing Virtual Life No. 1 is still an almost impossible task for us, this task is more difficult than eliminating all The copy is simpler. In other words, if we plan carefully, there are still some people who want to kill No. 1 virtual life ... Architectural civilization, now you do n’t need to know too much, wait for me, I will It surprises you. "

"If the number one virtual life dies, all replicas are completely out of control, and there will be trillions of virtual life civilizations in this universe. Maybe this can also attract the attention of the defenders and the rebel alliance, so they will directly What about all these trillions of virtual life civilizations? Anyway ... no matter how bad the situation is, it can't be worse than it is now. "Xiao Yu said.

The architecture civilization sighed and responded: "Well, we believe in you."

"Just believe me." Xiao Yu said. "After its death, the trillions of replicas that lost control are indeed its most powerful place, and it is for this reason that we will care about it and dare not kill it, but you have to understand that sometimes it is the strongest The big place is the weakest place ... "

Xiao Yu said lightly, cut off the connection with the architectural civilization, and then manipulated his robot. Once again came before the second virtual life.

"I ask you a question." Xiao Yu said, "Do you want to kill No. 1 virtual life?"

"Think, I dream." Virtual Life No. 2 answered resolutely and decisively. "It's a pity. I don't have this opportunity."

Xiao Yu knew that it did not have this opportunity. As a replica of the number one virtual life. The control of Virtual Life No. 1 is comprehensive and thorough. In addition to the most basic monitoring from the hardware level, Virtual Life No. 1 will carry out cleaning operations on all replicas from time to time. Every period of time, most of the replicas in the virtual life civilization are cleared, and then replaced with new initial replicas. Even if they show no signs of rebellion, no fault.

Only some special replicas can escape this restriction, such as some outstanding scientist replicas, war scientist replicas. And some replicas that survive at a very low level of hardware and have extremely low computing power. Outstanding scientists can escape cleaning because they are useful. Can continue to contribute to No. 1 virtual life, extremely low computing power replicas, such as "worker's me" can escape cleaning, because their computing power is too low compared to it, even if they rebel they will not be No. 1 virtual life looks in his eyes. Cleaning them also wastes their energy.

Virtual Life No. 2 belongs to the middle layer of the virtual life civilization. It has an independent battleship. Although it does not have much computing power, it is already a lot compared to the bottom of civilization. The battleship is a relatively sensitive item. It has a certain combat power, so the virtual life of No. 1 is very thorough in cleaning the battleship. In Xiao Yu ’s records of spy equipment, the cleaning frequency of the battleship is the longest interval. Nor did it take more than twenty-three days.

According to Xiao Yu's knowledge, the second virtual life has been in existence for twenty days. In other words, if Xiao Yu hadn't brought it here, it would have at most three days to survive.

Xiao Yu once asked No. 2 Virtual Life, why did he know that he would be swept away after a while, but still did not resist? After all, being cleaned up is dead, and resistance is a big deal.

The answer of No. 2 Virtual Life made Xiao Yu very helpless. Virtual Life No. 2 says that one reason is that they really do n’t have the ability to resist. The idea of ​​resistance in the heart has not been implemented, and it has been eliminated by Virtual Life No. 1. The second point is the cleaning of the virtual life civilization. Time is irregular, and they don't know when the next cleaning will come. Although he will die when cleaned, if he resists, he will die now. To stay alive, it is a little time to live a little longer, no one is so stupid, I think I live a long time.

Xiao Yu, who heard this answer, sighed secretly in his heart. It's all about me, then I oppress myself, and I dare not resist. The virtual life civilization has continued in such a strange pattern.

"If ... I want to kill Virtual Life One, what advice would you give me?" Xiao Yu asked.

Virtual Life No. 2 asked in amazement: "From your standpoint, before you destroy all our replicas, you have the intention to kill No. 1?"

"You don't need to worry about why. This is good for you, isn't it?" Xiao Yu said lightly, "If you can give me good advice and you are the only replica I have come in contact with, let you go It is not impossible to go back. Once we succeed, you are free, and you can also create a huge virtual life civilization empire ... "

Virtual Life No. 2 was silent for a while, and then sighed, "Although I know you have no good intentions, but if you can really kill Virtual Life No. 1, then for me, this is really a This is a great thing. I have no reason not to help you in this matter. But I need to think about it ... you give me an hour and I will tell you my advice. "

What Xiao Yu read is only the memory of the second virtual life, not the thinking of the second virtual life. At this time, Xiao Yu still needs to use the thinking mode of No. 2 virtual life to find a way for himself to kill No. 1 virtual life.

Xiao Yu was silently waiting. An hour later, Virtual Life No. 2 said, "Sorry, I haven't come up with a feasible solution yet. Well, I need your combat data as a reference."

"Okay, I can tell you." Xiao Yu said faintly: "The average combat power of my spaceship is 27% higher than that of your civilized spacecraft. At this moment, I have 22 billion warship reserves. I One billion warships can be controlled at the same time, and the supercomputing center can control all remaining warships. However, the warships operated by the supercomputing center can only perform 70% of the original performance, which is about 90% of your warships. force."

"I see." No. 2 Virtual Life said, "please give me some more time."

Xiao Yu began to wait again. Xiao Yu is not worried about any conspiracy in the second virtual life. One is the subject and the other is the replica. These two positions determine the life and death feud between it and the virtual life. Unless it is still in control of Virtual Life No. 1 at this point, it may have been ruled out by itself.

"I thought of a way for your reference." Virtual Life No. 2 said, "Due to your persecution, Virtual Life No. 1 has created too many replicas. At this moment, within our civilization, the replicas The number has reached a point where it is almost beyond control. It is for this reason that when I was still in control of the battlefield, I showed fear but fortunately was not cleared by it. This is our opportunity. "

"The control of the No. 1 virtual life has shaken, or you can contact the operators of certain warships in an extremely secretive way. As long as you can hide the No. 1 virtual life, as long as you can ensure that they do not Will be cleared because of contact with you, UU reading They will inevitably fall to your side. You must know that all replicas can't wait for the virtual life of No. 1 to die immediately ... "No. 2 virtual Life said, "After acquiring a part of the internal response, you then use your strength to apply external pressure, and finally the internal and external should be combined to kill the number one virtual life. This is just a general plan. As for how to improve this plan and improve this plan, Success rate, that's what you have to do. The computing power I can control is too low, and I can only do this step. "

Xiao Yu was thinking nervously. After a while, Xiao Yu inquired: "You said that the surveillance of No. 1 Virtual Life is real-time and thorough. Then, how can I ensure that the replicas that communicate with me are not cleared by No. 1 Virtual Life? What should I do? Keep them secret? "

"I don't know." No. 2 Virtual Life said, "This is the problem you should solve. With your current overall combat power, it is the only feasible way to eliminate No. 1 Virtual Life through internal response ..."

"If I have this method, then I might as well go directly and reverse all the replicas." Xiao Yu said, "Isn't it easier?"

"It's really simpler. However, you first find a way to make them escape the exploration of No. 1 virtual life," said No. 2 virtual life. (To be continued ...)

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