Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 887: Human, fight!

Finally came the final battle with the virtual life civilization. After this battle, regardless of whether Xiao Yu's plan can achieve ultimate success, Xiao Yu will leave here.

"I've been entangled here for hundreds of years ..." Xiao Yu sighed secretly, "It's really time to end. All the arrangements are in place and all the preparations are done. If you can't A victory can only show that there is too much difference between my strength and the enemy's strength. This is no way out. "

At this moment, virtual life civilization is still in a booming period. Although their rear construction no longer has a stellar reserve, a large number of carrier ships are constantly transporting a large amount of material from the stellar ruins around the starry sky day and night. These materials support the huge construction of virtual life civilization. At this time, at least 40 billion warships have been reserved in their main bases, and there are still a steady stream of warships coming from bases around the sky.

"The total number of their warships is estimated to be more than 80 billion, but these warships are scattered all over the sky. They ca n’t gather together in a short time. This is my opportunity. I must speed Quickly decide, end this war in the shortest time. "Xiao Yu thought silently," Come out all the combat power, all battleships can be directly controlled by those I can directly control, those that can not be directly controlled It's all controlled by the supercomputing center, and all the combat power is suppressed. Use this battle to determine the future! "

The human spacecraft is also in the battle. Accompanying the human spacecraft set off was Xiao Yu's all combat forces-there were nearly 30 billion spacecraft. This is really the most powerful combat power Xiao Yu can come up with.

Xiao Yu's spaceship transfer immediately caught the attention of the virtual life civilization. Xiao Yu saw it. The endless spacecraft began to move, and the bases and bases everywhere were the images of the space shuttle shuttle. An unprecedented pressure began to condense in this starry sky. The war is about to erupt.

This is a battle larger than the first encounter between two major civilizations of level seven, and it is also a battle that determines the fate of the two civilizations. Whether you can achieve your goals depends on this time.

"It may be very confusing for me to launch a full-scale offensive at this time, because in any way I have no hope of winning this battle. But it does not matter, my purpose is not your civilization, but rather You. As long as you can kill you. My purpose is achieved. "Xiao Yu thought secretly.

A bright white beam appeared in the dark space. It ran from Xiao Yu's forward spacecraft to the depths of the distant starry sky at the speed of light, and accurately hit a prefecture-level spaceship. The spacecraft exploded and disintegrated. A strong flash of light illuminated the space of tens of thousands of kilometers.

The explosion of the spacecraft heralded the official launch of a full-scale war. After that, it seemed as if all arrows were firing together, and countless space artillery began to fire. Countless bright white speeds of light were emitted and submerged into infinity. With the appearance of bright white light beams. The space began to distort, and the spread of light changed accordingly, as if in a chaotic world in a kaleidoscope. Some of Xiao Yu's spacecraft suddenly lost track, some of them disappeared, and some of them were still outside. It seemed strange.

The two torrents finally collided. And these two torrents are just two of thousands of torrents. In more places in the starry sky, more fierce battles are underway. There are too many spaceships. The scope of the battlefield is too huge, and endless spacecraft are fighting here. Endless explosions, flashes, light beams, and spatial distortions fill the space in this dozen light-year range.

This is a head-to-head fight without any fancy. At present, Xiao Yu has no plans to launch those forces that he has hidden. The most critical force is to be used at the most critical moment, and it is still far from it.

This battle was the first time that the human spacecraft came out to participate in the battle. This is Xiao Yu's flagship, and it is also the most powerful spacecraft. Its strength is enough for all the ships in the battlefield to look up. This is the embodiment of Xiao Yu's highest scientific and technological strength.

At the moment, it is entangled with another star-class battleship of virtual life civilization. Behind the enemy's star-class battleship is a vast space base. In this space, the endless steel buildings seem to be connected into one piece. Countless huge buildings stand on it. Countless aircrafts are moving between different buildings. If you look closely, you can see countless Ant-like robots work **** it. Its length is nearly ten million kilometers, and its width and thickness have reached the levels of millions and thousands of kilometers, respectively. This is a great building that can only be manufactured after the construction capacity is run to the limit. Even Xiao Yu can only lament in his heart when facing such a building.

At this moment, Xiao Yu's goal is to destroy this largest logistic base, and within a certain time, sever the supplement of combat power of virtual life civilization! In this huge logistic base, at least billions of ships are being built, and among these ships, at least 300 million ships may soon be ready for combat!

In this huge logistic base, there are bound to be many replicas that have been countered by Xiao Yuce, but at this moment Xiao Yu has ignored them. Xiao Yu can't control the spread of those viruses, but can monitor their actions and control their lives after they counteract those replicas. If they dare to do something detrimental to Xiao Yu at this moment, the perfect judgment procedure inside the virus will automatically start and destroy these replicas.

Cooperating with Xiao Yu, he was trying to make a hide with Tiger. Not only Xiao Yu knew this, but those replicas also knew it. But they have no choice, most of them will choose to cooperate with Xiao Yu. Because of the bitter hatred and so little hope for freedom. It is precisely because of this certainty that Xiao Yu will produce this virus. The fact is also developing as Xiao Yu expected.

There are many such huge building bases in the virtual life civilization, and the building base in front of them is the largest one and the most well-prepared one. Such a difficult goal naturally requires the human spacecraft to lead the team to overcome it.

The various weapons equipped on the human spacecraft are being launched at full power. The bright white light beams emitted by hundreds of thousands of strategic space cannons carried the breath of death towards the front, and the spin of space combined with the space maze made the space twisted into a twist. The **** spacecraft shuttled back and forth among the phantoms created by the space maze. The space bomb clusters were like bloodthirsty sharks ...

This space has become chaotic to the extreme, and at this time, among the rear building bases, the addition of space defense equipment built on the base further aggravated the panic here. Countless lightsabers rise from above the base, like the searchlights on the stage, they constantly shake, sometimes they will go out, or they will occasionally brighten, and countless lightsabers also penetrate into this chaotic space In there, looking for his own goal.

Countless spacecraft took off from here and entered space, and countless spacecraft landed from space and came here for rest. Takeoffs and landings are like dense flies without stopping for a moment. Occasionally, an attack fell on this building base, and a large amount of smoke and flames would be raised. Immediately, rescue ships and robots like a swarm swarmed over to repair these equipment ...

The human spacecraft is entangled with the star-class battleship. In this battle, Xiao Yu has the absolute advantage. Countless own spaceships are like ants, consuming their energy little by little, destroying the facilities above it. Eliminating it is only a matter of time for Xiao Yu.

However, Xiao Yu knew that it would not retreat. There was still hope for survival if it continued fighting. Once retreat, it would be wiped out by the virtual life number one immediately. Virtual Life No. 1 may be making some other arrangements, but these arrangements ~ ~ have nothing to do with it. These arrangements may save the big picture, but they cannot save it.

Under Xiao Yu's fierce offensive, the star-class battleship disintegrated, and the burst of light almost matched a star. The chaotic space became more chaotic due to the impact, and even the space where many spacecraft were directly broken did not know where it was rolled. Only a faint explosion reveals their end.

There are no obstacles ahead. Xiao Yu's warships, like the tigers descending from the mountain, came to the side of this huge logistics construction base. The violent attack began at the next moment, and all kinds of space weapons all faced the building base which is now unable to defend ...

In just ten minutes, this building base and the hundreds of millions of spaceships under construction inside it have all been destroyed. The human spacecraft led the convoy fleet to change course, and rushed towards another part closer to the core of the virtual life civilization.

The flames of war have spread to the range of more than ten light years, and fierce fighting is everywhere.

"It's coming, it's coming, and I can immediately launch the nail I buried in the virtual life civilization ..." Xiao Yu muttered to himself. (To be continued ...)

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